Africa is Rising

Come back when you have a clue as to what that means.
You tell me what it means. China has a population of roughly 1.4 billion people. There are about 11 thousand babies born in China every day. There are about 6 thousand people who die in China each day. This doesn't sound like they will lose 50% of their population. Not as long as more babies are being born than people dying.
You tell me what it means. China has a population of roughly 1.4 billion people. There are about 11 thousand babies born in China every day. There are about 6 thousand people who die in China each day. This doesn't sound like they will lose 50% of their population. Not as long as more babies are being born than people dying.
What he means idiot, is that half of China is going to displace the sub-Saharan Africans eventually. That would be the only way it will not be a perpetual shithole.
Do you expect the Chinese turn a shithole into gold or take the gold from the shithole and leave the shit behind?
I expect the Chinese, with the help of Russia, to kick all the European parasites out of Africa. Once they are kicked out, the natural resources they've been STEALING won't be available to them anymore. Here the Europeans are -----:sleep:.
What he means idiot, is that half of China is going to displace the sub-Saharan Africans eventually. That would be the only way it will not be a perpetual shithole.
Africans are not going to be displaced, MORON. If hundreds of years of colonialism and slavery couldn't displace them, nothing can.
This thread has went down hill again. Nothing but idiots/racists/xenophobes are posting here. Bye.
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You were too stupid to understand what he meant. I am not the moron you are and given IQ tests, it is highly unlikely anyway.
I'm sure my IQ is higher than yours. Now, go take a bath. You'll smell better if you take a bath. ;)

Exports don't benefit the exporter? Where do you come up with this shit?

Now they only export poor people who can't afford to live in a country crafted by Robert Mugabe.

Shit begets shit, which you know all too well.

One of my dearest friends spent 30 years in Zimbabwe. He's an anthropologist, author and professor. The white owned farms produced commercial crops for export and controlled all but 5% of arable land. They reinvested nothing in healthcare, education or infrastructure beyond a few farm to market roads. There's lots of information about Zimbabwe if your interest is genuine.
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One of my dearest friends spent 30 years in Zimbabwe. He's an economist, author and professor. The white owned farms produced commercial crops for export and controlled all but 5% of arable land. They reinvested nothing in healthcare, education or infrastructure beyond a few farm to market roads. There's lots of information about Zimbabwe if your interest is genuine.
Ahhhh yes, yet more lies. What are you 125 years old? Based on your lies that's about how old you would have to be.
I don't think so. I believe Africa is at the beginning of a history changing revolution. I also believe more African countries are going to join BRICS, develop their own currency and dethrone the US dollar as the pre-eminent currency.
Want to make a bet and re-visit it a year from now? :confused-84:

So does professor Hitchcock .

One of my dearest friends spent 30 years in Zimbabwe. He's an economist, author and professor. The white owned farms produced commercial crops for export and controlled all but 5% of arable land. They reinvested nothing in healthcare, education or infrastructure beyond a few farm to market roads. There's lots of information about Zimbabwe if your interest is genuine.
Ahhhh yes, yet more lies. What are you 125 years old? Based on your lies that's about how old you would have to be.
Sure he was. Like I said, based on your tall tales you've got to be 125 years old.
Ahhhh yes, yet more lies. What are you 125 years old? Based on your lies that's about how old you would have to be.

Sure he was. Like I said, based on your tall tales you've got to be 125 years old.

You're such a loser.

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