Zone1 Here’s a fair amount of reparations, and who should get it

Whites have been given direct economic stimulus on several occasions. And some still want more.
And let me set the record straight. There is no resentment of "Jewish success" by blacks. Blacks supported white Jews in America during times when non Jewish whites did not. Also, I support any and all reparations jews have received because they are deserved. No one here has seen me start threads whereby I as a non jew decided I can decide the amount of reparations to be paid Jews, for how long, or who is eligible such as Lisa has done in 2 different threads.

Lisa talks about how blacks, who are 14 percent of the population, don't get to determine things. Well, Jews are 2.6 percent of the population and Lisa thinks she can make determinations. Lisa resents that blacks are given equal opportunity. No one else. That's where the resentment is. She has claimed that everything is lowered for every black person. This is saying that blacks are inferior as a race.

In telling me we are a minority, Lisa is speaking as a white person. But when challenged she is a poor oppressed minority as a Jew. Lisa is an example of how some white Jews have used race. I said some, because there are many who have stood with blacks but Lisa and a few others in this forum are not in that number.
You are not allowed to do what you’re doing and have been reported.

P.S. You are claiming that I’ve said things I never have. You lie.
Lisa, according to your own words, you don't get to determine anything. Jews are 2.6 percent of the American population. There are about 6 times more blacks than Jews. If blacks can't decide whatl the majority will give, neither can Jews.
Lisa, according to your own words, you don't get to determine anything. Jews are 2.6 percent of the American population. There are about 6 times more blacks than Jews. If blacks can't decide whatl the majority will give, neither can Jews.
I never said JEWS would decide, you fool. I said the MAJORITY population - which is white - would decide. Blacks don’t get to tell whites how much money to hand over to them.
I never said JEWS would decide, you fool. I said the MAJORITY population - which is white - would decide. Blacks don’t get to tell whites how much money to hand over to them.
You are a Jew and you have tried to decide. You don't get to play both sides with me. You are either white or a jew and if you want to be both, then you will accept the documented race based favoritism white Jews received.

Blacks will take our case to the government(s) of this country and the courts will decide. Individual whites have no say because there will be no special referendum asking whites to pay reparations. Whatever is decided will be decided using money the government already has.

So just stop repeating dumb race baited garbage. We will demand from this government what we are owed. Whites like you should have thought about this over the years while you were getting things blacks couldn't while blacks paid taxes.
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Whites have been given direct economic stimulus on several occasions. And some still want more.

But we don't go through life expecting it.

Now, yeah, I have received government benefits. I got benefits as a result of my association with the military. And when Republicans have come along and screwed up the economy like Republicans do, I've gotten unemployment benefits. But I don't go through life expecting a check.

The problem with the welfare state is that some people think the Safety Net is a hammock. In the Condo Association I am trying to get the hell out of, we have a bunch of people who work minimum wage jobs, get Section 8 housing vouchers, stick five people in a one bedroom unit, and won't work a full 40 hour week because then they might lose eligibility for Food Stamps and TANF. That's messed up, yo!
You are a Jew and you have tried to decide. You don't get to play both sides with me. You are either white or a jew and if you want to be both, then you will accept the documented race based favoritism white Jews received.

Blacks will take our case to the government(s) of this country and the courts will decide. Individual whites have no say because there will be no special referendum asking whites to pay reparations. Whatever is decided will be decided using money the government already has.

So just stop repeating dumb race baited garbage. We will demand from this government what we are owed. Whites like you should have thought about this over the years while you were getting things blacks couldn't while blacks paid taxes.
You will “DEMAND”? What you are ”OWED”? Unless you are over 60, and lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and have never accepted welfare, the question is moot. You are owed nothing.

And that defiant attitude: you will DEMAND from whites*, or else, will make it even less likely that any blacks will see a cent.

*Most of government is funded by whites, so yes….whites will be the ones laying for it,
You will “DEMAND”? What you are ”OWED”? Unless you are over 60, and lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and have never accepted welfare, the question is moot. You are owed nothing.

And that defiant attitude: you will DEMAND from whites*, or else, will make it even less likely that any blacks will see a cent.

