Yemen's Houthi rebels claim responsibility for cruise missile strike in Israel - New York Post

for information on HOUTHIS---talk to your local Yemeni muslim---often owning or working in small kiosks----starter businesses in cities. Of course
you could talk to a Saudi muslim for even more exciting information. Beware
of an uncontrollable tendency to SPIT on hearing or enunciating the word
"houthi" From the sunni UMMAH POV---the only thing good about HOUTHIS is their intense desire to kill jews
I traveled along the bombed-out roads and bridges through Kampuchea (from the Thai border to Phnom Penh) during the last year of the Khmer Rouge madness plus I'm a Vietnam Veteran, and I spent a few nights in Beirut in 1977. I'm not religious but when my time is up my time is up. But don't worry ..... I'm 77 now and the chances of me doing any strenuous travel is very unlikely.

You're brave. Yemen is savage... Kidnapping for ransom and all that.
for information on HOUTHIS---talk to your local Yemeni muslim---often owning or working in small kiosks----starter businesses in cities. Of course
you could talk to a Saudi muslim for even more exciting information. Beware
of an uncontrollable tendency to SPIT on hearing or enunciating the word
"houthi" From the sunni UMMAH POV---the only thing good about HOUTHIS is their intense desire to kill jews

People don't spit around me.
The whole region was willing to make friends with anyone who did not threaten them. I've been there.
you must be talking about the cab drivers and coffee guys you met along
the way-----Hubby was born there along with thousands of people he calls
relatives Even the Yemenis in this city---call him
'brother' in between the arabic curses
You're brave. Yemen is savage... Kidnapping for ransom and all that.
ie--very islamic. Yemen is so much a standard islamic society--that
converts are advised to spend some time there to experience the
"muslim way of life" Even Bin Laden preferred it to the "westernized
filth of Saudi Arabia." His most current wife was shipped to him from
Yemen----all the way to Afghanistan ??or ? Pakistan
you must be talking about the cab drivers and coffee guys you met along
the way-----Hubby was born there along with thousands of people he calls
relatives Even the Yemenis in this city---call him
'brother' in between the arabic curses

How old was hubby when he left Yemen?
ie--very islamic. Yemen is so much a standard islamic society--that
converts are advised to spend some time there to experience the
"muslim way of life" Even Bin Laden preferred it to the "westernized
filth of Saudi Arabia." His most current wife was shipped to him from
Yemen----all the way to Afghanistan ??or ? Pakistan

Obama bin Laden's father was from Yemen. Yemen is violent and impoverished.

Israel announces largest West Bank land seizure since 1993 during Blinken visit

you must be talking about the cab drivers and coffee guys you met along
the way-----Hubby was born there along with thousands of people he calls
relatives Even the Yemenis in this city---call him
'brother' in between the arabic curses
I've been everywhere in the Middle East, North Africa, the length of the African continent, etc. In fact, I've been "everywhere" in the world except for South America. I've had a few close calls but I survived to tell about it. I've been shot at, had stones thrown at me, under rocket attack, under mortar fire, had a tree fall on me, and even been threatened at gunpoint on two separate occasions in the US just because they thought it was fun to scare the shit out of someone.
Wasn't he an infant? I'm glad he got out .
His parents were glad to get out too---and his cousins and
aunts and uncles----leaving was a very dangerous endeavor
and required extensive BAKSHEEESH
I've been everywhere in the Middle East, North Africa, the length of the African continent, etc. In fact, I've been "everywhere" in the world except for South America. I've had a few close calls but I survived to tell about it. I've been shot at, had stones thrown at me, under rocket attack, under mortar fire, had a tree fall on me, and even been threatened at gunpoint on two separate occasions in the US just because they thought it was fun to scare the shit out of someone.
stay away from trees which look "sick" or in storms--especially high winds
His parents were glad to get out too---and his cousins and
aunts and uncles----leaving was a very dangerous endeavor
and required extensive BAKSHEEESH
Baksheesh is always welcomed in the Arab-Moslem world. It's "cadeau" to speed up or turn a blind eye.

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