Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Ah. So you discard his manifesto in its entirety.
Good to know.
Just proves he believes a load of RW garbage, including the stoopid new RW political spectrum, where everything bad is lw lol....Nazis and commies agree on NOTHING lol...except dictatorship, which leaves room for confusion for ignoramus dupes....
There's a reason I had you on ignore for over a year. You haven't improved a bit. Still leftist, still stupid.
Reality is so repetitive lol.....ditto opposed to your endlessly imaginative garbage propaganda
Yes, and now you are sucking off the government teet... everyone who gets a check from the government can rationalize it... but most of them have the good sense to NOT whine about the government.
You really hate it when your god is criticized, don't you?
Naw, I've seen a lot of gun nut whining about "Why did Kellerman count the suicides". The point remains, for every bad guy killed in a home invasion, 43 household members die from suicide, domestic violence or accidents. This is just nuts. It's like owning a rabid pitbull for protection and then ignoring it when he mauls the kids.
Yes, we know why you ignore the proofs that it's bad science. Because you want everyone (except criminals) disarmed.
I'd love to...
Nothing stopping you but your own cowardice. Get busy, chickenshit.
...but first we have to prevent them from getting more from that gun shop in Indiana. And herein lies your problem. Fireworks are also illegal in Illinois. But when I drove into Indiana last week for a wedding, I saw a HUGE number of billboards for places selling fireworks going into IN.

View attachment 648513

All letting visitors from IL where to buy their illicit fireworks. Many fewer signs in the opposite direction.
So, you want someone else to do the heavy lifting for you.

Why are leftists such cowards?

And why do you want to punish the law-abiding for the actions of the criminals?

I know why. I'm just curious if you can admit it.

Smart money says you won't.
Because he would be alone DUH...
He would also be exhibiting, wait for it, wait for it....INTEGRITY!!!! If you whine that the rich aren't paying enough taxes, then turn around and pay as little as possible, you're a flaming hypocrite.
No, they aren't. The only Hispanics who vote GOP in any real numbers are the Cuban Refuse of Florida.
You hate them because they've seen the failure of Communism first-hand, and their experiences don't support your Soviet programming.
You really hate it when your god is criticized, don't you?

Yes, we know why you ignore the proofs that it's bad science. Because you want everyone (except criminals) disarmed.

Nothing stopping you but your own cowardice. Get busy, chickenshit.

So, you want someone else to do the heavy lifting for you.

Why are leftists such cowards?

And why do you want to punish the law-abiding for the actions of the criminals?

I know why. I'm just curious if you can admit it.

Smart money says you won't.
Background checks only stop criminals and mentally ill....Ban on military style sales only stop future ones, there are 20 million plus out there. Change the channel....
What the fuck are you taking about? I was pointing out that many Trumpsters, such as yourself, consider themselves left authoritarian. That's how I would describe you as well. I'm agreeing with you.
He was quoting the shooter's manifesto, not describing himself, you idiot.

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