Here’s a court ruling I don’t get


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.

This kid can wear a Mexican flag symbol, if she wants to, on her mortarboard. But the district refuses to let her wear a scarf which symbolizes her Mexican and American Heritages.

I would have assumed that the First Amendment would plainly allow that kind of free speech.

I won’t go so far as to claim that the federal judge made a decision which is an “outrage.” But it’s close.
The judge has a point. And it seems the schools rules are quite clearly defined, which is probably why the judge ruled the way she did.

If the schools rules were vague, which many are, then the rules can be interpreted to whomever is reading the rules. Which is why this country is so fucked.

But this schools rules are clearly defined.

As for my personal opinion........nothing outside of the schools own cirriculum should be worn at any school funtion. A lot of schools have this "blanket" rule, which is fine by me.

If this girl wants to preach racism, let her go down to the DNC where it's reveled in and wallowed in like pig shit.

You are an American or you are not.
And if you are not, then you should be expelled from the USA and never be allowed back in.
Don't give a shit if you were born here or not.
I totally get the ruling.

It has nothing to do with identity politics, Americanism, or Mexican identity, or whatever, it has to do with institutional school policy.

I don't know the rules about Universities, but for High Schools, it has always been pretty clear, the Courts have referred to the rules of whatever the institutions are.
This has to do with, teaching kids, to defer to the authority of, and respect for our institutions.

Even High School student papers don't have first Amendment rights.
There is no such thing as, "the Bill of Rights," at a high school, the Constitution ends at the school house doors. The NEA & leftists, have been using this fact for years.

Whatever the schools tells the kids? They have to obey, or they need to take a hike.

If they don't like the rules, they don't participate in whatever activity the school is sponsoring, whether that be the school paper, or the graduation ceremony.

This kid can wear a Mexican flag symbol, if she wants to, on her mortarboard. But the district refuses to let her wear a scarf which symbolizes her Mexican and American Heritages.

I would have assumed that the First Amendment would plainly allow that kind of free speech.

I won’t go so far as to claim that the federal judge made a decision which is an “outrage.” But it’s close.

It's a dress code. It's got nothing to do with the 1st amendment, wetback.
If I were to be stunning and brave and wear a bold red cap with "make america great again" printed on it. I am cruisin for a bruisin. Because liberals and that ilk seem to live in a bipolar universe where triggering THEM is bad, but it's OK when they do it. Because: reasons.
The judge has a point. And it seems the schools rules are quite clearly defined, which is probably why the judge ruled the way she did.

If the schools rules were vague, which many are, then the rules can be interpreted to whomever is reading the rules. Which is why this country is so fucked.

But this schools rules are clearly defined.

As for my personal opinion........nothing outside of the schools own cirriculum should be worn at any school funtion. A lot of schools have this "blanket" rule, which is fine by me.

If this girl wants to preach racism, let her go down to the DNC where it's reveled in and wallowed in like pig shit.

You are an American or you are not.
And if you are not, then you should be expelled from the USA and never be allowed back in.
Don't give a shit if you were born here or not.
It’s graduation. And it’s free speech. The more I think about it, the less sense the rule makes. Regardless of how clear it is written.
It's a dress code. It's got nothing to do with the 1st amendment, wetback.
I think it’s assinine that a Schmo like you assumes I’m a Mexican just because this ruling makes nongoddamn sense.

And a dress code for a graduation? Yeah. Society will crumble if she gets to wear that scarf.

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