Here it is...MSNBC says Putin planned chemical attack to help Trump...

Its all the Left has, a lot of nothing. If Rice was monitoring the Trump Team all along, if they had anything good it would be out by now. They are trying the old lawyer trick by repeating something over and over hoping that makes it true. Trump's approval jumped from 32% to 45% overnight, and the Left sees it going up until 2018...
How stupid! It was likely Soros or a "deep state" Obama official.
Obama Rules: Everything is Bush's fault
Trump Rules: Everything is Trump's fault

Snowflake logic
That transgender, giant chipmunk on MSNBC is almost as insane as Rachel "Blinky" Maddow.
Ha ha, yeah I heard that today, and had forgotten already. Aren't libs. dreamy? Oh yeah, that O'donnell dude, I watched him once. If you put a cock in a suit it would have the same affect.

The left is melting down.. Trump killed their only rallying cry conspiracy.. So they needed to go way off the deep end trying to keep the lie alive...

I hope they drown!
Had to double down on their bullshit.

Those stupid fucks painted themselves into a corner and once again, got it shoved up their ass.

THere were only 2 options for the flakes...say that the chemical attack was a conspiracy to cover up PUTIN "HACKING" the election, or they had to confess they were lying and Trump enforced Obama's bullshit "RED LINE"...which was apparently drawn with Obama's HOO-HAA on day 28, because Obama pussied out.
I went over to MSNBC's site and left a comment. [I suppose you have evidence of this "collusion"].. which was promptly deleted by their moderators..

The propaganda is strong on this one.. They know this is bullshit but are pulling out the stops to keep it from being shown as a ludicrous conspiracy on their own site.
1. Putin hacking the dems proving their cheating Bernie (Debbie) and Trump (Donna + CNN) is NOT a conspiracy, its a "leak" of the truth, which the MSM loves.
2. The Left is lying about a conspiracy, if there was one Rice would have known by now and it would be being prosecuted by the FBI and DOJ
The Birthers are attacking a theory as conspiratorial?

oh my. that's Goddam funny.
The Birthers are attacking a theory as conspiratorial?

oh my. that's Goddam funny.
You gonna delete my post to when I ask, where are your facts?

The premise is so ludicrous its funny to see you left-tards defending it.
Had to double down on their bullshit.

Those stupid fucks painted themselves into a corner and once again, got it shoved up their ass.

THere were only 2 options for the flakes...say that the chemical attack was a conspiracy to cover up PUTIN "HACKING" the election, or they had to confess they were lying and Trump enforced Obama's bullshit "RED LINE"...which was apparently drawn with Obama's HOO-HAA on day 28, because Obama pussied out.

Colonel, how dare you mock and belittle a Nobel Prize winner. That's sacrilege IMO
Yeah we know, same as the Russia thing it started as What if we made it seem as if Russia and the Trump campaign worked together then had an investigation? Liberal shit are so predictably ignorant at the game of chess. Next big expose,, Trump pissed off of his porch at his Florida resort home, WE must impeach him because of such a blatantly anti woman act. To think what if he probably did it hoping to expose himself to a young girl. Next >>>> >>>>> Bullshit you liberal dogshit are out of time, and out of power, and soon to be outed as the treasonous anti American scum you are. HAAHAAA have a nice day HAHAHAHAHAH stupidity is the best comedy of all, and you cant fix liberals they are way to stupid to be fixed.

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