Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

Who said anything about the color of their skin? Oh, that's right, YOU did.

Sounds like you're saying that we need the military posted at the border too.

You asked about the northern border, and if you don't believe we have a problem on the southern border, you're not paying attention. Does children in cages ring a bell?
It's all they have. They can't make a logical argument on the subject so they immediately scream "Racism" and "Xenophobia".
It's a CONSPIRACY!!!! Biden's budget would have raised top rate to community cllege....way to stop that!!! lol
Because it would be a huge waste of money.

Even without "Free college" half of all enrollees will drop out in the first two years.

What we need is not more kids pushed into college who have no intention or the wherewithal to succeed, but a dual tracked system where trades are taught in HS so those who are not college material can leave HS as readily employable skilled workers.
The only reason the other countries have those things is because we protect them with our military, we provide them with technological advances and we provide them with the new wonder drugs and new medical technology….. if they had to take care of all of those things on their own, instead of sponging off of the U.S. they wouldnt be able to have the sucky healthcare systems they have now….and all of their healthcare systems are still going broke
Trump had the right idea about removing most of our forces from Western Europe and letting the Euro's figure out how to defend themselves.

If we could move them into the newer member nations primarily and produce the same long term stability and prosperity in those nations, the entire world would be much better off.

Had we actually done so there would be no war in Ukraine today nor would Putin dare risk any similar such expansionist moves.
They are independent entities.

Raines and Gorelick mismanaged the hell out of FM and they hid a lot of bad mortgages in the bundles they sold banks to hold as secure assets.

When the FDIC round those mortgage bundles could not actually be valued to any accuracy as a result it created an instant banking crisis.

Obama, Bush, and the congress pushed for increased home ownership rates lowering qualifying criteria and then FHA allowed the low or zero down adjustable rate mortgages to achieve that end and that just set up all the dominos to fall.

Bush screwed the pooch giving into the left on home ownership then Obama drove the boat over Niagara Falls.
Total BS, dupe. 75% was new private financial institutions that were corrupt just like their GOP cronies who made them possible thru deregulation. F+F got into it later, pushed by Boosh. Thank god Obama got there fast. Your heroes are lying scumbags...
Because it would be a huge waste of money.

Even without "Free college" half of all enrollees will drop out in the first two years.

What we need is not more kids pushed into college who have no intention or the wherewithal to succeed, but a dual tracked system where trades are taught in HS so those who are not college material can leave HS as readily employable skilled workers.
THAT"S WHAT COMMUNITY COLLEGE DOES for crying out loud....
Their health care costs half what ours does...We are the richest by far, but with the GOP worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere by far, super dupe...also we have 10X the prison pop...great job!
Their costs are generally reflective of healthier populations and restricting access.

Take a look at the difference in such things as waiting times for cancer treatments, MRI's, CT's etc along with rates of Chronic Disease and preventable conditions.
Total BS, dupe. 75% was new private financial institutions that were corrupt just like their GOP cronies who made them possible thru deregulation. F+F got into it later, pushed by Boosh. Thank god Obama got there fast. Your heroes are lying scumbags...
Yet not a single fact in your entire post.

The only thing "new" was the mortgage brokers and servicers created by a market where banks no longer wanted to mess with them due to low rates.
They are independent entities.

Raines and Gorelick mismanaged the hell out of FM and they hid a lot of bad mortgages in the bundles they sold banks to hold as secure assets.

When the FDIC round those mortgage bundles could not actually be valued to any accuracy as a result it created an instant banking crisis.

Obama, Bush, and the congress pushed for increased home ownership rates lowering qualifying criteria and then FHA allowed the low or zero down adjustable rate mortgages to achieve that end and that just set up all the dominos to fall.

Bush screwed the pooch giving into the left on home ownership then Obama drove the boat over Niagara Falls.
Yet not a single fact in your entire post.

The only thing "new" was the mortgage brokers and servicers created by a market where banks no longer wanted to mess with them due to low rates.
you are clueless. the gop had nothing to do with it? like 1929, 89, 2019 lol....
Total BS, dupe. 75% was new private financial institutions that were corrupt just like their GOP cronies who made them possible thru deregulation. F+F got into it later, pushed by Boosh. Thank god Obama got there fast. Your heroes are lying scumbags...
The Federal Gov't underwrites and did underwrite in that era the vast majority of all mortgages and set the Qualification Criteria.

90% of all mortgages are gov't backed and all gov't backed mortgage lending and qualification criteria are set by the Fed's.

I see you're still a blind partisan fool.

The highest rates of foreclosures in history were during Obama's tenure in office.
They are independent entities.

Raines and Gorelick mismanaged the hell out of FM and they hid a lot of bad mortgages in the bundles they sold banks to hold as secure assets.

When the FDIC round those mortgage bundles could not actually be valued to any accuracy as a result it created an instant banking crisis.

Obama, Bush, and the congress pushed for increased home ownership rates lowering qualifying criteria and then FHA allowed the low or zero down adjustable rate mortgages to achieve that end and that just set up all the dominos to fall.

Bush screwed the pooch giving into the left on home ownership then Obama drove the boat over Niagara Falls.

They are independent entities.

Government Sponsored Entities.
Trump had the right idea about removing most of our forces from Western Europe and letting the Euro's figure out how to defend themselves.

If we could move them into the newer member nations primarily and produce the same long term stability and prosperity in those nations, the entire world would be much better off.

Had we actually done so there would be no war in Ukraine today nor would Putin dare risk any similar such expansionist moves.
Bolton said Putin was waiting for that. Great anti-American swine you are....Ooops, you're just total dupes...i hope.
They have a corrupt dereg bubble every time...and I'm ignorant lol....and the vax hoax one in 2021-?
Mindless flailing on your part.

Obama had 8 years to solve the problem and never could get ahead of closures.

There was no actual "Deregulation" in the Financial industry or banking, that's democrat BS.
This is from your link. He admitted he changed from a communist to a right winger before the shooting.

Thank you for pointing this out.
Idiot boy... he said no such thing. He said he moved further to the right. He began as a communist and that's about as far to the Left on the spectrum as one can go. He wound up :
"On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist."


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