Here It Is......Live With It!!

I think another big, fresh batch of kool-aid is in order or perhaps a little waterboarding session, don't you?
Are you going to be the first volunteer and can I watch?
Sure. I have no problem with you watching me waterboard mike, you sadist fuck. And after I am done with him, I'll do you next. Sounds to me like you might get off on it.
^And here we have the lovely representative of the extreme leftist who fully earn and deserve Mikey.
Yes, expand spending by $1 trillion your first year, then use that as the baseline.

You moonbat chumps are such suckers.

I wonder why there was so much spending that first year. It's almost like he was trying to stop some kind of free fall.
Too big to fail comes to mind... What a load of crap and it was forced upon the people to keep the crooked bankers who cooked the books boat floating.

Exactly. Previous policies forced us to bail them out to keep the entire economy from collapsing. To not bail them out would have caused a depression. Odd that republicans are trying to repeal the laws put in place to keep that from happening again.
It took sell-out slimes from both parties to start that shit ball rolling.

The shit ball exploded under Shrub. It took a while to slow the fall to a stop and then reverse direction. That's where the huge amount of debt came from in Obama's first year. It's gotten steadily better ever since then. The massive debt increase wasn't caused by him. Of course, he could have just done nothing, and let a depression happen.
Yes, expand spending by $1 trillion your first year, then use that as the baseline.

You moonbat chumps are such suckers.

I wonder why there was so much spending that first year. It's almost like he was trying to stop some kind of free fall.
Too big to fail comes to mind... What a load of crap and it was forced upon the people to keep the crooked bankers who cooked the books boat floating.

Exactly. Previous policies forced us to bail them out to keep the entire economy from collapsing. To not bail them out would have caused a depression. Odd that republicans are trying to repeal the laws put in place to keep that from happening again.
It took sell-out slimes from both parties to start that shit ball rolling.

The shit ball exploded under Shrub. It took a while to slow the fall to a stop and then reverse direction. That's where the huge amount of debt came from in Obama's first year. It's gotten steadily better ever since then. The massive debt increase wasn't caused by him. Of course, he could have just done nothing, and let a depression happen.
The massive debt did not come in overnight. Again it was both parties covering their crooked bankers asses and it did not stop there they have just kept sucking every penny they could find out of the public coffers.

It is the slowest spending. Aren't you glad the Republicans kept leadership of the Congress so we can continue down this path? After all, look at Reagan's spending with a Democrat Congress. Look at GW's second term with a Democrat Congress.

See the pattern here? No.......I bet you don't. I bet you still think the President has the nations checkbook.
Yes, expand spending by $1 trillion your first year, then use that as the baseline.

You moonbat chumps are such suckers.

I wonder why there was so much spending that first year. It's almost like he was trying to stop some kind of free fall.
Too big to fail comes to mind... What a load of crap and it was forced upon the people to keep the crooked bankers who cooked the books boat floating.

Exactly. Previous policies forced us to bail them out to keep the entire economy from collapsing. To not bail them out would have caused a depression. Odd that republicans are trying to repeal the laws put in place to keep that from happening again.
It took sell-out slimes from both parties to start that shit ball rolling.

The shit ball exploded under Shrub. It took a while to slow the fall to a stop and then reverse direction. That's where the huge amount of debt came from in Obama's first year. It's gotten steadily better ever since then. The massive debt increase wasn't caused by him. Of course, he could have just done nothing, and let a depression happen.
Hedge fund assholes sold Congress a bill of gods and Clinton signed it into law. Now you have a hell of a lot more problems than we had before as these same sob's have a piece and a part of the majority of peoples retirement accounts. Many of those are government employee retirement funds. A perfect storm of deception bought lock stock and barrel and Clinton's and others wanted to keep this fiasco going for their masters.

This article will give the unaware a bit of the timeline...

"The oldest propaganda technique is to repeat a lie emphatically and often until it is taken for the truth. Something like this is going on now with regard to banks and the financial crisis. The big bank boosters and analysts who should know better are repeating the falsehood that repeal of Glass-Steagall had nothing to do with the Panic of 2008.

In fact, the financial crisis might not have happened at all but for the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall law that separated commercial and investment banking for seven decades. If there is any hope of avoiding another meltdown, it's critical to understand why Glass-Steagall repeal helped to cause the crisis. Without a return to something like Glass-Steagall, another greater catastrophe is just a matter of time......."
Again it was both parties covering their crooked bankers asses and it did not stop there they have just kept sucking every penny they could find out of the public coffers.

dimocrap scum started it.

