Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

They have been blocked for 35 years. The only time they had 60 votes was 2009 under Obama, but of course in the middle of a corrupt dereg bubble and bust GOP World Depression as usual. No time to raise taxes. The problem is brainwashed idiots like you...or Dem pussies who want bipartisanship argh....
The last depression ended in 1935 but returned in 37 after FDR's tax hikes, thence ending again in 38.

The Housing bubble was a direct consequence of gov't lending policy and mismanagement at Freddie and Fannie. People went crazy for adjustable rate mortgages they could barely afford even without them adjusting up and then inevitably and predictably they went up resulting in the greatest foreclosure crisis in history.

Those so ignorant of history and economics should probably learn to shut up a lot when they are being discussed.
Yes yes, you believe all insane monsters...great job! Obviously, he believes the ridiculous brand new "Liberal RW spectrum where everything bad is leftist argh...and the rw is freedom and unicorns....actually a garbage freedom to tyranny idiot spectrum.....
Populism has multiple forms, some left, some right. The shooter was crazy, but his terminology is correct.
Stupid argument, hater dupe.

Of course the solution is obvious and unchanging. DUH
The solution is controlling our borders and bringing manufacturing back to the US just like we saw from the forties to the mid seventies.

All of our long term economic woes can be tied directly to becoming primarily a consumer economy rather than primarily a manufacturing economy.

We have very little true manufacturing left, mostly it's just plants that assemble parts made overseas or in Canada/Mexico.
I don't think newer cars produce enough CO to kill you.
That's possible, but I wouldn't want to test that theory. Exhaust fumes inhaled in a confined space should, at the very least, make you really sick and likely to pass out.
I don't think newer cars produce enough CO to kill you.
Those with IC engines certainly do. Just stick a hose in the exhaust and run it into the cabin sealing off any window leak with duct tape.

The way to tell you have a true leftist trying to commit suicide is when they try to do this with an EV.

Huge Smiley.jpg
We don't really have a problem on the southern border other than your racism.
Would you consider it racist that Canada is quick to deport their illegal immigrants? Most of them are non-white.

I've just always found it odd how the American left is one of the few in the world that is fine with illegal immigration, when the left in most other countries (even ones more progressive than our own) actually take a more conservative stance on immigration, or at least, illegal immigration.

The same is true with things like voter ID. It's not considered racist to expect people to show ID at voting locations in Canada, Mexico, most of Europe, South Africa, etc. Somehow, it's racism here.
Funny, only your side is freaking out about brown people crossing the border... you can't even go one post.

You do realize a fence around a house and a fence on a border are two different things, right? NO wealthy person relies solely on a fence.

We don't really have a problem on the southern border other than your racism.
Race is irrelevant and those, "Brown People" are actually Caucasian for the most part.

What matters irrespective of race and ethnicity is flooding the country with welfare seekers and unskilled workers that will do nothing but lower wages and run up our national debt.

Labor is like any other commodity, when there is an over supply the price tanks, when there is an under supply employers have to improve pay and benefits to attract workers.

If you aren't flooding the country with excess labor it's never a problem.
We don't really have a problem on the southern border other than your racism.
2 million people flooding the country in a single year produces huge problems for everyone in the country from hospitals going bankrupt because of unrecoverable charges to people paying taxes to support their welfare benefits, to anyone trying to get a job or hoping to move up where they are working and make better wages.
The FHA forced Fannie and Freddie to buy 50% subprime under Clinton.
Bush bumped it up to 55%.
They are independent entities.

Raines and Gorelick mismanaged the hell out of FM and they hid a lot of bad mortgages in the bundles they sold banks to hold as secure assets.

When the FDIC round those mortgage bundles could not actually be valued to any accuracy as a result it created an instant banking crisis.

Obama, Bush, and the congress pushed for increased home ownership rates lowering qualifying criteria and then FHA allowed the low or zero down adjustable rate mortgages to achieve that end and that just set up all the dominos to fall.

Bush screwed the pooch giving into the left on home ownership then Obama drove the boat over Niagara Falls.
Actually, decisions to commit suicide are impulsive. A gun allows you to act instantly on an impulse.

If you have to lace up a noose or find a high building to jump out of, that's enough time to realize, "Hey, this is stupid."
Most people who commit suicide will spend weeks, months, or even years considering it and deciding how to do it.

The only thing that is impulsive is the final decision to act when something finally pushes them over the edge.

Those who survive suicidal attempts are not people generally committed to the process which is why they survive.
You do realize a fence around a house and a fence on a border are two different things, right? NO wealthy person relies solely on a fence.
The Border Patrol never intended to depend on the fence alone either so your premise is both dishonest and retarded.

Fencing/Walls are part of a comprehensive approach to security, not the only piece of the puzzle.

That's why along with the border wall there was also supposed to be increased electronic and visual monitoring and quick reaction forces along with standard patrols to react when surges occurred.
Of course it won't because they have no intentions of paying that much in Taxes, it's all feel good bullshit to hook rubes like yourself.
It's a CONSPIRACY!!!! Biden's budget would have raised top rate to community cllege....way to stop that!!! lol

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