*Most of government is funded by whites, so yes….whites will be the ones laying for it,

I don't like to validate IM's mewling, but if you can go on and on about the Holocaust, even though that happened to other Jewish people in another country, then IM is perfectly entitled to go on and on about what happened to other black people in this country.
I don't like to validate IM's mewling, but if you can go on and on about the Holocaust, even though that happened to other Jewish people in another country, then IM is perfectly entitled to go on and on about what happened to other black people in this country.
i don’t go on and on. I USED to show how Jews have succeeded despite rampant antisemitism from people like you, but I don’t do that anymore. My purpose was to show how a minority of people can succeed - and beyond the average - despite antisemites. I have been told not to bring up Jews’ success despite bigotry, and I don’t - unless someone else starts dumping on Jews.

*Also, the Holocaust happened to my own family, and I saw the consequences that remained with my grandfather decades later. (He couldn’t eat because all but a sliver of his stomach had to be removed.) I would hardly dismiss that as happening to “other Jews” in “another country,”
You will “DEMAND”? What you are ”OWED”? Unless you are over 60, and lived in one of the Jim Crow states, and have never accepted welfare, the question is moot. You are owed nothing.

And that defiant attitude: you will DEMAND from whites*, or else, will make it even less likely that any blacks will see a cent.

*Most of government is funded by whites, so yes….whites will be the ones laying for it,
I HATE the idea of paying reparations in large part because of what your response to IQ2 demonstrates so well.

In my personal experience, many --- far too many --- blacks are flat out freeloaders. Period. I've known so many cons, hustlers, and liars in that community, that it's hard for me to believe so many people cannot, or will not, see it.

Blacks will NEVER be satisfied. They think they are owed a living. It's necessary to speak in generalities about these things because it's impossible to speak to isolated cases.

Hell, look at crump, Jackson, Sharpton - they could all be earning an honest living, but they've all gotten rich by hustling white idiots who treat them seriously.

We should put a lock on the cash box. No more fucking handouts. Let them get off their dead ass and work for what they want, just as other people do.

End Affirmative Action. Say NO to reparations. End ALL handouts, immediately.

Blacks can choose to assimilate and finally truly become Americans, or not. It's their choice. Sink or swim. Shit, or get off the fucking pot.

Quit begging, or you'll make people hate you - more than they already do.

There .... I feel Sooo much better.
I HATE the idea of paying reparations in large part because of what your response to IQ2 demonstrates so well.

In my personal experience, many --- far too many --- blacks are flat out freeloaders. Period. I've known so many cons, hustlers, and liars in that community, that it's hard for me to believe so many people cannot, or will not, see it.

Blacks will NEVER be satisfied. They think they are owed a living. It's necessary to speak in generalities about these things because it's impossible to speak to isolated cases.

Hell, look at crump, Jackson, Sharpton - they could all be earning an honest living, but they've all gotten rich by hustling white idiots who treat them seriously.

We should put a lock on the cash box. No more fucking handouts. Let them get off their dead ass and work for what they want, just as other people do.

End Affirmative Action. Say NO to reparations. End ALL handouts, immediately.

Blacks can choose to assimilate and finally truly become Americans, or not. It's their choice. Sink or swim. Shit, or get off the fucking pot.

Quit begging, or you'll make people hate you - more than they already do.

There .... I feel Sooo much better.
And could the timing possibly be worse? The Dems are instituting policies to drive up inflation, which forces the Fed to raise rates, and then Biden throws even MORE money around to negate the Fed’s attempts, and the retirement accounts of responsible, hard-working savers are disappearing, and ordinary Americans with working class jobs can’t buy groceries and food, and what do we hear? “I’m black and want whites to give me money because of what happened to other blacks.”

You can’t make this shit up.
i don’t go on and on. I USED to show how Jews have succeeded despite rampant antisemitism from people like you, but I don’t do that anymore. My purpose was to show how a minority of people can succeed - and beyond the average - despite antisemites. I have been told not to bring up Jews’ success despite bigotry, and I don’t - unless someone else starts dumping on Jews.

Yes, clearly because I don't blindly support Israel, that's totally holding you back.