The CRA (a well-intentioned program from The Peanut) was used by ACORN in a lawsuit with the Lying Cocksucker as one of their lead Attorneys got a verdict against CitiBank that got the ball rolling.

Bankers started applying the CRA rules to EVERY mortgage applicant. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lied about the SHIT Mortgages they were buying. The Bond Markets crashed bringing down teh Stock markets.

Complicated and I'm not in the mood to explain Relativity to special needs dimocrap scum.

But Bush did pussy out. He knew the whole thing was gonna come crashing down. He went to Congress but got pushback from the Black RACISTS in Congress and he layed down. And wussed out, just like his daddy and his 'Read my Lips' bullshit.

So yeah, Republicans deserve criticism for allowing it to happen. But they didn't know how BAD it was going to be. They knew it was gonna happen, but they underestimated the severity of it

But dimocrap scum didn't allow it -- They started it and pushed it.

Republicans left the front door unlocked but dimocrap scum walked in and stole everything that wasn't tied down and sold it to their Fences, the dishonest, scumbag Bankers

Franklin Raines and the criminal Jamie Gorelick (of the 9/11 'Wall' Fame)

You find a pile of shit in this Country and look under it. A dimocrap will be there.

Every time
Again it was both parties covering their crooked bankers asses and it did not stop there they have just kept sucking every penny they could find out of the public coffers.

dimocrap scum started it.

The CRA (a well-intentioned program from The Peanut) was used by ACORN in a lawsuit with the Lying Cocksucker as one of their lead Attorneys got a verdict against CitiBank that got the ball rolling.

Bankers started applying the CRA rules to EVERY mortgage applicant. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lied about the SHIT Mortgages they were buying. The Bond Markets crashed bringing down teh Stock markets.

Complicated and I'm not in the mood to explain Relativity to special needs dimocrap scum.

But Bush did pussy out. He knew the whole thing was gonna come crashing down. He went to Congress but got pushback from the Black RACISTS in Congress and he layed down. And wussed out, just like his daddy and his 'Read my Lips' bullshit.

So yeah, Republicans deserve criticism for allowing it to happen. But they didn't know how BAD it was going to be. They knew it was gonna happen, but they underestimated the severity of it

But dimocrap scum didn't allow it -- They started it and pushed it.

Republicans left the front door unlocked but dimocrap scum walked in and stole everything that wasn't tied down and sold it to their Fences, the dishonest, scumbag Bankers

Franklin Raines and the criminal Jamie Gorelick (of the 9/11 'Wall' Fame)

You find a pile of shit in this Country and look under it. A dimocrap will be there.

Every time
Sure and a slimey Republican will be feeding the fire for the stupid Dim will do his duty properly. Again it took people from both parties and the people bought it all.

I rarely have seen anyone talk about what was transpiring besides those phony loan derivatives. Let's talk about the counterfeited docs that banks put in for claiming their federal insurance on small businesses and home loans that crooked bankers were attempting to take over. Hell there were at least a hundred and twenty counterfeit docs presented to the court by the bank in my case and hell the court even did their part to cover up the bank's fraud after their own people admitted the docs were fake-fraudulent-items I had not actually seen previously. Damn these sob's covered a lot of shit to cover up the business sabotage my company experienced that one accountant ceo banker was tied to. CEO's were paying themselves prime as they cooked the books claiming huge profits when in fact they were merely making the tax payer pay for their fraud as they wiped out people unwilling to play their game. It worked on wallstreet as they got a lot of working class people investing in their banks and hedge funds. Thank God for recorders as truth can only be hidden for awhile. Eventually the truth does see the light of day and some people start waking up and copies of those records get sent out to people willing to hear the truth. Insurance for all of their bogus paper was one of the biggest expenses this country was experiencing in 1999 as these thugs raped and pillaged the money from tax payer funds and took out honest hard working peoples dreams. For what? So a few could retain "their" control as they further embedded themselves into every aspect of peoples live who did not and do not really want a damn thing to do with them? All while saying and claiming they are doing all this for the peoples own good.
^^^ that was 2002 so do not tell me that Bush did not know how bad it was going to be.

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