Here's The Transcript of McCarthy Saying Putin Pays Trump


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
I am pasting below the transcript of a recording of a closed door Republican meeting last year.

A few things worth noting:

1) The Republicans like the new Ukrainian Prime Minister. They believe he is the real deal compared to other leaders currying our favor: "Everybody talks a good game on what they’re doing, but he’s passed all these anti-corruption laws. "

2) They discuss the fact that Russia has been putting out a lot of bullshit propaganda. I have seen their piss drinking lackeys on this forum, claiming the Ukrainians are fascists. The Republicans describe how the Russians are paying traitors in various countries to be their mouthpieces. It is at this point that McCarthy says Trump and Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a real lickspittle for Putin, are being paid by Putin.

3) The Republicans frankly talk about Russia hacking the DNC. But here's the really fascinating part which I am surprised has not gotten more attention: The Republicans believe Russia hacked the DNC in order to feed Clinton's oppo research on Trump to Trump! So the Republicans clearly believed there was collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign as far back as June of last year, and kept this knowledge from the public!

Here's the transcript:

(UI: Unidentified individual)

UI: Kevin had the Ukrainian prime minister this morning.

Ryan: Oh, so did I. I just left him in the health care… [unintelligible].

UI: Okay.

Ryan: This guy’s a good guy.


Ryan: This guy’s a pretty good guy.

Rodgers: Is this the guy who’s been there a while?

Ryan: No, he’s new. He was the speaker of the [unintelligible].

Rodgers: Their other prime minister got kicked out, right?

Ryan: Right. This guy’s like the anti-corruption guy. This guy’s there because he’s the anticorruption guy. He was the speaker…

Rodgers: Okay.

Ryan: And he’s the one who was working on the amendments to the constitution [unintelligible]…independent judiciary.

Rodgers: Okay.

Ryan: They got that in now…[unintelligible]…and he’s passing…and he’s passing all these anticorruption laws.

Rodgers: How are things going in Ukraine?

Ryan: What’s that?

Rodgers: How are things going in Ukraine?

Ryan: Well, the Russians are bombing them 30-40…um, um…shells a day and the people. Crimea is gone. And, they’re trying to clean up their government to show that they want to be western. So they’re trying to prove to the western world that they want to be western, or westernizing, so they can get support to get their country back. They’re [unintelligible]. Everybody talks a good game on what they’re doing, but he’s passed all these anti-corruption laws. The question is are they, like, executing…[unintelligible]…I think by the summer they’ll have it all done.

Rodgers: Did he talk about their economy?

Ryan: Yeah, this is about getting actual growth and not graft growth,, it’s not good, but…

Rodgers: I went there a year ago. It was like wow. These people are living…they’re on the front lines. They’re fighting for their freedom…it’s, uh…their independence.

Ryan: He basically…He has this really interesting riff about… people have said that they have Ukraine fatigue, and it’s really Russian fatigue because what Russia is doing is doing to us, financing our populists, financing people in our governments to undo our governments, you know, messing with our oil and gas energy, all the things Russia does to basically blow up our country, they’re just going to roll right through us and go to the Baltics and everyone else.

Rodgers: Yes!

Ryan: So we should not have Ukraine fatigue, we should have Russian fatigue.

Rodgers: Yes! The propaganda…my big takeaway from that trip was just how sophisticated the propaganda…

Ryan: It’s very sophisticated.

Rodgers:…coming out of Russia and Putin.

Ryan: Very sophisticated.


Rodgers: Not just in Ukraine. They were once funding the NGOs in Europe. They attacked fracking.

Ryan: Correct.

Rodgers: Russia TV. I was not…you know…I hadn’t tuned into Russia TV until that trip. It’s, it’s frightening.

Ryan: So he’s saying they’re doing this throughout Europe. So, uh…


Ryan: This is, this isn’t just about Ukraine.

Rodgers: So, yeah, it is a, um…[unintelligible]…a’s really a messaging…you know…they are…it’s a propaganda war.

Ryan: Russia is trying to turn Ukraine against itself.

