Zone1 Here’s a fair amount of reparations, and who should get it

1) Of course we get to decide. A minority population of 14% doesn’t get to DEMAND what the majority hands them.

2) Basing reparations to Jim Crow survivors on what Holocaust survivors got is actually quite generous. While blacks who lived in Jim Crow states suffered very wrong and humiliating treatment, it pales in comparison to being thrown in a concentration camp, starved to the bone, and have your family members murdered in front of you.

3) And white Jews who didn’t directly suffer the Holocaust didn’t get a penny.

4) And don’t get me started on your white Jew shit from the government. Jews suffered rampant antisemitism and had obstacles placed in front of them (FDR, a Democrat, was on the BoD of Harvard and was in favor of anti-Jew quotas) and they still managed to succeed without blaming prejudice.
No you don't get to decide because YOU aren't handing anybody anything. This is a case against the governments of the United States. You have no say.

White Jews did benefit because of their race and that's a fact. You can lie all you want but I have shown reciepts.

I have shown were continuing white racism has cost blacks since 2000, so your basis for payment has no merit and what blacks faced is not to be compared with Jews. Jim Crow was 100 years, not 6, and modern racism has gone on beyond Jim Crow. Your basis for this argument is based on your bias and therefore it will be an inaccuare accounting.

You say Jews suceeded without prejudice while whining about prejudice. White Jews did not face racial discrimination and have admitted to being able to take advantage of being white to benefit. Your existence provides an example of the division among jews based on race. Black Jews face racism from white Jews.
This was an exercise in what might be fair. I restricted the people who get reparations to senior citizens who lived in Jim Crow states, and from payments provided by people who lived in those states. I also put income restrictions on both ends.

It’s a decent compromise, with some merit.
Your proposal has no merit. Racism by whites has not stopped after Jim Crow.
Go argue with this lady. I dont you'll find any mistakes in her numbers, dates or facts.

BUT -- you'll STILL be wasting your time and mine when you come back YET AGAIN and repeat the myths you religiously believe.
I won't be arguing. The south is republican today when it used to be democrat. That's evidence enough for me.
No you don't get to decide because YOU aren't handing anybody anything. This is a case against the governments of the United States. You have no say.

White Jews did benefit because of their race and that's a fact. You can lie all you want but I have shown reciepts.

I have shown were continuing white racism has cost blacks since 2000, so your basis for payment has no merit and what blacks faced is not to be compared with Jews. Jim Crow was 100 years, not 6, and modern racism has gone on beyond Jim Crow. Your basis for this argument is based on your bias and therefore it will be an inaccuare accounting.

You say Jews suceeded without prejudice while whining about prejudice. White Jews did not face racial discrimination and have admitted to being able to take advantage of being white to benefit. Your existence provides an example of the division among jews based on race. Black Jews face racism from white Jews.
Would you PLEASE stop bringing up Jews, and displaying your obvious resentment over their accomplishments? I have been told not to compare Jews and their success despite antisemitism to blacks continuing to blame racism - and then YOU KEEP BRINGING UP JEWS!

Have you become so entitled and comfortable with the special protection you have under this Zone 1 thread that you bring up a topic that I cannot respond to? Because that seems to be the only way you win a debate: bring up topics to which the people who disagree with you aren’t allowed to fully respond.
Would you PLEASE stop bringing up Jews, and displaying your obvious resentment over their accomplishments? I have been told not to compare Jews and their success despite antisemitism to blacks continuing to blame racism - and then YOU KEEP BRINGING UP JEWS!

Have you become so entitled and comfortable with the special protection you have under this Zone 1 thread that you bring up a topic that I cannot respond to? Because that seems to be the only way you win a debate: bring up topics to which the people who disagree with you aren’t allowed to fully respond.
When you stop bringing up blacks, I'll stop bringing up Jews. Stating how white Jews benefitted is not resentment. It is a statement made based on words white Jews have spoken themselves. Sorry if this truth busts your lie, but your condescending attitude needs to be countered factually.

You are the one who is entitled and protected. You create threads full of stuff that is apparent and if we call it what it is, we get punished while you get to continue posting the filth.

YOU bought up Jews in the OP when you determined the basis of payments and have continued doing so since. So stop complaining.

Jim Crow was nationwide and racism didn't end in 1965.

This forum is evidence of that.
When you stop bringing up blacks, I'll stop bringing up Jews. Stating how white Jews benefitted is not resentment. It is a statement made based on words white Jews have spoken themselves. Sorry if this truth busts your lie, but your condescending attitude needs to be countered factually.

You are the one who is entitled and protected. You create threads full of stuff that is apparent and if we call it what it is, we get punished while you get to continue posting the filth.

YOU bought up Jews in the OP when you determined the basis of payments and have continued doing so since. So stop complaining.

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I brought up Jews because of the Holocaust survivors‘ reparations, and we need a REASONABLE benchmark from which to discuss a dollar amount - not your pie-in-the-sky $500,000 per black family.

And I bring up blacks because 1) this is the racism thread, and 2) all the whining about white racism keeping blacks down has as its core purpose some sort of reparations.

Anyway, as far as how much, and who, gets any money, that will be for the majority population to decide. You have some special arrogance to think that 14% of the population gets to DEMAND how much money they want from the majority. You’ll get what we give you, if anything.
If you want a one party state, move to Syria.
Syria has several political parties. And they are all hardcore left socialist.

