Here’s the moment I had to put out a man that was on fire after the USCP bombarded the crowd with explosive munitions

What a classic stupid question.
Complaining about the actions of police means that you hate all police.
Complaining about LEO activity usually equates to the 'L' they are required to 'E'

Or in what appears your level of grasp, 'hate all legislators'....

A crowd peacefully protesting and this is what Capitol Police did on J6.

And we now know that several members of the USCP have repeatedly lied under oath when testifying in court during numerous J6 trials.

The U.S. Constitution (our supreme law of the land), allows specifically for the right of the people to "PEACEFULLIY" assemble to address grievances against the government.
The operative word is, "PEACEFULLY."
Elements of the crowd were anything but peaceful. Once they ceased being peaceful, law enforcement had every right to use various non-lethal methods to disperse them.
What should have happened on January 6th, was for "all" of the crowd to do exactly what Trump told them to do in his speech, which was to walk over to "peacefully walk" over to the Capitol and let their voices be heard. He never told anyone to try and break into the Capitol. Elements of the left headed to the Capitol to cause havoc, while Trump was still giving his speech and the left wanted Trump to look bad.

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