Let's get real. If I met you on the street, I wouldn't know you were Jewish unless you said something. If I met IM on the street, I would instantly know he was a black dude.

Jews in AMERICA haven't had anything like slavery, Jim Crow, Sundown Laws, Debt Peonage, and so on. Were there goyim who didn't like you because they think you killed their God-man or they were cheated on a deal? Sure. But nowhere near the level of discrimination.

Now, that said, does this excuse not fixing self-inflicted problems now? Nope. They need to crack down on crime, stop having babies out of wedlock, etc.

Personally, I'm kind of neutral on the subject of reparations. I have no problem with a token reparation with a formal acknowledgement that great wrongs were committed. Something ridiculous like 500K per head to be administered in a trust run by race pimps like Rev. Al, I would have a huge problem with.

*Also, the Holocaust happened to my own family, and I saw the consequences that remained with my grandfather decades later. (He couldn’t eat because all but a sliver of his stomach had to be removed.) I would hardly dismiss that as happening to “other Jews” in “another country,”

I had a cousin who was in the German Army and died in WWII. Really has no effect on my life. My dad's service in WWII in the US Army did, because the man suffered from PTSD that wasn't addressed.

IM has ancestors who were slaves and encountered Jim Crow.

Everyone has a sad story. The Holocaust doesn't become an excuse for Israel oppressing the Palestinians, and Jim Crow isn't an excuse for street gangs in Chicago running roughshod over their communities.
And could the timing possibly be worse? The Dems are instituting policies to drive up inflation, which forces the Fed to raise rates, and then Biden throws even MORE money around to negate the Fed’s attempts, and the retirement accounts of responsible, hard-working savers are disappearing, and ordinary Americans with working class jobs can’t buy groceries and food, and what do we hear? “I’m black and want whites to give me money because of what happened to other blacks.”

Inflation is a global problem, Lisa. It starts with the fact that the cost of commodities of all sorts are going up.

In my day job, the cost of steel has increased by 56% over the last year.

Here's a fast way to bring down inflation, drop all the Trump Tariffs on Chinese goods...

This discussion has nothing to do with the issue of reparations, of course.
And could the timing possibly be worse? The Dems are instituting policies to drive up inflation, which forces the Fed to raise rates, and then Biden throws even MORE money around to negate the Fed’s attempts, and the retirement accounts of responsible, hard-working savers are disappearing, and ordinary Americans with working class jobs can’t buy groceries and food, and what do we hear? “I’m black and want whites to give me money because of what happened to other blacks.”

You can’t make this shit up.

Ha!! You hit it straight on. I went to buy some groceries this morning. I was still feeling the pain as I wrote my last post.

Biden is doing everything he can to create a nation of deadbeats.

Willingly take a loan to pay for college and now don't want to repay it? No problem. Not to worry... the government will send you a check.

Dropping babies like a farm animal? Can't get their daddies to support them? Are you too damned dumb to keep your knees together? No problem. Biden will have the government send your worthless ass a monthly check (thanks to your working neighbors).

What the Hell has happened to this country?

Have someone who MIGHT have been a slave, or who was mistreated in some long ago lifetime? Don't worry. Just become a professional whiner. Bitch, cry, and moan until dumbasses who are bleeding hearts and happen to be white are FORCED by the government to send your disgusting lazy ass a reparations check.

We are blessed to live in the greatest nation ever created. A place where, with hard work, intelligence, dedication and vision, virtually no dream is out of reach. A nation where MERIT was the golden key.

Where did all the deadbeats come from? The whiners? The thieves and thugs. The kneelers. The whining Griners.

We have to find a way to rid our nation of this stinking, steaming, pile of shit.

A good start will be to vote Biden and all of his congressional enablers out of office.
You have lived your life getting something for nothing. Whites have caused the most destruction and whites have not allowed us to live here because this is not your country.

Whites have gotten reparations and then some.
China and Asian nations are gaining more and more power. So, if you really believe in your assertions of white privilege then you will be happy when yellow privilege gets here. Arguing colonialism in this world has rights and wrongs. But nations involved became wealthier by it. So don't worry, yellow colonialism is coming. And look up how they are in tough or war situations. And oh yeah, they are making inroads in Africa. They are going to love it.

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