Rodgers: Yes. And that’s…it’s sophisticated and it’s, uh…

Ryan: Maniacal.

Rodgers: Yes.

Ryan: And guess…guess who’s the only one taking a strong stand up against it? We are.

Rodgers: We’re not…we’re not…but, we’re not…

McCarthy: [unintelligible]…I’ll GUARANTEE you that’s what it is.


McCarthy: The Russians hacked the DNC and got the opp research that they had on Trump.

McCarthy: laughs


Ryan: The Russian’s hacked the DNC…

McHenry: …to get oppo…

Ryan: …on Trump and like delivered it to…to who?


McCarthy: There’s…there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump…[laughter]…swear to God.

Ryan: This is an off the record…[laughter]…NO LEAKS…[laughter]…alright?!


Ryan: This is how we know we’re a real family here.

Scalise: That’s how you know that we’re tight.


Ryan: What’s said in the family stays in the family.
You guys know why Russia propaganda attacks fracking, right?
The words came right out of Paul Ryan's mouth. The Russians hacked the DNC to get oppo on Trump to deliver it to the Trump campaign.

Ryan has believed there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia for a year.
Its a joke you fn tard
That's why Ryan said to keep the conversation a secret, eh?

That's why Ryan's aids lied yesterday and said the conversation never took place. They flat out lied.

Then, when immediately confronted that there was recorded evidence, they tried to claim it was all a joke.

Yeah, right.
Its a joke you fn tard
That's why Ryan said to keep the conversation a secret, eh?

That's why Ryan's aids lied yesterday and said the conversation never took place. They flat out lied.

Then, when immediately confronted that there was recorded evidence, they tried to claim it was all a joke.

Yeah, right.

It's a joke.

Tell us how again Putin hacked the election from Hillary

Its a joke you fn tard
That's why Ryan said to keep the conversation a secret, eh?

That's why Ryan's aids lied yesterday and said the conversation never took place. They flat out lied.

Then, when immediately confronted that there was recorded evidence, they tried to claim it was all a joke.

Yeah, right.


And if you listen to the actual tape, it doesn't sound like a joke at all. And McCarthy is just as crooked as LyinRyan and others.

This is also a tip-off that they knew trump had a connection to Russia long before the election. OTOH, we all knew that. It was just that trump bragged about it or that, on camera, spoke directly to Putin and actually inviting him to screw with our election and made it like they had been discussing it all along. Funniest to me is that trump's own sleaze spawn said it too.

Are the RWNJs saying that trump, sleazy Eric and little DonDon all lied?


Sent from my iPad using
First it was "where is the evidence"?

Now it's "They were joking"!

Amazing, the level the partisan sheep will sink to.
I am pasting below the transcript of a recording of a closed door Republican meeting last year.

A few things worth noting:

1) The Republicans like the new Ukrainian Prime Minister. They believe he is the real deal compared to other leaders currying our favor: "Everybody talks a good game on what they’re doing, but he’s passed all these anti-corruption laws. "

2) They discuss the fact that Russia has been putting out a lot of bullshit propaganda. I have seen their piss drinking lackeys on this forum, claiming the Ukrainians are fascists. The Republicans describe how the Russians are paying traitors in various countries to be their mouthpieces. It is at this point that McCarthy says Trump and Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a real lickspittle for Putin, are being paid by Putin.

3) The Republicans frankly talk about Russia hacking the DNC. But here's the really fascinating part which I am surprised has not gotten more attention: The Republicans believe Russia hacked the DNC in order to feed Clinton's oppo research on Trump to Trump! So the Republicans clearly believed there was collusion between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign as far back as June of last year, and kept this knowledge from the public!

Here's the transcript:

(UI: Unidentified individual)

UI: Kevin had the Ukrainian prime minister this morning.

Ryan: Oh, so did I. I just left him in the health care… [unintelligible].

UI: Okay.

Ryan: This guy’s a good guy.


Ryan: This guy’s a pretty good guy.

Rodgers: Is this the guy who’s been there a while?

