Here is why the Israeli Ethnic Cleansers are already being beaten

Luiza may not know that the Saudis hate the
Houthis. "Israel still wants the US to attack
Iran"-----persons who claim that they KNOW
what other people "WANT" exhibit evidence of

Yemen is an impoverished disaster. It's been violent since I was a girl. The Houthis overthrew the government. They have nothing to offer Yemen... Bibi Netanyahu is still talking about attacking Iran. Have you forgotten how they demanded the US attack Iraq?
Yemen is an impoverished disaster. It's been violent since I was a girl. The Houthis overthrew the government. They have nothing to offer Yemen... Bibi Netanyahu is still talking about attacking Iran. Have you forgotten how they demanded the US attack Iraq?
I do not forget anything----who is "they"? Benyamin is not talking about attacking Iran--but Iran has been attacking Israel for DECADES now. Yemen is a shariah shithole touting the same islamonazi shit that prevails in mosques even in the USA. It's poverty is a moot point---lots of shariah shit holes are poor---some are rich---the rich supply the bullets and bombs. Bangla Desh is impoverished too--but still managed to genocide its Hindu population
out of existence
I do not forget anything----who is "they"? Benyamin is not talking about attacking Iran--but Iran has been attacking Israel for DECADES now. Yemen is a shariah shithole touting the same islamonazi shit that prevails in mosques even in the USA. It's poverty is a moot point---lots of shariah shit holes are poor---some are rich---the rich supply the bullets and bombs. Bangla Desh is impoverished too--but still managed to genocide its Hindu population
out of existence

Israel still owes Iran $100 million plus interest for oil. They've been threatening Iran since the early 1990s. The Israeli politicians need to keep their citizens scared and foreign aid flowing.
Israel still owes Iran $100 million plus interest for oil. They've been threatening Iran since the early 1990s. The Israeli politicians need to keep their citizens scared and foreign aid flowing.
I am familiar with islamo nazi propaganda----
I have not met any "scared" israeli citizens---
You are free to cite those "threats" by Israel
against Iran and their craven proxy dogs. Iran
owes Jews ---BILLIONS (and zoroastrians
even more) ----how much does Israel owe
Iran in rain clouds? I forgot. As to "arabs"--
their problem is the intensity of IRANIAN
I am familiar with islamo nazi propaganda----
I have not met any "scared" israeli citizens---
You are free to cite those "threats" by Israel
against Iran and their craven proxy dogs. Iran
owes Jews ---BILLIONS (and zoroastrians
even more) ----how much does Israel owe
Iran in rain clouds? I forgot. As to "arabs"--
their problem is the intensity of IRANIAN

What do the Iranians owe Israel? Thousands of Jews lived in Iran until the European Zionists arrived.
The OP is still pissed because those imperialistic US buildings got in the way of those airplanes on 9-11 and slaughtered 19 Muslims.
What do the Iranians owe Israel? Thousands of Jews lived in Iran until the European Zionists arrived.
SO----like many other nations (or PEOPLES) they were genocided by INVADING MUSLIMS---
in fact the prime movers in the islamic victory over Iran were ARABS leading to mass conversions and the unfortunate loss of zoroastrian culture. The remnant zoroastrians
survive in Mumbai, Israel and USA. There is a theory that the zoroastrian intellectuals of Iraq
gave rise to the YAZIDIS ---who had fled the
arab invasion into the hills. I have a friend from Mumbai who surprised me one day by launching into a conversation with a shop keeper in Manhattan in a language I did not recognize. ---Later I asked and she said "IRAQI ARABIC" ---turns out she was of the community of Iraqi jews who fled to Bombay along with the zoroastrians----more than 1000 years ago. The good news is that the Jews and Zoroastrians (Parsis) of Bombay (Mumbai) still
get along well
What do the Iranians owe Israel? Thousands of Jews lived in Iran until the European Zionists arrived.
European zionists went to Iran? I know lots of Iranian jews--all avid zionists. As far as I know--
none have European background. Their cuisine
is very PARSI (zoroastrian). I was fascinated to
discover that they use DILL---an herb hubby calls "the ashkenazi stuff"----but that stuff grows
easily in lots of places---temperate
The OP is still pissed because those imperialistic US buildings got in the way of those airplanes on 9-11 and slaughtered 19 Muslims.
there is always a reason. Muslims NEVER ATTACK EXCEPT IF THEY HAVE A REASON.
<<<< It's in the koran---so it must be true.
The OP is still pissed because those imperialistic US buildings got in the way of those airplanes on 9-11 and slaughtered 19 Muslims.
Let us know about your alternative Universe which we are not privy to .

