Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

What about the millions of people who live in those states and can’t afford to travel?

What about the 10 year old rape victim who had to go to another state… a state that no longer allows abortions?
Now you admit the policies of Biden do not work worth a shit.
Here I want to introduce you to Roe v. Wade.

First thing to get is the ruling by the court was not lawful at all. It endorsed the death of millions of tiny children. Children should be your first thing to protect and not protect an adult who got knocked up. I tell such women, there is plenty of products to prevent pregnancy. Use them. If men were knocked up, I would tell them the same thing. unless you want kids, do not produce them.
Good Lord. You’ve been a GOP cultist for a LONG time.

A fiscal hawk who thinks doubling the debt is just fine
Well, I do not know how long you have been a DNC cultist but in the years since I posted to you, on other forums, you are completely being ruled by Democrats.
You said with no proof that Reagan doubled the debt. You ignored the massive increases his programs caused for the USA that caused a super good economy.
Good Lord. You’ve been a GOP cultist for a LONG time.

A fiscal hawk who thinks doubling the debt is just fine


Given actual rates of inflation, through 1987, the Reagan tax cuts saved the median-income two-earner American family of four close to $9,000 in taxes from what it would have owed in 1980.

Tax cuts were only one “leg of the stool.” The second, jobs, was equally strong. Not only were there millions of new jobs, but the benefits of job creation were not limited to one segment of society. Employment of African-Americans rose by more than 25% between 1982 and 1988, and more than half of the new jobs created went to women.

Taming the lion called government spending was another key component of the plan – the “third leg of the stool.” Here, too, President Reagan did what he said he would do. During his Administration, growth in government spending plummeted from 10% in 1982, to just over 1% in 1987. With inflation factored in, Federal spending actually went down in 1987 – the first time that had happened in well over a decade.

So impressive was the Reagan Recovery that at the G7 Economic Summit in 1983, when it was obvious the President’s plan was working, the West German Chancellor asked him to “tell us about the American miracle." That was quite a turnaround from two years earlier, when President Reagan outlined his economic recovery plan to an unconvinced group of world leaders.

Now, however, they all wanted to know how he did it, so he told them: reducing tax rates restored the incentive to produce and create jobs, and getting government out of the way allowed people to be entrepreneurs. From there, the free marketplace operated as it was supposed to.

As President Reagan observed with a wry smile, “I could tell our economic program was working when they stopped calling it Reaganomics.” But what really pleased him most about the Reagan Recovery was not the vindication or all the impressive statistics. To him, the success of Reaganomics was what it brought to the American people.

Millions had good jobs and were able to keep more of the money for which they worked so hard. Families could reliably plan a budget and pay their bills. The seemingly insatiable Federal government was on a ‘much-needed diet. And businesses and individual entrepreneurs were no longer hassled by their government, or paralyzed by burdensome and unnecessary regulations every time they wanted to expand.

In a phrase, the American dream had been restored.


Given actual rates of inflation, through 1987, the Reagan tax cuts saved the median-income two-earner American family of four close to $9,000 in taxes from what it would have owed in 1980.

Tax cuts were only one “leg of the stool.” The second, jobs, was equally strong. Not only were there millions of new jobs, but the benefits of job creation were not limited to one segment of society. Employment of African-Americans rose by more than 25% between 1982 and 1988, and more than half of the new jobs created went to women.

Taming the lion called government spending was another key component of the plan – the “third leg of the stool.” Here, too, President Reagan did what he said he would do. During his Administration, growth in government spending plummeted from 10% in 1982, to just over 1% in 1987. With inflation factored in, Federal spending actually went down in 1987 – the first time that had happened in well over a decade.

So impressive was the Reagan Recovery that at the G7 Economic Summit in 1983, when it was obvious the President’s plan was working, the West German Chancellor asked him to “tell us about the American miracle." That was quite a turnaround from two years earlier, when President Reagan outlined his economic recovery plan to an unconvinced group of world leaders.

Now, however, they all wanted to know how he did it, so he told them: reducing tax rates restored the incentive to produce and create jobs, and getting government out of the way allowed people to be entrepreneurs. From there, the free marketplace operated as it was supposed to.

As President Reagan observed with a wry smile, “I could tell our economic program was working when they stopped calling it Reaganomics.” But what really pleased him most about the Reagan Recovery was not the vindication or all the impressive statistics. To him, the success of Reaganomics was what it brought to the American people.

Millions had good jobs and were able to keep more of the money for which they worked so hard. Families could reliably plan a budget and pay their bills. The seemingly insatiable Federal government was on a ‘much-needed diet. And businesses and individual entrepreneurs were no longer hassled by their government, or paralyzed by burdensome and unnecessary regulations every time they wanted to expand.

In a phrase, the American dream had been restored.
Save the word salad.

Reagan doubled the debt
Save the word salad.

Reagan doubled the debt
Well, thanks to the Democrats. I suffered enormously due to Carter. Carter drove me to be a republican. Reagan made me very happy. We agents then had a way to survive at the time. Reagan the great.
Carter fucked up the American economy.

What was the deficit of Jimmy Carter?

