Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Again…..the reason they commit suicide has no bearing on their determination to succeed…

You know this but you can’t come up with a legitimate argument…

Actually, decisions to commit suicide are impulsive. A gun allows you to act instantly on an impulse.

If you have to lace up a noose or find a high building to jump out of, that's enough time to realize, "Hey, this is stupid."
Actually, decisions to commit suicide are impulsive. A gun allows you to act instantly on an impulse.
Not sure where you got your psychology degree, but I think you are fking wrong. Just saying. Seventeen year old girl in Geneva, IL hit by a train as suicide. Walked the tracks and stepped in front of it. Went to prom two days earlier. Suicide is the most complex human issue that has zero understanding. So just shut up and stop showing off your stupid.
Funny, only your side is freaking out about brown people crossing the border... you can't even go one post.
Who said anything about the color of their skin? Oh, that's right, YOU did.
You do realize a fence around a house and a fence on a border are two different things, right? NO wealthy person relies solely on a fence.
Sounds like you're saying that we need the military posted at the border too.
We don't really have a problem on the southern border other than your racism.
You asked about the northern border, and if you don't believe we have a problem on the southern border, you're not paying attention. Does children in cages ring a bell?
You asked about the northern border, and if you don't believe we have a problem on the southern border, you're not paying attention. Does children in cages ring a bell?
he's saying that isn't a problem. I saw his response.
Unfortunately, Americas worst enemy lives within our borders…there is a passive civil war going down right under your nose and a by any means necessary approach must be taken to destroy the enemy.
This is exactly what worries me about you guys. Seriously.
Or you could stop being distracted by pure crap like that and voting for greedy rich swine LIARS. We are the richest country in the world and the only modern one without a living wage health care daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, ID card to end illegals, and a fair tax on the rich. Great job, dupes

The only reason the other countries have those things is because we protect them with our military, we provide them with technological advances and we provide them with the new wonder drugs and new medical technology….. if they had to take care of all of those things on their own, instead of sponging off of the U.S. they wouldnt be able to have the sucky healthcare systems they have now….and all of their healthcare systems are still going broke
Actually, decisions to commit suicide are impulsive. A gun allows you to act instantly on an impulse.

If you have to lace up a noose or find a high building to jump out of, that's enough time to realize, "Hey, this is stupid."

And again…..that doesn’t stop Japan, South Korea China or about a dozen European countries that have higher suicide success rates than we do….you dumb ass
And the cycle democrats rely on continues. Any excuse will do, even ones that make them look like pathetic weaklings scared a Republican might look sideways at them. You have drunk all the Kool-Ade and didn't leave any for anyone else. A true believer, for sure.

The funny thing is they never give you what you want but you still vote for them.
It's a conspiracy!!!
The only reason the other countries have those things is because we protect them with our military, we provide them with technological advances and we provide them with the new wonder drugs and new medical technology….. if they had to take care of all of those things on their own, instead of sponging off of the U.S. they wouldnt be able to have the sucky healthcare systems they have now….and all of their healthcare systems are still going broke
Their health care costs half what ours does...We are the richest by far, but with the GOP worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere by far, super dupe...also we have 10X the prison pop...great job!
he's saying that isn't a problem. I saw his response.
Better here than crime ridden poor old Mexico. Let's go back to the founding fathers' plan, not Don's...We must tax our rich and help these poor drug gang/GW/volcano devastated areas...Your new bs overall GOP plan is a disaster, ALL OF IT...
"fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist."
Yes yes, you believe all insane monsters...great job! Obviously, he believes the ridiculous brand new "Liberal RW spectrum where everything bad is leftist argh...and the rw is freedom and unicorns....actually a garbage freedom to tyranny idiot spectrum.....
why not? dude that makes zero sense. Go figure. You feel you should pay more, pay more!! I do actually know why you don't, just giving you the opportunity to explain why for us all?
NOBODY wants YOU to pay more, stupid, except for honest GOP swine....
Better here than crime ridden poor old Mexico. Let's go back to the founding fathers' plan, not Don's...We must tax our rich and help these poor drug gang/GW/volcano devastated areas...Your new bs overall GOP plan is a disaster, ALL OF IT...
Are they moving to your neighborhood? You want em. Me, I like to respect those immigrants that follow rules
NOBODY wants YOU to pay more, stupid, except for honest GOP swine....
Holy fk is that a 180, I got whiplash. I could have sworn we were talking gates and demofk rich that wanted to pay more taxes. You swerved off the road! Wow. I see you can’t defend your own statement

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