Zone1 Here’s a fair amount of reparations, and who should get it

I am completely against the payment of reparations.

* Payments would settle nothing. Blacks always want something for nothing, and they are never satisfied. So, to Hell with them.

* We would have to deduct enough money to cover all the destruction and crime caused by blacks. After deductions, blacks would still end up owing us trillions of dollars. So, blacks would still end up with what they deserve: NOTHING.

* Blacks are still living in miserable shitholes all over Africa, so we should charge American blacks back rent for having allowed them to live in this great country.

* There is much more to add, but that covers the basics.

* That rant left me exhausted. Will someone please send me a free twenty dollar bill so I can go have a needed drink. I promise to pay you back as soon as I get my first reparations check. See - I'm sounding blacker by the minute. Lol...

* I once had a black eye, so if these idiotic reparations are ever paid I demand my full share, dammit
You bring up good points. The specific group who gets reparations is now:

Senior citizens who lived in Jim Crow states pre-1965, and:

1) Did not serve time in prison at any point in their lives
2) Were not admitted to a college they didn’t qualify for based on race
3) Never received welfare-type payments

The number of Jim Crow residents is cut by half right there.
The money would come with an implicit admission that Jim Crow laws were racist and wrong, and that is why blacks alive today who lived under that system would be getting reparations.
Okay, how about everyone else who is living with the poverty because their ancestors were denied (and are still being denied) opportunities.

Who’s hiding history? That’s the big lie. We learned all about slavery and Jim Crow laws, and the way blacks were treated in the past. You libs are making to sound as if whites are painting a picture of rose gardens throughout history.

You learned about it, but did we really dwell on it? How many movies have they made about how bad the Holocaust was, vs. how many movies have they made about how really bad slavery was?

That's tortured history. 19 of 21 DIxieCrat Senators who served under Jim Crow were STILL THERE IN the early 90s. Weren't hardly any Repub govs in South until about Reagan era. And you keep repeating it.

But that was the point. What happened when those Dixiecrats retired? Were they replaced by moderate Democrats who believed in race equality, or where they replaced by racist Republicans like Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond?

“I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years. [Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to then-Air Force One steward Robert MacMillan]”

LBJ never said that.

Gee, of my ancestors fought in the Civil War to free the slaves. Does that mean that YOU owe me reparations?

No, it means he did his duty to his country.

I should point out that all soldiers who fought for the union got pensions.

Some of their widows got it too, which is why you had these cases of 18 year old girls marrying old men. So did their children, in some cases. The last woman collecting a civil war widows pension died in 2020.

By stealing from white people to pay for an offense in which the vast majority of us have never had any willing part?

What you propose is to commit the very offense tat you claim in that post to be trying to solve.

What you propose •IS• anti-white racism.

Sigh, Mormon Bob, a lot of us end up paying for stuff that doesn't benefit us.

Frankly, we pour a shitload of money building roads in the western states and rural areas. Doesn't benefit me in the least, but there you are. We spend trillions on a military industrial complex that really only benefits the rich. So poor mouthing the "I don't want to pay black people for the awful things this country did to them" is a bit disingenuous, don't you think?
No, they aren't.

Let's review.

Social Security - if you live to be 72, you will have gotten everything you paid into it back. The average lifespan in this country is 78, even after Trump's ineptitude brought it down.

Medicare - If you have any kind of serious ailment, you will wipe out everything you ever paid into it. (1% of your lifetime income) in a few weeks.

Unemployment Insurance. - You don't pay into that, your employer does. The fact that they had to raise the benefit during TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) shows how much of a welfare program it is.

Veteran's Benefits. Sorry, man, we are 50 years into the all-volunteer military. You volunteered for that job, you were paid for it. The idea that you can get lifetime benefits for a job you maybe did for two years without a testy foreigner ever shooting at you is kind of silly. My job in the military was sitting behind a desk filling out paperwork. I'm proud to have done it, but I recognize any benefits I get are a gift, not really earned.

Meanwhile, when you are talking about poverty relief programs, most of those people are only on for a short time, and a lot of them involve people who have jobs that don't pay a living wage supplementing their income. And once again, the majority of people who get them are white.
If the government didn’t confiscate the money to put into SS and you invested it in an IRA you would have a higher return that would last as long as you live and the principal could be willed to your defendants.

