Here's what Pavlo from Ukraine sez..


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012

anyone who believes jake sullivan is a fool​

pavlo from ukraine

2 hours ago
I'm from Ukraine and we are living a normal life and have things as always.We do not have fear and panic as they're showing here.. Wish everyone peace and welcome to Ukraine

Comments section:
So those 130,000 Russian troops are just on a training exercise? Nothing to see here?

anyone who believes jake sullivan is a fool​

pavlo from ukraine

2 hours ago
I'm from Ukraine and we are living a normal life and have things as always.We do not have fear and panic as they're showing here.. Wish everyone peace and welcome to Ukraine

Comments section:

You mean the media are reporting fakes news and hyping up a situation for ratings? Who wooda ever thunk.
Ukraine has oil. That's why the U.S. can't wait to send soldiers to die there.
Its our media that's whoring out the war drums.
Yea, those 130,000 Russian troops are just on a training exercise.

We know you love Putin, and that your love for Putin grew because your Dear Leader says he is a great guy. We get it.
Yea, those 130,000 Russian troops are just on a training exercise.

We know you love Putin, and that your love for Putin grew because your Dear Leader says he is a great guy. We get it.

No, its our govt that's yearning for another war and they have their liberal media who are whoring out their message. Russian boogeymen!!!! Lol.

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