To help you appreciate me --- Sorry you have been so far excluded :-

I am a highly qualified professional middle age ( good looking ) woman living in Sussex in the south east of Merry England . Family , cat , horrible children etc
My mother escaped Germany before WW2 and my English white father trained commandos in WW2 .
And I am sorry that your CIA and Deep State False Flagged you on 9/11 .
Let us know about your alternative Universe which we are not privy to .

To help you appreciate me --- Sorry you have been so far excluded :-

I am a highly qualified professional middle age ( good looking ) woman living in Sussex in the south east of Merry England . Family , cat , horrible children etc
My mother escaped Germany before WW2 and my English white father trained commandos in WW2 .
And I am sorry that your CIA and Deep State False Flagged you on 9/11 .
So, my post was spot-on.
That racist-luiza was very busy spamming stupidity here on forums on Christmas eve, when it was weihnacht in her Germany.

Sad loser - she "it": will probably repeat the same tonight.
That racist-luiza was very busy spamming stupidity here on forums on Christmas eve, when it was weihnacht in her Germany.

Here is one of the Forum Outcasts picking up pocket money to act as a low grade Troll .

Am pleased to see that you Outcasts are feeling shame at your Racist garbage being highlighted and your support of Ethnic Cleansing being clearly identified .

You are actually the lowest of the bunch in IQ terms -- incapable of an opinion or able to thread together a position .

You must be furious to see the Ethnic Cleanser False Flag going wrong .
I wonder if we will see something approaching the end of the Israeli State further down the line?
Looks a distinct possibilit y with the IDF Terrorists sustaining so many losses and their economy being hit so hard .
But bad things happen to Trolls and bad people .
Israel has been buttfucking Gaza for 3 months. Israel is going to continue to buttfuck Gaza for several more months as well. "Israel is being beaten"?


Are genocidal Zionists and traitorous "Israel Firsters" really so stupid as to believe that the world's 2.2 Billion Muslims will ever let either Israel or the US have a moment of peace after the Gaza Genocide?
Are genocidal Zionists and traitorous "Israel Firsters" really so stupid as to believe that the world's 2.2 Billion Muslims will ever let either Israel or the US have a moment of peace after the Gaza Genocide?
There are plenty of bombs and bullets for those 2.2 billion muslims. Muslims are shit people, therefore they have weak nations that dont have the ability to win wars against the west and their allies. Killing muslims is easy as fuck, and its also amusing. :dunno:
Are genocidal Zionists and traitorous "Israel Firsters" really so stupid as to believe that the world's 2.2 Billion Muslims will ever let either Israel or the US have a moment of peace after the Gaza Genocide?
Grau is doing the "ALLAH IS ON OUR SIDE" islamo nazi bullshit. Christian missionaries announce "JESUS SAVES" ---
took me a long time to understand that the "save"
issue has something to do with attainment of paradise.
An even more intriguing LURE I stumbled on ---beyond "read your koran" ----is a TRIUMPHANT "WHY NOT JOIN THE WINNING SIDE"
Oct. 7 was an example of a BIG WIN.
No one should underestimate the APPEAL
For a huge segment of people---it's much more inviting than
"Jesus saves"
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Are genocidal Zionists and traitorous "Israel Firsters" really so stupid as to believe that the world's 2.2 Billion Muslims will ever let either Israel or the US have a moment of peace after the Gaza Genocide?
No but Dogboy is .

He and others really believe this False Flag is just about oppressed and brutalised people living in Gaza taking on another small nation of people worshipping a false God .

Dogboy has no inkling how strong and well trained Iran is now .
I suspect they would blow away a USeLess army except they can never get one there .
No but Dogboy is .

He and others really believe this False Flag is just about oppressed and brutalised people living in Gaza taking on another small nation of people worshipping a false God .

Dogboy has no inkling how strong and well trained Iran is now .
I suspect they would blow away a USeLess army except they can never get one there .
Huh? you are claiming that Iran is trying to get the United States army to invade Iran so Iran can BLOW US AWAY? As to muslims "leaving jews alone"----review history----they have, since the life of the rapist dog of arabia, been
BUGGING Jews. There is a very interesting letter written by Maimonides (you can search that name) to the Yemenite community circa
the 12th century AD---in which he tries to encourage them to SURVIVE THE FILTH OF ISLAMIC OPPRESSION <<< that's documented history

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