Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Okay, he was mentally ill and violent.

And he was able to get a gun.
Just like Adam Lanza
Seung-Hui Cho
James Holmes
Frank James
Jared Loughner
Mentally ill, violent, most all known crazy libs. Maybe we should brand all dems with a D on their forheads and prevent them from having guns, or knives.
you believe all fascist propaganda dunce. even the biggest liars of all time, Hitler and trump...

You're right, The real world, everyone but fox and internet nuts....don't change the channel or google anything, dingbat. lol
You failed of course to address what I actually asked or said. Let's try again.

What do the letters N A Z I stand for? What was the actual name of the party?
The correct spectrum takes the economy model into account, ignoramus. Nazis and fascists love savage capitalism and aristocrats, so are RW. Liberals and socialists LOVE democracy and FAIR capitalism, communists are dictatorships and absolutely HATE capitalism and aristocrats. Your spectrum is just more "Liberal Fascism" drivel that only GOP rubes believe IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. "We are all socialists now!" - President of Finland when O-Care passed. But of course the GOP screwed that up in GOP states.
You folks are promoting your own version of Dictatorial governance with no tolerance of any kind for those who disagree with you.

You're no better than either the Communists or Fascists and closely aligning yourselves with their practices and ideologies.
and a republic is representative democracy...and it can lead to tyranny, say when you dupes support martial law for imaginary Democratic crimes...that's why today's GOP is so dangerous...
When was martial law imposed by republicans at any point in modern history since WWII?
You failed of course to address what I actually asked or said. Let's try again.

What do the letters N A Z I stand for? What was the actual name of the party?
nat soc. garbage rw propaganda duh. Biggest liars ever until GOP of today...I have a masters in history mainly about Hitler and the French.
You folks are promoting your own version of Dictatorial governance with no tolerance of any kind for those who disagree with you.

You're no better than either the Communists or Fascists and closely aligning yourselves with their practices and ideologies.
You listen to crap and are clueless. We have a problem with obvious GOP/Trump anti-american lies. The steal fbi and vax gw lies are a disaster So does the rest of the world...except Russia...trump pals...
Mentally ill, violent, most all known crazy libs. Maybe we should brand all dems with a D on their forheads and prevent them from having guns, or knives.
hilarious in a thread about buffalo, super dupe...By the time they start shooting they are mainly crazy RWers argh....gun culture is rw...libs my butt lol....
BTW, The Bills are America's Team, The Cowboys are the GOP corporate team. Fuque the No Fun League, long live the AFL. Hell no I ain't forgettin'...The Bills always wanted the 49ers, not arrogant big money BORING swine NFL East crap. Josh Allen is god.....Aaand back to trying to get thru the brainwash...
Half the base wants it from time to time or say so. Incredibly dangerous, based on misinfo now...
You are exactly the New Soviet man Biden's Ministry of Truth was counting on. You'll believe without question or hesitation whatever your Democrat masters tell you.

I bet you wept bitter tears when the project was scrapped. To whom will you denounce people for Thoughtcrime?
You are exactly the New Soviet man Biden's Ministry of Truth was counting on. You'll believe without question or hesitation whatever your Democrat masters tell you.

I bet you wept bitter tears when the project was scrapped. To whom will you denounce people for Thoughtcrime?
i'm more of a nyt bbc france 24 dw every respected journalism kind of guy. Also Fox etc so I know what your poor fools are going on tell me, do you believe steal, vax gw hoax crap, super dupe? your crap about the truth thing. It's about watching RUSSIA and foreign stuff...duh. And not scrapped. Paused to give your loudmouth idiot party time to get educated. Change the gd channel....
What is your bait and switch to what I posted

No bait and switch pointing out the obvious. He posted 180 pages about replacement theory and shot up a bunch of black people. He did not post 180 pages about communism and shoot up the Heritage Club.

You don't even realize that you are the one falling for the trick. You have bought into the false narrative that all economic inequality is based on race and sex. You have bought into the false narrative that being white is some kind of ticket to automatic success, despite the obvious evidence otherwise, yourself included. You and your party don't believe in rewarding hard work and achievement, instead, you believe people are entitled to a certain economic level, regardless of ability or effort, and those that have worked hard and achieved should have to pick up the tab.

Uh, I do fine, Cleetus. I'm not so embarrassed about my economic status I won't tell people where I live like you do.

I'm all for rewarding hard work. I'm not for rewarding greed and graft.