Medicare is insurance the risk is spread over the entire population and the money is confiscated from the taxpayer. A private insurance plan would return better service for less money.

VA benefits are part of the service contract. Service members work long hours under harsh conditions for less than competitive pay. Plus there are still many millions of people who served before the volunteer military getting benefits. Just because you were a REMF doesn’t mean most service members were.

There has never been a “living wage” it’s a fiction designed by liberals to buy the votes of people too stupid to understand economics.
One of my ancestors fought in the civil war and he actually did fight to free himself from slavery. Yours didn't. And since the racism has continued long after slavery, try talking about that.
My Great Grandfather was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Regiment and lost his left arm in battle at Fort Wagner outside of Charleston, South Carolina.
And all reparations should be paid in cash out of the Democratic party of slavery, racial oppression and Jim Crow law's coffers, until the corrupt openly racist Democratic party is no longer financially viable and is dissolved, permanently.

If you want a one party state, move to Syria.
My Great Grandfather was an officer in the 54th Massachusetts Regiment and lost his left arm in battle at Fort Wagner outside of Charleston, South Carolina.
Is that the battle made famous in “Glory”?
So you’re part black (or all black)? I’m very glad to learn that.

(or were all the officers white?)
He's Oldestyle's relative not mine. But the officers of all the Black ACW units were white. Even in WWII almost all the officers in black units were white.
He's Oldestyle's relative not mine. But the officers of all the Black ACW units were white. Even in WWII almost all the officers in black units were white.
Oops. Got mixed up which poster I was replying to.

Thx for the info.
Tortured history is the refusal of righ wing republicans to admit to their complicity instead of putting all the blame on democrats. There was a switch and republicans here just need to quit the lying. Because right now it's not democrats supporting remembering the confederacy, nor did democrats fillibuster the most recent voting rights bill.

Go argue with this lady. I dont you'll find any mistakes in her numbers, dates or facts.

BUT -- you'll STILL be wasting your time and mine when you come back YET AGAIN and repeat the myths you religiously believe.
But that was the point. What happened when those Dixiecrats retired? Were they replaced by moderate Democrats who believed in race equality, or where they replaced by racist Republicans like Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond?

They largely DID NOT RETIRE. The Democrat party FINALLY tossed the Dixiecrats out. But that was almost 3 DECADES after the CRAct. The problem the Dems had -- is they ALSO TOSSED all the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Dems out. They hunted THOSE to extinction. Because they were not "reliable votes" for tax and spend. HENCE - the lack of MODERATE DEMS in the party today and why the Dems ABANDONED the south..
If the government didn’t confiscate the money to put into SS and you invested it in an IRA you would have a higher return that would last as long as you live and the principal could be willed to your defendants.

Or I could have lost it all like I did in 2008 when my 401K tanked.

Medicare is insurance the risk is spread over the entire population and the money is confiscated from the taxpayer. A private insurance plan would return better service for less money.

Have you ever had to deal with a private insurance company for a major treatment? I have. Those Nine-figure executive salaries don't pay for themselves.

VA benefits are part of the service contract. Service members work long hours under harsh conditions for less than competitive pay. Plus there are still many millions of people who served before the volunteer military getting benefits. Just because you were a REMF doesn’t mean most service members were.

Actually, the tooth to tail ration in the US military is pretty large. Most guys aren't 11B, and most of them never get anywhere near a testy foreigner.

They were paid at the time. Done. Fini. Anything else is welfare. Now, it might be a point where I might have to cash in my benefits, but I'm hoping to avoid it.
They largely DID NOT RETIRE. The Democrat party FINALLY tossed the Dixiecrats out. But that was almost 3 DECADES after the CRAct. The problem the Dems had -- is they ALSO TOSSED all the fiscally conservative Blue Dog Dems out. They hunted THOSE to extinction. Because they were not "reliable votes" for tax and spend. HENCE - the lack of MODERATE DEMS in the party today and why the Dems ABANDONED the south..

Wow, I hit a nerve, did I? Nope, they didn't retire, but they sat down and largely shut up about integration. They put black people on their staffs and tried to smile nicely for the cameras.

Then their bubba redneck inbred constituency voted in Republicans who pandered to their white anger.

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