Ryan: No, he’s new. He was the speaker of the [unintelligible].

Rodgers: Their other prime minister got kicked out, right?

Ryan: Right. This guy’s like the anti-corruption guy. This guy’s there because he’s the anticorruption guy. He was the speaker…

Rodgers: Okay.

Ryan: And he’s the one who was working on the amendments to the constitution [unintelligible]…independent judiciary.

Rodgers: Okay.

Ryan: They got that in now…[unintelligible]…and he’s passing…and he’s passing all these anticorruption laws.

Rodgers: How are things going in Ukraine?

Ryan: What’s that?

Rodgers: How are things going in Ukraine?

Ryan: Well, the Russians are bombing them 30-40…um, um…shells a day and the people. Crimea is gone. And, they’re trying to clean up their government to show that they want to be western. So they’re trying to prove to the western world that they want to be western, or westernizing, so they can get support to get their country back. They’re [unintelligible]. Everybody talks a good game on what they’re doing, but he’s passed all these anti-corruption laws. The question is are they, like, executing…[unintelligible]…I think by the summer they’ll have it all done.

Rodgers: Did he talk about their economy?

Ryan: Yeah, this is about getting actual growth and not graft growth,, it’s not good, but…

Rodgers: I went there a year ago. It was like wow. These people are living…they’re on the front lines. They’re fighting for their freedom…it’s, uh…their independence.

Ryan: He basically…He has this really interesting riff about… people have said that they have Ukraine fatigue, and it’s really Russian fatigue because what Russia is doing is doing to us, financing our populists, financing people in our governments to undo our governments, you know, messing with our oil and gas energy, all the things Russia does to basically blow up our country, they’re just going to roll right through us and go to the Baltics and everyone else.

Rodgers: Yes!

Ryan: So we should not have Ukraine fatigue, we should have Russian fatigue.

Rodgers: Yes! The propaganda…my big takeaway from that trip was just how sophisticated the propaganda…

Ryan: It’s very sophisticated.

Rodgers:…coming out of Russia and Putin.

Ryan: Very sophisticated.


Rodgers: Not just in Ukraine. They were once funding the NGOs in Europe. They attacked fracking.

Ryan: Correct.

Rodgers: Russia TV. I was not…you know…I hadn’t tuned into Russia TV until that trip. It’s, it’s frightening.

Ryan: So he’s saying they’re doing this throughout Europe. So, uh…


Ryan: This is, this isn’t just about Ukraine.

Rodgers: So, yeah, it is a, um…[unintelligible]…a’s really a messaging…you know…they are…it’s a propaganda war.

Ryan: Russia is trying to turn Ukraine against itself.

Rodgers: Yes. And that’s…it’s sophisticated and it’s, uh…

Ryan: Maniacal.

Rodgers: Yes.

Ryan: And guess…guess who’s the only one taking a strong stand up against it? We are.

Rodgers: We’re not…we’re not…but, we’re not…

McCarthy: [unintelligible]…I’ll GUARANTEE you that’s what it is.


McCarthy: The Russians hacked the DNC and got the opp research that they had on Trump.

McCarthy: laughs


Ryan: The Russian’s hacked the DNC…

McHenry: …to get oppo…

Ryan: …on Trump and like delivered it to…to who?


McCarthy: There’s…there’s two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump…[laughter]…swear to God.

Ryan: This is an off the record…[laughter]…NO LEAKS…[laughter]…alright?!


Ryan: This is how we know we’re a real family here.

Scalise: That’s how you know that we’re tight.


Ryan: What’s said in the family stays in the family.


Ryan: This is an off the record…[laughter]…NO LEAKS…[laughter]…alright?!
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First they denied it was ever said . Fake news righty lies !!

Then the tapes came out and it became "oh that was a joke ."

You stupid righty rubes will eat up anything.
Looks like g doesn't understand satire either. They were laughing. Oh......but it was all in good fun when the brown buffoon told Putin to wait until after the election? Uh huh yeah. You guys are full retard loonbats.

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