You LWNJ moonbat Democrats should move to that racist shithole country instead of trying to turn the USA into a racist shithole country.
Wow, I hit a nerve, did I? Nope, they didn't retire, but they sat down and largely shut up about integration. They put black people on their staffs and tried to smile nicely for the cameras.

Then their bubba redneck inbred constituency voted in Republicans who pandered to their white anger.

Not true. None of it. Argue with this lady...

And not in this thread. We've taken it off course enough.

I brought up Jews because of the Holocaust survivors‘ reparations, and we need a REASONABLE benchmark from which to discuss a dollar amount - not your pie-in-the-sky $500,000 per black family.

And I bring up blacks because 1) this is the racism thread, and 2) all the whining about white racism keeping blacks down has as its core purpose some sort of reparations.

Anyway, as far as how much, and who, gets any money, that will be for the majority population to decide. You have some special arrogance to think that 14% of the population gets to DEMAND how much money they want from the majority. You’ll get what we give you, if anything.
And I bought up Jews because of the New Deal programs they were able to take advantage of along with the reparations from Germany furthermore there is this:

In 2012, The U.S. authorized paying reparations to holocaust survivors.

"living survivors would receive in total $401,880; living surviving spouses would receive up to $100,470."

Here we see a minority population receiving money.

My amount is not pie in the sky. It is based on the citi study unlike your proposal that is based on your hatred.

The case for reparations will be against the government(s) and decided by the courts just as every other case for reparations have been. This is not the first case of reparations that have been tried and you really need to quit with the silly arguments that are derived from years of race baited bs.

Racism continues in this country. Because of that human rights violations continue against blacks and people of color. Racism was not ended by Johnson signing his name on some paper and each and every single one of you right wing whites in this forum know it. Reading the posts from you guys show me that if a black person applies for a job and one of you are responsible for hiring, that black person won't get hired no matter how qualified. And despite Lisas claims, blacks who enrolled at whatever college she claimed to work in admission at, were denied entry because the staff automatically believed they were less qualified.

You guys aren't fooling anyone and the use of plausible deniability goes only so far.
Syria has several political parties. And they are all hardcore left socialist.

You LWNJ moonbat Democrats should move to that racist shithole country instead of trying to turn the USA into a racist shithole country.

Baathists are conservative authoritarian nationalists.
And I bought up Jews because of the New Deal programs they were able to take advantage of along with the reparations from Germany furthermore there is this:

In 2012, The U.S. authorized paying reparations to holocaust survivors.

"living survivors would receive in total $401,880; living surviving spouses would receive up to $100,470."

Here we see a minority population receiving money.

My amount is not pie in the sky. It is based on the citi study unlike your proposal that is based on your hatred.

The case for reparations will be against the government(s) and decided by the courts just as every other case for reparations have been. This is not the first case of reparations that have been tried and you really need to quit with the silly arguments that are derived from years of race baited bs.

Racism continues in this country. Because of that human rights violations continue against blacks and people of color. Racism was not ended by Johnson signing his name on some paper and each and every single one of you right wing whites in this forum know it. Reading the posts from you guys show me that if a black person applies for a job and one of you are responsible for hiring, that black person won't get hired no matter how qualified. And despite Lisas claims, blacks who enrolled at whatever college she claimed to work in admission at, were denied entry because the staff automatically believed they were less qualified.

You guys aren't fooling anyone and the use of plausible deniability goes only so far.
You act as though all these whites living in America got reparations from Germany. I knew of only one, my (step) grandfather who lived off insects and rodents and rain water for years, in hiding. He was physically damaged and a lot of his stomach had to be surgically removed. He could never eat more than a teaspoon at a time. And he sure as hell didn’t get $400,000. I doubt he even got a total of $40,000.

And that was a lot worse than Jim Crowe. My suggestion to model the payment structure after the Holocaust was generous.

And you are so full of it. Blacks were admitted with grades and scores FAR below whites who were rejected. Instead of having some appreciation for the fact that whites - and that includes Jews - were rejected even though they were superior students, you deny it happened.

The racism is now against whites. When was the last time a white cashier refused to take your order while serving every other white person in the place - and when you asked for service, you were put “in your place” for complaining? NEVER.
Baathists are conservative authoritarian nationalists.
The Ba'ath party is hardcore authoritarian socialist, like the Democratic party in the USA that inspired the Nazis to make racist laws that led to the holocaust.
But we will be able to say that blacks who suffered under the pre-Civil Rights era in the Deep South are getting reparations, so everyone else can be quiet.

Doesn‘t anyone want to find a solution to the anti-white racism?
they won't be quiet because it will never be enough. the solution to racism is for everyone to stop talking about it.
And let me set the record straight. There is no resentment of "Jewish success" by blacks. Blacks supported white Jews in America during times when non Jewish whites did not. Also, I support any and all reparations jews have received because they are deserved. No one here has seen me start threads whereby I as a non jew decided I can decide the amount of reparations to be paid Jews, for how long, or who is eligible such as Lisa has done in 2 different threads.

Lisa talks about how blacks, who are 14 percent of the population, don't get to determine things. Well, Jews are 2.6 percent of the population and Lisa thinks she can make determinations. Lisa resents that blacks are given equal opportunity. No one else. That's where the resentment is. She has claimed that everything is lowered for every black person. This is saying that blacks are inferior as a race.

In telling me we are a minority, Lisa is speaking as a white person. But when challenged she is a poor oppressed minority as a Jew. Lisa is an example of how some white Jews have used race. I said some, because there are many who have stood with blacks but Lisa and a few others in this forum are not in that number.

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