Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

So now Biden is responsible for 40 years of debt?
Of course not. Biden has poured fuel on spending.

When we want taxes to be in line with the ability of the public to pay the taxes, Democrats tell us we want to shut down spending. This means democrats want more and more spending.
34 Trillion by Biden. What did Trump add in a desperate time in this country?
Were all your fools in a coma while Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt? I certainly started enough topics about it while he was doing it!

There's a reason I say you are all willfully blind.

Trump DOUBLED the deficit BEFORE Covid.

So...nice try.

Also this from BEFORE Covid:

Trump Proposes a Record $4.75 Trillion Budget

During Covid:

Trump says he wants a bigger stimulus package than the $2.2 trillion amount that Democrats are seeking

We want Taxpayers treated fairly.
I'm not a (R).
So are you implying that I don't want Taxpayers treated fairly?
Sounds like it.

I've stated many times.
A). If a family makes $150,000 AGI, and pays a 12.8% ETR
But a
B). Family making more, Like $15 million AGI, they should rightly pay at least the 12.8% ETR that the family above pays, are SHOULD pay a HIGHER ETR.

Am I wrong?
Republicans cut taxes and spend
You never will have fair taxes by spending as do the Democrats. When Republicans demand spending is cut, Democrats cry and scream we will shut down the government. If your wife spends double what you make, do you approve her doing that?
Of course not. Biden has poured fuel on spending.

When we want taxes to be in line with the ability of the public to pay the taxes, Democrats tell us we want to shut down spending. This means democrats want more and more spending.

We want taxes to be in line with what we are spending

Republicans keep slashing taxes without reducing spending
I'm not a (R).
So are you implying that I don't want Taxpayers treated fairly?
Sounds like it.

I've stated many times.
A). If a family makes $150,000 AGI, and pays a 12.8% ETR
But a
B). Family making more, Like $15 million AGI, they should rightly pay at least the 12.8% ETR that the family above pays, are SHOULD pay a HIGHER ETR.

Am I wrong?
Robert has no idea what ETR or AGI mean
Hahahaha, Benedict Donald's Neo-GOP will say anything to get elected. What they want is a nationwide ban on abortion. They like the wide open borders and are probably in cahoots with the fentanyl pushing Cartels because they damn sure don't want to secure the border as evidenced by killing the much need reforms Lankford negotiated, apparently in bad faith. They also want Puti-Bear to own The Ukraine. No longer being pro Israel they encourage Hamas and their reign of terror. They also are encouraging Xi ownership of the South China Sea and Taiwan. That's what they really want.
You never will have fair taxes by spending as do the Democrats. When Republicans demand spending is cut, Democrats cry and scream we will shut down the government. If your wife spends double what you make, do you approve her doing that?

Republicans slash taxes and then demand the poor and working class make up for it
You never will have fair taxes by spending as do the Democrats. When Republicans demand spending is cut, Democrats cry and scream we will shut down the government. If your wife spends double what you make, do you approve her doing that?
If your wife spends too much do you just arbitrarily refuse to pay your bills?

Republicans have tried to do that numerous times
Republicans slash taxes and then demand the poor and working class make up for it
That is not true. But on that topic, Why then have taxes increased for the rich? It makes no sense to spend more on the poor since it is a path that encourages poverty.
If your wife spends too much do you just arbitrarily refuse to pay your bills?

Republicans have tried to do that numerous times
We want taxes chopped. But who gets all resentful? Democrats do that precise thing.
Democrats brag all the time they want higher taxes. Democrats have by far made most of the tax laws. You merely admitted the system is the shits.
Dems have never met a tax increase they didn't love, because most of the money raised goes into their pockets.
Republicans slash taxes and then demand the poor and working class make up for it
Biden in what he calls a good economy, though for most it is not, plans to spend an amount that hikes the debt to 34 trillion dollars this year alone.


The national debt eclipsed $34 trillion several years sooner than pre-pandemic projections. The Congressional Budget Office’s January 2020 projections had gross federal debt eclipsing $34 trillion in fiscal year 2029.

But the debt grew faster than expected because of a multi-year pandemic starting in 2020 that shut down much of the U.S. economy. The government borrowed heavily under then President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden to stabilize the economy and support a recovery. But the rebound came with a surge of inflation that pushed up interest rates and made it more expensive for the government to service its debts.

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