Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

You weep for America because America will never accept your Soviet bullshit.

You are absolutely clueless lol...
you lie. you are martial law from being a nazi. and i suppose you're a leftist like this kid...
I don't have to lie. History is on my side.

I don't want martial law; that's just stupid. I want government to leave me alone. I want government to leave everybody alone.

But you damn leftists want government to hold your hand and powder your bottoms your entire life. And you believe everyone else is as incompetent and childlike as you are, so you want Big Daddy Government to take care of everyone.

I'd tell you to grow up, but at this point, you'll only get older.
He believes your ridiculous GOP/internet political spectrum where all dictatorships are leftist, dumbass. So he thinks he is a leftist, super dupe. I'm here in WNY and I know you people. Love you great people but you believe this shytte...election steal, vax hoax, gw hoax, nazis are are socialists, you name it. Laughable but dangerous....poor America. You know, people weren't OBSESSED with politics until Reagan ended Fairness Doctrine and Rush Fox Internet.
Translation, people started caring about politics when Reagan ended the (un)Fairness Doctrine and Rush started uncovering the left's activities that weren't getting reported in the left-wing media. And you're just proving my point that you think you can read minds. I keep telling you that those helmets don't work, but you keep trying.
I don't have to lie. History is on my side.

I don't want martial law; that's just stupid. I want government to leave me alone. I want government to leave everybody alone.

But you damn leftists want government to hold your hand and powder your bottoms your entire life. And you believe everyone else is as incompetent and childlike as you are, so you want Big Daddy Government to take care of everyone.

I'd tell you to grow up, but at this point, you'll only get older.
You are brainwashed functionlly clueless
Horseshit only one from of government doesn't lead to tyranny and that is a Republic. Even anarchism leads to tyranny.
and a republic is representative democracy...and it can lead to tyranny, say when you dupes support martial law for imaginary Democratic crimes...that's why today's GOP is so dangerous...
Translation, people started caring about politics when Reagan ended the (un)Fairness Doctrine and Rush started uncovering the left's activities that weren't getting reported in the left-wing media. And you're just proving my point that you think you can read minds. I keep telling you that those helmets don't work, but you keep trying.
left's activities such as lol, super dupe? Endless lies... oh, the bj? LOL
Waaah. Lefties never lie.

Russia, Russia, Russia!!!
Proven to have helped Trump misinfo, black flags, etc etc etc, and STILL doing it...Why in the world would they collude with Trump idiots lol...There's always the BJ, super scum....Trump told them to go ahead IN PUBLIC DUH, like they cared....
Translation, people started caring about politics when Reagan ended the (un)Fairness Doctrine and Rush started uncovering the left's activities that weren't getting reported in the left-wing media. And you're just proving my point that you think you can read minds. I keep telling you that those helmets don't work, but you keep trying.
brainwash misinfo racism and addiction, it's the greatest...people in Buffalo really enjoyed it
and a republic is representative democracy...and it can lead to tyranny, say when you dupes support martial law for imaginary Democratic crimes...that's why today's GOP is so dangerous...
Nobody's calling for martial law, you lying sack of Soviet shit.

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