In November 1978, Carter signed the Revenue Act of 1978, a $19 billion tax cut. Federal budget deficits throughout Carter's term remained at around the $70 billion level reached in 1976
Hey Bobby.. I was wrong. Reagan didn’t double the debt he nearly tripled it
Hey Bobby.. I was wrong. Reagan didn’t double the debt he nearly tripled it
Without any help from the congress? Are you saying that Biden has no help from congress?

If Biden has no help from Congress, why is he whining now?
Well, thanks to the Democrats. I suffered enormously due to Carter. Carter drove me to be a republican. Reagan made me very happy. We agents then had a way to survive at the time. Reagan the great.
I really don’t give a shit how you got driven to crazy town
Without any help from the congress? Are you saying that Biden has no help from congress?

If Biden has no help from Congress, why is he whining now?
Here's the problem......YOU ^^^^ have a 'protect the party' ideology, rather than Country over Party.

But you are a COWARD, and hide behind FAKE phrases like "patriots" or "tax relief" or whatever is the current buzz word.
Here's the problem......YOU ^^^^ have a 'protect the party' ideology, rather than Country over Party.

But you are a COWARD, and hide behind FAKE phrases like "patriots" or "tax relief" or whatever is the current buzz word.
You have seen no evidence on my part to support your lies about me.
We want open borders to stop. We want Taxpayers treated fairly. We want laws on the books to be enforced. We would love it if all were healthy. We do not think Americans can afford what Democrats want. Witness the extreme national debt. Debt is not being paid down.

That extreme national debt is 100% because of the Reagan, Bush, Trump tax cuts to the morbidly rich.

100% of it.

Just as soon as we get rid of those failed conservative policies that all three ended up with recessions, massive increases to the deficit, and the destruction of the greatest middleclass expansion in history.

The debt will go away. Giving rich people tax cuts they don't need or deserve, is speniding. Spending we can no longer afford.

Of course if you think it's not fair to Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, to have to pay more taxes. Feel free to send them a check at the end of the month with a note exspressing how sorry you are, and that they can count on your continued financial support to help with their personal rocket ships.

See, a twofer. We get rid of the debt, and give middle America their money back, and you get to lick a billionaires asshole.
Look, I was a very loyal Democrat to Carter. Sure you can claim that is nuts. I changed parties to stop being nuts.
I don’t know what you were but your cultist now.. and crazier than a bedbug
I don’t know what you were but your cultist now.. and crazier than a bedbug
I told you I was also a member of the Democrat cult. I broke free so you can as well.


Given actual rates of inflation, through 1987, the Reagan tax cuts saved the median-income two-earner American family of four close to $9,000 in taxes from what it would have owed in 1980.

Tax cuts were only one “leg of the stool.” The second, jobs, was equally strong. Not only were there millions of new jobs, but the benefits of job creation were not limited to one segment of society. Employment of African-Americans rose by more than 25% between 1982 and 1988, and more than half of the new jobs created went to women.

Taming the lion called government spending was another key component of the plan – the “third leg of the stool.” Here, too, President Reagan did what he said he would do. During his Administration, growth in government spending plummeted from 10% in 1982, to just over 1% in 1987. With inflation factored in, Federal spending actually went down in 1987 – the first time that had happened in well over a decade.

So impressive was the Reagan Recovery that at the G7 Economic Summit in 1983, when it was obvious the President’s plan was working, the West German Chancellor asked him to “tell us about the American miracle." That was quite a turnaround from two years earlier, when President Reagan outlined his economic recovery plan to an unconvinced group of world leaders.

Now, however, they all wanted to know how he did it, so he told them: reducing tax rates restored the incentive to produce and create jobs, and getting government out of the way allowed people to be entrepreneurs. From there, the free marketplace operated as it was supposed to.

As President Reagan observed with a wry smile, “I could tell our economic program was working when they stopped calling it Reaganomics.” But what really pleased him most about the Reagan Recovery was not the vindication or all the impressive statistics. To him, the success of Reaganomics was what it brought to the American people.

Millions had good jobs and were able to keep more of the money for which they worked so hard. Families could reliably plan a budget and pay their bills. The seemingly insatiable Federal government was on a ‘much-needed diet. And businesses and individual entrepreneurs were no longer hassled by their government, or paralyzed by burdensome and unnecessary regulations every time they wanted to expand.

In a phrase, the American dream had been restored.
I can appreciate the sentiment , especially having lived through it Rob

But the world's turned a few times since '87

That extreme national debt is 100% because of the Reagan, Bush, Trump tax cuts to the morbidly rich.

100% of it.

Just as soon as we get rid of those failed conservative policies that all three ended up with recessions, massive increases to the deficit, and the destruction of the greatest middleclass expansion in history.

The debt will go away. Giving rich people tax cuts they don't need or deserve, is speniding. Spending we can no longer afford.

Of course if you think it's not fair to Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, to have to pay more taxes. Feel free to send them a check at the end of the month with a note exspressing how sorry you are, and that they can count on your continued financial support to help with their personal rocket ships.

See, a twofer. We get rid of the debt, and give middle America their money back, and you get to lick a billionaires asshole.
I was for around 42 years a member of your cult. YES, I was lied to by Democrats and took their word as truth. But I learned they lie. As you did above.

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