Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

Have you voluntarily turned down your social security? Give up your farm price supports? Your business covid money?
And things like this are always brought up. It would e interesting to see everything that the taxpayers fund. You may not do this again. Those who paid into Social Security earned it. If you question if there are people who have gotten many times over what they paid in for that and Medicare, it was the government who did this. Farm price supports may be questionable. Then when the product is not there when you expect it there is crying. Anyone who plays a game with those supports though, are wrong. If Covid money is in Prog areas, and the owners are Progs, who cares? When Progs are done there will be tens of millions of people dead.
I'm not a (R).
So are you implying that I don't want Taxpayers treated fairly?
Sounds like it.

I've stated many times.
A). If a family makes $150,000 AGI, and pays a 12.8% ETR
But a
B). Family making more, Like $15 million AGI, they should rightly pay at least the 12.8% ETR that the family above pays, are SHOULD pay a HIGHER ETR.

Am I wrong?
The top 10 percent of earners bore responsibility for 76 percent of all income taxes paid,
And yet somehow managed to double the debt
Had the democrats not fought him, he would have slashed the debt by simply cutting Government. Democrats held him back.
The top 10 percent of earners bore responsibility for 76 percent of all income taxes paid,
Dear Lord,

For the 100th+ time, no one denies that FACT.

It's when I pay 13% ETR, and a earner of more than $10 Million per year pays a lower ETR.

Do you understand Effective Tax Rate?

Your is true, but it misses the point of TAX breaks for the Ultra Rich.
How does, DJT, a so-called Billionaire, pay FIT of just $750.

You call him smart, I call him a tax cheat.
Had the democrats not fought him, he would have slashed the debt by simply cutting Government. Democrats held him back.
Sure he would. Republicans said the same about Bush and Regan before him

Never seems to happen and it’s always someone else’s fault
Dear Lord,

For the 100th+ time, no one denies that FACT.

It's when I pay 13% ETR, and a earner of more than $10 Million per year pays a lower ETR.

Do you understand Effective Tax Rate?

Your is true, but it misses the point of TAX breaks for the Ultra Rich.
How does, DJT, a so-called Billionaire, pay FIT of just $750.

You call him smart, I call him a tax cheat.
“So far, Washington has been spending money as if we had unlimited resources,” said Sung Won Sohn, an economics professor at Loyola Marymount University. “But the bottom line is there is no free lunch,” he said, “and I think the outlook is pretty grim.”

The gross debt includes money that the government owes itself, so most policymakers rely on the total debt held by the public in assessing the government’s finances. This lower figure — $26.9 trillion — is roughly equal in size to the U.S. gross domestic product.

Last June, the Congressional Budget Office estimated in its 30-year outlook that publicly held debt will be equal to a record 181% of American economic activity by 2053.
So? Go to a state where you can. I can't get a shot of Jack Daniels in the county where the distillery is located. you don't hear me whining about it.
What about the millions of people who live in those states and can’t afford to travel?

What about the 10 year old rape victim who had to go to another state… a state that no longer allows abortions?
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Sure he would. Republicans said the same about Bush and Regan before him

Never seems to happen and it’s always someone else’s fault
During the Reagan administration, fiscal year federal receipts grew from $599 billion to $991 billion (an increase of 65%) while fiscal year federal outlays grew from $678 billion to $1144 billion (an increase of 69%).

Reaganomics - Wikipedia​

What about the millions of people who live on those states and can’t afford to travel?

What about the 10 year old rape victim who had to go to another state… a state that no longer allows abortions?
What you admit is the Democrats are not doing shit for we the little guy.
What about the millions of people who live in those states and can’t afford to travel?

What about the 10 year old rape victim who had to go to another state… a state that no longer allows abortions?
Not my concern. What about the children in the hospital dying of cancer. What about them?
The Republicans do not want anything done about the border. They just tipped their hand on that issue in the past two weeks.

You've been hoaxed, rube. And they are hoaxing you in plain sight.
? Why because they wouldn’t sign onto a bill that wasn’t designed to secure the border and gave more money to Ukraine than to border security? Write a bill for each issue, and vote on it. None of the 4+ issues in that bill were related to each other.
And yet somehow he managed to DOUBLE the debt
Thanks to the Democrats.

Still it was a small fraction of receipts.

When Ronald Reagan took the oath of office as America’s 40th President on January 20, 1981, the country was experiencing some of the bleakest economic times since the Depression. Taxes were high, unemployment was high, interest rates were high, and the national spirit was low.

To reverse the economic cliimate of the time, President Reagan put forth an enomoic policy which aimed to reduce government regulation, lower taxes, and promote free-market capitalism as a means to stimulate economic growth and increase individual wealth.

Bringing America back was the new President’s top priority and he shared his vision in his Inaugural Address:

“This Administration’s objective will be a healthy, vigorous, growing economy that provides equal opportunities for all Americans, with no barriers born of bigotry or discrimination. Putting America back to work means putting all Americans back to work. Ending inflation means freeing all Americans from the terror of runaway living costs. All must share in the productive work of this ’new beginning,’ and all must share in the bounty of a revived economy.”
Thanks to the Democrats.

Still it was a small fraction of receipts.

When Ronald Reagan took the oath of office as America’s 40th President on January 20, 1981, the country was experiencing some of the bleakest economic times since the Depression. Taxes were high, unemployment was high, interest rates were high, and the national spirit was low.

To reverse the economic cliimate of the time, President Reagan put forth an enomoic policy which aimed to reduce government regulation, lower taxes, and promote free-market capitalism as a means to stimulate economic growth and increase individual wealth.

Bringing America back was the new President’s top priority and he shared his vision in his Inaugural Address:
Good Lord. You’ve been a GOP cultist for a LONG time.

A fiscal hawk who thinks doubling the debt is just fine

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