The top 1% control 43% of the wealth. They do NOT do 43% of the work to create that wealth.

I got to drive through some rural areas in Indiana and Michigan yesterday. In short, real Trump Country. . And what I saw was a collection of abandoned buildings, decay and poverty that frankly would rival any inner city slum, it's just more spread out.

Our country would have never achieved its current economic world dominance with the current Democrat's mindset and we are quickly losing it because people like you support detrimental policies both economic and social.

Hey, fucknut, the country achieved it's current economic dominance WHEN Democrats were in charge, and they were a lot more liberal than the current batch of milquetoasts "Can we please have a little common decency". Where the shit got fucked up is when Tricky Dick (And Reagan, and the Bushes and Trump) convinced stupid white people they didn't need to have a decent middle class, they just needed more than the darkies.

I don't really care if you get it or not. People like you never will. My only hope is that your ideology does not become mainstream as that would be deterimental to my children's future.

I get it just fine, because the information that says the opposite was deviously hidden from you in things called History Books.

If you want to live like a Republican, vote for a Democrat.

Instead, you keep voting for the Republicans, because they keep appealing to your ideas on race, and you keep watching your rural red states decline further into poverty, lashed by one recession after another.

Um, no. He also didn't shoot up a police station. That doesn't mean he loved the police.

Right. He shot up a grocery store of black people because he fears white people might get treated they way they are WHEN white people are the minority.
No, I'm not. Find me another Republican authoritarian leftist eco-fascist socialist Democrat. Hop to it, boy.

Meanwhile, while you're finding zero examples of such, you're engaging on the Everybody On My Side Is An Angel fallacy. It's perfect for you -- you're so practiced at ignoring reality.

Uh, just because he said he was doesn't make it so...

His actions speak for themselves. He ranted like a Fox News commentator, and then shot up black people.
I don't have to lie. History is on my side.

I don't want martial law; that's just stupid. I want government to leave me alone. I want government to leave everybody alone.
Except when they send you your fat government check every months. Oh, and you want the po-po to keep the darkies in line. But other than that, you want the government to leave you alone.

But you damn leftists want government to hold your hand and powder your bottoms your entire life. And you believe everyone else is as incompetent and childlike as you are, so you want Big Daddy Government to take care of everyone.

Hardly... government's basic function is protect us from each other, and sometimes ourselves.

That means protecting us from the guy who wants to break into our house and steal our TV set, but it also means protecting us from the guy who wants to dump toxins into our water supply because that's cheaper than properly disposing it.
Mentally ill, violent, most all known crazy libs. Maybe we should brand all dems with a D on their forheads and prevent them from having guns, or knives.

Most of them had no political ideology... but as long as we want to create a standard of who can't have guns, I'm all for it.
"On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category,"

Did you forget your glasses?

Later he says: "“conservativism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it.”

Authoritarian left is a fair description for Trumpsters. Many of them will open admit it.
No bait and switch pointing out the obvious. He posted 180 pages about replacement theory and shot up a bunch of black people. He did not post 180 pages about communism and shoot up the Heritage Club.

Uh, I do fine, Cleetus. I'm not so embarrassed about my economic status I won't tell people where I live like you do.

I'm all for rewarding hard work. I'm not for rewarding greed and graft.

The top 1% control 43% of the wealth. They do NOT do 43% of the work to create that wealth.

I got to drive through some rural areas in Indiana and Michigan yesterday. In short, real Trump Country. . And what I saw was a collection of abandoned buildings, decay and poverty that frankly would rival any inner city slum, it's just more spread out.

Hey, fucknut, the country achieved it's current economic dominance WHEN Democrats were in charge, and they were a lot more liberal than the current batch of milquetoasts "Can we please have a little common decency". Where the shit got fucked up is when Tricky Dick (And Reagan, and the Bushes and Trump) convinced stupid white people they didn't need to have a decent middle class, they just needed more than the darkies.

I get it just fine, because the information that says the opposite was deviously hidden from you in things called History Books.

If you want to live like a Republican, vote for a Democrat.

Instead, you keep voting for the Republicans, because they keep appealing to your ideas on race, and you keep watching your rural red states decline further into poverty, lashed by one recession after another.

Right. He shot up a grocery store of black people because he fears white people might get treated they way they are WHEN white people are the minority.

He stated he was a leftist authoritarian and eco-fascist....racism, and anti-semitism are hand in glove with leftism..........marx and hitler were racists and guys can lie, but the truth is leftism is all about racism...they see people as groups, and they want power....

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