Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

Trump ran trillion dollar deficits in a strong economy
Because of Democrats. The COVid Crisis caused taxpayers to get much more money.So all in all, by we getting our checks from Trump, sure the deficit went up. But we got the money back.
Maybe social spending
Military spending skyrocketed
Which is okay. Because at the time Reagan fought the Soviet Union. But we got to reduce forces thanks to Reagan over time.
Voting to slash debt and taxes!!!

President Trump’s Federal Budget committed to restraint while prioritizing the funding needed to rebuild our national defense and strengthen America’s borders.

Under President Trump, Congress passed the first overhaul of the United States tax code in more than 30 years, putting money into the pockets of millions of American families. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act included the launch of “Opportunity Zones,” which bring hope and a brighter future to nearly 9,000 distressed communities with tax incentives for new development.

In 2019 alone, the Trump Administration surpassed its promise of removing two existing regulations for each new regulation added, issuing 150 deregulatory actions alongside just 35 new significant regulatory actions. This deregulatory wave unleashed massive benefits for the American people and our economy.

The Republicans do not want anything done about the border. They just tipped their hand on that issue in the past two weeks.

You've been hoaxed, rube. And they are hoaxing you in plain sight.
Bull. You are the rube. Biden chooses to ignore existing law and would simply ignore any new one passed. Cuz we all know 10% goes to the Big Guy
I'm not a (R).
So are you implying that I don't want Taxpayers treated fairly?
Sounds like it.

I've stated many times.
A). If a family makes $150,000 AGI, and pays a 12.8% ETR
But a
B). Family making more, Like $15 million AGI, they should rightly pay at least the 12.8% ETR that the family above pays, are SHOULD pay a HIGHER ETR.

Am I wrong?
I figured months ago you are a loyal Democrat.

Where the public is fucked constantly is using precent of incomes.
We should do as cities and counties do and tax goods and services when obtained.


Collection is far easier. Stores, car dealers, businesses all over America currently collect sales taxes. Those funds are paid to the Government. And you do not have to file any report on your spending. At the moment,. the Feds also have sales taxes. At your gas pump. And other things you pay amount to payments of taxes to the feds. We fuck the public by charging them income taxes.

Democrats are furious if the rich pay lower amounts. If the rich paid sales taxes, you would not even hear about it.
It astounds me, simply ASTOUNDS me, there are tards out there who actually bleev the GOP is the party of fiscal responsibility.
Democrats put the brakes on it when we try harder.

Reagan slashed spending but what do Democrats claim? That he spent a lot more. But he had a project called the Grace Commission whose task was to slash spending. Democrats kept making sure that he could not clash spending.

Want more proof? When I have talked for many years of slashing spending, who jumps my case? Democrats always jump my case.
I figured months ago you are a loyal Democrat.

Where the public is fucked constantly is using precent of incomes.
We should do as cities and counties do and tax goods and services when obtained.


Collection is far easier. Stores, car dealers, businesses all over America currently collect sales taxes. Those funds are paid to the Government. And you do not have to file any report on your spending. At the moment,. the Feds also have sales taxes. At your gas pump. And other things you pay amount to payments of taxes to the feds. We fuck the public by charging them income taxes.

Democrats are furious if the rich pay lower amounts. If the rich paid sales taxes, you would not even hear about it.
So you think people should ONLY be taxed on consumption and not income or property.
But we didn’t reduce forces or military spending
They got reduced after the Soviet Union collapsed. We closed so many bases all over the world I can name some of those since the bases I served at are closed.

Fort Ord, Ca
Ledward Barracks in Germany
Germany has a tiny number of our bases today. Thanks to Reagan.
So you think people should ONLY be taxed on consumption and not income or property.
I know they are taxed now on property and on consumption. We should use that system.
They got reduced after the Soviet Union collapsed. We closed so many bases all over the world I can name some of those since the bases I served at are closed.

Fort Ord, Ca
Ledward Barracks in Germany
Germany has a tiny number of our bases today. Thanks to Reagan.
BRAC did not reduce our forces
It just moved them around
Republicans cut taxes and spend
Suppose you did not have to obey them and you did not file income taxes? What if your taxes were included as today in goods and services?
You would not deprive the feds of needed money. And they would finally have an incentive to save money and not keep adding to the national debt.

You did not dream up income taxes. Why are you loyal to income taxes?

Are you really happy that under Biden the national debt screamed up to 34 trillion as of now?

When you shop, and the merchant collects sales taxes, do you report that to the Feds?

No you do not have to. Sales taxes are the system to use.
BRAC did not reduce our forces
It just moved them around
I know many bases got shut down. We do not have a huge army as we had under Democrat FDR. And he fucked us by shoving war ships to Pearl Harbor as my Avatar book discusses.

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