Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

We want taxes chopped. But who gets all resentful? Democrats do that precise thing.
Peasant Pissants

These serfs are loyally bickering about income taxes when limiting inheritances to $100,000 and confiscating trust funds will eliminate the need for the living ever having to pay taxes again. It will also reverse the decline caused solely by preordaining incompetent spoiled brats to control business, government, and culture.
Do you? Really?

We currently have a system where two people earning identical incomes pay radically different amounts in taxes.

We currently have a system where two business earning identical incomes pay radically different amounts in taxes.

And you can thank Republicans for the most part for that.
Just LOOK at the narcissism here!!!!!
I figured months ago you are a loyal Democrat.

Where the public is fucked constantly is using precent of incomes.
We should do as cities and counties do and tax goods and services when obtained.


Collection is far easier. Stores, car dealers, businesses all over America currently collect sales taxes. Those funds are paid to the Government. And you do not have to file any report on your spending. At the moment,. the Feds also have sales taxes. At your gas pump. And other things you pay amount to payments of taxes to the feds. We fuck the public by charging them income taxes.

Democrats are furious if the rich pay lower amounts. If the rich paid sales taxes, you would not even hear about it.
Sperm Bingo Prohibited

How about an HeirHead tax? Eliminate that class and we will eliminate all other taxes.
I was at a base that was shut down under BRAC, nobody was released, the mission just moved to another location.
True about some bases. But do you deny Mare Island at Vallejo is closed? Fort Ord close to monterey is closed?

Even you were at a base that got closed. I have not even addressed personnel moves.
Which is the best lesson. They should not need the aid. But the Democrats hold out the bags of money and say take this.
Have you voluntarily turned down your social security? Give up your farm price supports? Your business covid money?
Peasant Pissants

These serfs are loyally bickering about income taxes when limiting inheritances to $100,000 and confiscating trust funds will eliminate the need for the living ever having to pay taxes again. It will also reverse the decline caused solely by preordaining incompetent spoiled brats to control business, government, and culture.
You know why we never fight over the yachts costs or the costs of the Rolls Royces?

We do not have them. The rich do. But what happens to yachts and Rolls Royces?

The rich rule over them. We are dismissed as non buyers.

Same for the feds. The rich are doing okay. But nothing done by Democrats changes that. The Rich pay a lot more in sales taxes. I am fine with that. i think it is shitty to focus on incomes.
Have you voluntarily turned down your social security? Give up your farm price supports? Your business covid money?
All I have is Social security. I got nothing due to CV19 except what Trump and Biden approved to be sent to me.

I might later address Social security and how they cheat my doctors all the time.
It hasn't. Not during the Trump admin.
This blog post considers the effect of lower tax revenues on both the 2023 deficit and on deficits dating back to the enactment of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).

2023 Revenues and Deficit​

While we do not yet have official data for FY 2023 from OMB and Treasury, estimates from the Congressional Budget Office suggest that a decline in major tax revenues was the largest driver of the increase in the deficit from 2022 to 2023.[1] In fact, non-interest outlays held roughly steady as a share of GDP, and discretionary spending programs (that is, spending excluding mandatory items like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid) actually fell as a share of GDP.

Some of the revenue decline is attributed to a fall in tax receipts that had been unusually elevated earlier in the pandemic in a manner that masked the lower tax revenues that were widely projected following the passage of the TCJA. Most notably, capital gains realizations were historically high in fiscal year 2022 (Figure 1), due to strong market returns earlier in the recovery — leading revenues in 2022 to be higher than in the post-TCJA revenue projections. Indeed, in February of this year, CBO projected that capital gains receipts would fall as a share of GDP in fiscal year 2023, beginning to return towards the levels projected after the TCJA passed.

All I have is Social security. I got nothing due to CV19 except what Trump and Biden approved to be sent to me.

I might later address Social security and how they cheat my doctors all the time.
So you are a welfare queen..
Hahahaha, Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP will say anything to get elected. What they want is a nationwide ban on abortion. They like the wide open borders and are probably in cahoots with the fentanyl pushing Cartels because they damn sure don't want to secure the border as evidenced by killing the much need reforms Lankford negotiated, apparently in bad faith. They also want Puti-Bear to own The Ukraine. No longer being pro Israel they encourage Hamas and their reign of terror. They also are encouraging Xi ownership of the South China Sea and Taiwan. That's what they really want.

There isn't a brain in your head.
We want open borders to stop. We want Taxpayers treated fairly. We want laws on the books to be enforced. We would love it if all were healthy. We do not think Americans can afford what Democrats want. Witness the extreme national debt. Debt is not being paid down.

The GOP is just as responsible for the debt as the Dems.
They got reduced after the Soviet Union collapsed. We closed so many bases all over the world I can name some of those since the bases I served at are closed.

Fort Ord, Ca
Ledward Barracks in Germany
Germany has a tiny number of our bases today. Thanks to Reagan.

Ft. Ord and Ft' McPherson for me.

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