Zone1 Here’s a fair amount of reparations, and who should get it

The majority of people who got Food Stamps or welfare are white.

Not to mention such "Middle Class" entitlements such as Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment insurance and Veterans Benefits that largely benefit white people.

Welfare for me and not for thee.
So the majority are white?
The population of the US is about 2/3 white genius.
You proved nothing except you like statistics but only if they work for you & no context is allowed
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.
I would disagree with this.

Give reparations to any black who was alive before 1865. No other.
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.
Do Oprah and Beyonce get it? How about LeBron? mIchael Jordan? Reggie Bush? Bill Cosby? How about all the blacks currently in prison that fit your criteria, do they all get it?
Do Oprah and Beyonce get it? How about LeBron? mIchael Jordan? Reggie Bush? Bill Cosby? How about all the blacks currently in prison that fit your criteria, do they all get it?
Well, I already said that blacks with a HHI of more than $150,000 don’t get it, so that would include the rich blacks.

But good point about the blacks in prison. They don’t get it, either.
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.
Why not give it to people of all races that make less than $50,000 dollars per year. Why are only Blacks entitled to receive them?
Why not give it to people of all races that make less than $50,000 dollars per year. Why are only Blacks entitled to receive them?
Because I‘m trying to find a compromise. Otherwise, this anti-white and black oppression stuff will continue to ramp up.
Because I‘m trying to find a compromise. Otherwise, this anti-white and black oppression stuff will continue to ramp up.
I judge people on the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
The following would be fair:

How much: $729 per month*

Who gets it: Blacks born before 1965 who lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and who are alive today, for the rest of their lives.

*This was based on the $290 per month, calculated in 1988, and paid by Germany to DIRECT Holocaut survivors, indexed for inflation.
Goofy, senseless thread. What else is new?
So the majority are white?
The population of the US is about 2/3 white genius.
You proved nothing except you like statistics but only if they work for you & no context is allowed

The guy I was responding to try to claim welfare was a special payment black people are getting, and therefore that already constitutes "reparations". But most of the welfare goes to white people, so not so much.

Do Oprah and Beyonce get it? How about LeBron? mIchael Jordan? Reggie Bush? Bill Cosby? How about all the blacks currently in prison that fit your criteria, do they all get it?

Why not?

On the off chance we do reparations, let's be honest about what they entail. They should not be a life-changing amount of money. They should be what Japanese Americans got for internment during WWII - a token amount of money and an admission the government was in the wrong.

There are a list of reasons why slavery reparations aren't comparable.

The Japanese were being compensated for a specific policy, not centuries of cultural practices.
The money was only paid to people who had directly experienced the wrong.

Now one of the celebrities who got the payment was George Takei of Star Trek fame.

He donated it to charity. He clearly didn't need the money, he makes plenty of money showing up at Star Trek conventions over the last 50 years.
I judge people on the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
So do I, but be realistic: the reason the black activists and their enabling leftists are promoting anti-white practices and teaching our children that whites are horrible oppressors is to get reparations. Do you want the next generation of whites to think we are all horrible racist people?

This way, blacks over age 60 who lived in Jim Crow states, earning less than $150k per family, and did not get affirmative action, get $700 a month. Compare that to the nonsense IM2 is spewing - that all black families should get $500,000.
it will continue no matter what is done, the race baiters are getting rich by race baiting and will not stop.
But we will be able to say that blacks who suffered under the pre-Civil Rights era in the Deep South are getting reparations, so everyone else can be quiet.

Doesn‘t anyone want to find a solution to the anti-white racism?
The following would be fair.

Interesting. Counteroffer. No one. Nothing.

Nada. Zilch. Zero.

Treat everyone equally under the law, encourage meritocracy and color blindness. End affirmative action and demand all public schools end race as a factor for admission. End any such similar bullshit.

There, that’s fair.

No one alive today was a slave. And if you want to talk about fairness and making people whole, the slaveholders who purchased legal property were never paid by the government which made it illegal either.
Because I‘m trying to find a compromise. Otherwise, this anti-white and black oppression stuff will continue to ramp up.

The problem here is that you think you can buy your way out of the problem. The amount of money is kind of's the admission of the wrong that is the problem here.

So do I, but be realistic: the reason the black activists and their enabling leftists are promoting anti-white practices and teaching our children that whites are horrible oppressors is to get reparations. Do you want the next generation of whites to think we are all horrible racist people?

This way, blacks over age 60 who lived in Jim Crow states, earning less than $150k per family, and did not get affirmative action, get $700 a month. Compare that to the nonsense IM2 is spewing - that all black families should get $500,000.

You and IM2 are two sides of the same coin...

Do you really think hiding history from Students is a good policy. The point is, they aren't making this stuff up. This stuff really happened. If anything, we aren't teaching it enough.
The problem here is that you think you can buy your way out of the problem. The amount of money is kind of's the admission of the wrong that is the problem here.

You and IM2 are two sides of the same coin...

Do you really think hiding history from Students is a good policy. The point is, they aren't making this stuff up. This stuff really happened. If anything, we aren't teaching it enough.
No one alive today has anything to admit to. No one alive today has owned another person, at least not in this country.

No one needs to apologize for the past or pay for it. Full Stop.
The majority of people who got Food Stamps or welfare are white.

Not to mention such "Middle Class" entitlements such as Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment insurance and Veterans Benefits that largely benefit white people.

Welfare for me and not for thee.
None of those are entitlements. All were earned. And any black person who has been employed is just as eligible for the first three as any white. As far as VA benefits, they are color blind. ANY veteran with an honorable discharge gets them. All four programs are color blind.

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