Zone1 Here’s a fair amount of reparations, and who should get it


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.
I was born in 1953 and identify as black.
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.
Racism ended in '65 and never existed in other States? Do blacks who were born in a Jim Crow State but then moved north during the Great Migration collect as well? Germany was at fault for the Final Solution therefore was responsible for restitution. You're going to make ALL Americans pay for racism that occurred in the South...which means people who didn't even live here or people who fought for desegregation are going to be paying for this as well as the "guilty" in Southern States!

There are serious questions of fairness here, Lisa.
Racism ended in '65 and never existed in other States? Do blacks who were born in a Jim Crow State but then moved north during the Great Migration collect as well? Germany was at fault for the Final Solution therefore was responsible for restitution. You're going to make ALL Americans pay for racism that occurred in the South...which means people who didn't even live here or people who fought for desegregation are going to be paying for this as well as the "guilty" in Southern States!

There are serious questions of fairness here, Lisa.
Good point. In addition to saying who gets reparations, I should have said which whites pay for it. Here are the whites who are excluded from paying into the reparations fund:

1) Any white who was rejected from a college or university where blacks with lower SATs and GPAs were accepted. These whites have already paid.

2) Any white who did not live in a Jim Crow state pre-1965.

3) Any white who is now retired and with an income of less than $75,000, including SS.

FURTHERMORE, here are the blacks who would be excluded (from among the group I posted in the opening post):

1) Any black who was admitted to college with grades and scores below the white cut-off. These blacks have already received reparations.

2) Any black with a HHI income of more than $150,000.
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.
/——-/ Racism thrives to this day in blue states like New York, dummy.
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.
And all reparations should be paid in cash out of the Democratic party of slavery, racial oppression and Jim Crow law's coffers, until the corrupt openly racist Democratic party is no longer financially viable and is dissolved, permanently.
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Good point. In addition to saying who gets reparations, I should have said which whites pay for it. Here are the whites who are excluded from paying into the reparations fund:

1) Any white who was rejected from a college or university where blacks with lower SATs and GPAs were accepted. These whites have already paid.

2) Any white who did not live in a Jim Crow state pre-1965.

3) Any white who is now retired and with an income of less than $75,000, including SS.

FURTHERMORE, here are the blacks who would be excluded (from among the group I posted in the opening post):

1) Any black who was admitted to college with grades and scores below the white cut-off. These blacks have already received reparations.

2) Any black with a HHI income of more than $150,000.
So whites that lived in Jim Crow States yet put their lives at risk supporting desegregation are going to pay reparations? Doesn't seem fair...
So whites that lived in Jim Crow States yet put their lives at risk supporting desegregation are going to pay reparations? Doesn't seem fair...
Those people would be retired and fall into the exemption category.
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.

Fine with me, as long as it's Democrats who have to pay it. We Republicans shouldn't be held accountable for the atrocities they committed.
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.

Reparations are probably not the right way to go, because there would be no fair way of measuring them, unlike, let's say the token $11,000 paid to Japanese-Americans incarcerated during WWII. Of course, even that wasn't even, because the guy who was released after a year got the same amount as the guy who was locked up for the duration of the war because the government had a valid fear of their loyalty to the Showa Tenyo. (Emperor Hirohito).

Not that money was a life-changing amount, just an admission of a wrong done.

So is the objection really the money, or is the objection that America (specifically white America) has to admit that a wrong was done in the form of Slavery/Jim Crow/Debt Peonage, etc. ? So let's give every black person a one time payment and admit- for the record - that America has a racist past.
Fine with me, as long as it's Democrats who have to pay it. We Republicans shouldn't be held accountable for the atrocities they committed.

The problem is when those racists were thrown out of the Democratic Party in the 1960's, the Republicans and Tricky Dick welcomed them with open arms.
No more than bigotry against other minorities, idiot, and they’re not asking for money.

Were they slaves? Were their laws specifically restricting who they could marry? Was there a whole set of things like Sundown Laws meant to specifically terrorize them.

Did any other ethnic group have something like the KKK evolve to terrorize them?

Those people would be retired and fall into the exemption category.

Why? Let's be honest here, we are all paying taxes one way or the other. If one group is paying for the reparations, it just means other groups will be paying for the other programs that money is being shifted away from.

So this discussion shouldn't be about "who pays for it". The vast probability is that you won't be asked for much. Probalby more rich people and future generations will be paying it off.

The question is, is it a good idea at all?

I think that a one-time payment like the Japanese Americans got, accompanied with a token amount of money, would be perfectly fine. The wrong is acknowledged.

I would be against it becoming a permanent entitlement program.
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.
Do we deduct all the welfare, food stamps... they got over their lifetime? And then direct deposit the rest in their crack dealer's account.
Do we deduct all the welfare, food stamps... they got over their lifetime? And then direct deposit the rest in their crack dealer's account.

The majority of people who got Food Stamps or welfare are white.

Not to mention such "Middle Class" entitlements such as Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment insurance and Veterans Benefits that largely benefit white people.

Welfare for me and not for thee.
The majority of people who got Food Stamps or welfare are white.

Not to mention such "Middle Class" entitlements such as Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment insurance and Veterans Benefits that largely benefit white people.

Welfare for me and not for thee.
But White people aren't up for reparations, so your point is moot.

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