Here's What the Buffalo Shooter's Alleged Manifesto Actually Says

They say what makes dupes feel good so they'll keep buying their products.

Any of them can donate as much money to the treasury they want each year above and beyond their tax liabilities so why don't they all do so?
yep, as I already stated.
Has nothing to do with the corrupt 2008 world depression...Countrywide etc ring a bell?....

The Investor's Business Daily editorial staff has noted that the expansion of easy credit to home buyers with a lesser ability to pay them back was one of the major contributing factors to the subprime mortgage crisis.[18] Raines himself stated before Congress,"In 1994, we launched our trillion-dollar commitment, a pledge to provide $1 trillion in financing for 10 million underserved families before the decade was over… In 2000… we launched a redoubled new pledge… to provide $2 trillion for 18 million underserved families before this decade is over. …we are one of the best capitalized financial institutions in the world, when compared to the risk of our business… …these assets are so riskless that their capital for holding them should be under 2 percent."

Underserved families......that means they bought subprime mortgages.
Getting a little bubbly, eh comrade?
Stupid argument, hater dupe.

Of course the solution is obvious and unchanging. DUH
so you're saying the dems never had control of the tax cods? Seriously, that's what you're posting? You know, come to think of it, I indeed think you are the scarecrow, you should go look for OZ and ask for a brain.
Participating in a gov't retirement system we are mandated to participate in somehow makes everyone a socialist.

They tried this from 2009-2016 with the, "we're all socialists now" campaign.
Don't forget the forced medicare tax as well. Mandate doesn't make me anything except a slave.
The Rubes always think the solution is to rape and rob the rich and redistribute their wealth.

Just like winning the lotter though, people who are not financially responsible will quickly end back up where they were before they got the windfall very quickly.
yep, history tells us that very clearly. Well for reasonable people with a brain. those demofks can't figure out up and down yet.
The solution is controlling our borders and bringing manufacturing back to the US just like we saw from the forties to the mid seventies.

All of our long term economic woes can be tied directly to becoming primarily a consumer economy rather than primarily a manufacturing economy.

We have very little true manufacturing left, mostly it's just plants that assemble parts made overseas or in Canada/Mexico.
dude, we can't even make baby formula now. How fking stupefied the demofks have made our once bright country.
The kid is just an 18-year-old schizophrenic, 18 being the most common age that disease shows up. It's nothing anyone can do anything about, and there is no use taking anything he says seriously. He's deranged, so nothing he says matters.
It's a CONSPIRACY!!!! Biden's budget would have raised top rate to community cllege....way to stop that!!! lol
Dude, just answer why those rich demofks need a tax code to pay more? If their intentions was what you just declared, then why didn't they just commit all their money? Dude, you have to at some point see your mental miss here. I gotta believe you don't truly accept the fate of the Gates bullshit to avoid paying more taxes. Come on man, step out and admit they can just pay more taxes voluntarily. You know this is true but are acting irrational. This really what you want us to see? Your irrationality?
The kid is just an 18-year-old schizophrenic, 18 being the most common age that disease shows up. It's nothing anyone can do anything about, and there is no use taking anything he says seriously. He's deranged, so nothing he says matters.
so is the rest of the Brainwashed with hateful crap GOP base........election steal, vax covid masks gw you name it hoaxes, they don't know the megarich are making out like bandits with BS tax rates...and can't change the channel or google....poor America.
The Investor's Business Daily editorial staff has noted that the expansion of easy credit to home buyers with a lesser ability to pay them back was one of the major contributing factors to the subprime mortgage crisis.[18] Raines himself stated before Congress,"In 1994, we launched our trillion-dollar commitment, a pledge to provide $1 trillion in financing for 10 million underserved families before the decade was over… In 2000… we launched a redoubled new pledge… to provide $2 trillion for 18 million underserved families before this decade is over. …we are one of the best capitalized financial institutions in the world, when compared to the risk of our business… …these assets are so riskless that their capital for holding them should be under 2 percent."

Underserved families......that means they bought subprime mortgages.
Getting a little bubbly, eh comrade?
Nothing like the crap Countrywide etc were dealing in by 2003. ANOTHER corrupt bubble, dupe. Blame it all on blacks and browns....unbelievable crap. The GOP tries to blame F+F forever, they hate a good deal for regular people. And thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence and the stupidest wars EVER. Great job. They deserve your vote...omg....poor America....
Nothing like the crap Countrywide etc were dealing in by 2003. ANOTHER corrupt bubble, dupe. Blame it all on blacks and browns....unbelievable crap. The GOP tries to blame F+F forever, they hate a good deal for regular people. And thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence and the stupidest wars EVER. Great job. They deserve your vote...omg....poor America....

Nothing like the crap Countrywide etc were dealing in by 2003.

Countrywide had worse crap, Fannie and Freddie had much more crap.

The GOP tries to blame F+F forever,

HUD forced them to buy the crap. Under Clinton AND Bush.

they hate a good deal for regular people.

How were Fannie and Freddie a good deal for regular people? Spell it out.

And thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence

Aren't you glad Clinton was too weak and indecisive to kill Osama when he had the chance?
Dude, just answer why those rich demofks need a tax code to pay more? If their intentions was what you just declared, then why didn't they just commit all their money? Dude, you have to at some point see your mental miss here. I gotta believe you don't truly accept the fate of the Gates bullshit to avoid paying more taxes. Come on man, step out and admit they can just pay more taxes voluntarily. You know this is true but are acting irrational. This really what you want us to see? Your irrationality?
francoHFW , we are laughing at you. The fact is they have no intentions on paying more is the answer, and I know you avoid actually admitting it. It again shows you lie. Sucks to be you as they say. And I'm not sure who they are.
Nothing like the crap Countrywide etc were dealing in by 2003. ANOTHER corrupt bubble, dupe. Blame it all on blacks and browns....unbelievable crap. The GOP tries to blame F+F forever, they hate a good deal for regular people. And thanks for allowing 9/11 thru sheer incompetence and the stupidest wars EVER. Great job. They deserve your vote...omg....poor America....
wasn't blacks fault, it was the racist demofks who felt they should be entitled to something they set them up to fail at. The true demons were the kkk demofks as usual. We get it, you can't accept the fate that is demofks.

You're welcome.

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