Here's What The Media Refused To Report To You This Week


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Those of you who don't understand what is happening, you ought to research and study how communist revolutions are always done. From the bolsheviks, to the red guard, to khmer rouge and castro uprising using his che guevara (liberal god) to overthrow democracy.

This is how it works. The take over of the media and the carefully orchestrated propaganda. For them, it is all about the ends, which always justify the means.

They know they are liars. That, is all fully understood that needs to happen. It is all about the marxist revolution and that agenda is the only thing that matters. Everything and anyone else matters not.
I have been telling the board since the release of the Mueller report that it is an intelligence misinformation product from the beginning. Anyone that believes that pile of garbage is a dupe.

The CFR media is propaganda.

OTH, this source should not be carrying water for the neo-cons. Who cares what Venezuela and the socialists in S. America do, they should have the freedom to screw up their nation any way they like. It is none of our business.


I don't understand why this source is at once criticizing the MSM and at the same time, echoing their tune? The truth is, the MSM is a brainwashing, lying, propagandizing source. Everything they say is wrong, so why is this source echoing their lying?
It is becoming more evident every day that we have a government of liberals for liberals...a media of liberals and for liberals...and big corporations of liberals and for liberals.

Good video. She does a good job of exposing the injustice.

Another example is the MSM’s treatment of the guy who merely posted the funny video of Pelosi. Clearly they are out to destroy anyone who opposes them.

I don't understand why this source is at once criticizing the MSM and at the same time, echoing their tune? The truth is, the MSM is a brainwashing, lying, propagandizing source. Everything they say is wrong, so why is this source echoing their lying?



In other words, they are all useful idiots to them. To us, they are useless idiots.
Fake news. No one refused to cover stories in the video. Some were covered and others are poorly sourced or conspiracy theories. So, what this is, is a fake news report griping about its competition.
The left can’t be trusted to report the news or lead the Country....

They must be defeated by whatever means necessary if America is to survive.
The left can’t be trusted to report the news or lead the Country....

They must be defeated by whatever means necessary if America is to survive.
That will be the Armageddon that is going to happen. Trust that. The great tribulation is upon us.

I don't understand why this source is at once criticizing the MSM and at the same time, echoing their tune? The truth is, the MSM is a brainwashing, lying, propagandizing source. Everything they say is wrong, so why is this source echoing their lying?



In other words, they are all useful idiots to them. To us, they are useless idiots.
Alinsky never said any of that

More bogus RW mimes
Fake news. No one refused to cover stories in the video. Some were covered and others are poorly sourced or conspiracy theories. So, what this is, is a fake news report griping about its competition.

Those of you who don't understand what is happening, you ought to research and study how communist revolutions are always done. From the bolsheviks, to the red guard, to khmer rouge and castro uprising using his che guevara (liberal god) to overthrow democracy.

This is how it works. The take over of the media and the carefully orchestrated propaganda. For them, it is all about the ends, which always justify the means.

They know they are liars. That, is all fully understood that needs to happen. It is all about the marxist revolution and that agenda is the only thing that matters. Everything and anyone else matters not.

Simply having the Expense of Government instead of Ten simple Commandments from a God, means there are not enough morals to go around on the right wing.

Those of you who don't understand what is happening, you ought to research and study how communist revolutions are always done. From the bolsheviks, to the red guard, to khmer rouge and castro uprising using his che guevara (liberal god) to overthrow democracy.

This is how it works. The take over of the media and the carefully orchestrated propaganda. For them, it is all about the ends, which always justify the means.

They know they are liars. That, is all fully understood that needs to happen. It is all about the marxist revolution and that agenda is the only thing that matters. Everything and anyone else matters not.

Marxist? That would be the Russians. Republicans love Russians. Look at Donald Trump.


Who has the adoring and loving smile? Only one person.
This is how it works. The take over of the media and the carefully orchestrated propaganda. For them, it is all about the ends, which always justify the means.
Exactly what tRump and his loyal tRumpkins are trying to do by calling the real media "the enemy of the people" and promoting fake news and propaganda sites like Infowars and fox.

Congratulations, you fell for it.

I don't understand why this source is at once criticizing the MSM and at the same time, echoing their tune? The truth is, the MSM is a brainwashing, lying, propagandizing source. Everything they say is wrong, so why is this source echoing their lying?



In other words, they are all useful idiots to them. To us, they are useless idiots.
I wonder how many Vladimir Putin has killed?

Fake news. No one refused to cover stories in the video. Some were covered and others are poorly sourced or conspiracy theories. So, what this is, is a fake news report griping about its competition.

I don't understand why this source is at once criticizing the MSM and at the same time, echoing their tune? The truth is, the MSM is a brainwashing, lying, propagandizing source. Everything they say is wrong, so why is this source echoing their lying?



In other words, they are all useful idiots to them. To us, they are useless idiots.
Alinsky never said any of that

More bogus RW mimes
Thanks for the paid announcement from the establishment.
The left can’t be trusted to report the news or lead the Country....

They must be defeated by whatever means necessary if America is to survive.
"by whatever means necessary" :71: Go for it.

I don't really think it will come to that, but I will go for it if needed ..

Trump is making fools of you Tards more and more every day.....

Even many of the slowest among us “TARDS” are waking up to the truth..

Trump and our side are getting stronger every day....

You Tards are in deep shit and deep down you know it.
The left can’t be trusted to report the news or lead the Country....

They must be defeated by whatever means necessary if America is to survive.
"by whatever means necessary" :71: Go for it.

I don't really think it will come to that, but I will go for it if needed ..

Trump is making fools of you Tards more and more every day.....

Even many of the slowest among us “TARDS” are waking up to the truth..

Trump and our side are getting stronger every day....

You Tards are in deep shit and deep down you know it.
Make no mistake. They own the culture. Don't underestimate the power of group think. Look at what is being taught to kids and graduating out of colleges AROUND THE WORLD.

Eventually, when their ideologies fail (they always do) their sinful wicked pride will not allow them to concede to the failure.

When the ussr could not last 100 years, when cuba has become an outright disaster, when Venezuela once the richest nation in South America makes it so showers are now considered a luxury that only the wealthy can have and middle class is crushed under a failed socialist system, the left will ignore or cast blame on the free market or AMERICA.

Most of them are already judged and so totally incapable of acknowledging the error in their ways.

A reported characteristic of 5 foot 4 inch Napoleon stalin, who never admitted to errors in his ways.

This is where the left will claim that about Trump. Yet, Trump does make admissions to mistakes.

Trump actually admitted a mistake — mostly

The left, most of them are irredeemable and so incapable of acknowledging their errors. Get one of them for instance to admit communism failed and ussr fell because of it. Or try to get them to admit socialism has failed Venezuela.

They will giggle, ignore and more than likely break out a race card at some point. They will inevitably blame white Christianity around the world.

Those of you who don't understand what is happening, you ought to research and study how communist revolutions are always done. From the bolsheviks, to the red guard, to khmer rouge and castro uprising using his che guevara (liberal god) to overthrow democracy.

This is how it works. The take over of the media and the carefully orchestrated propaganda. For them, it is all about the ends, which always justify the means.

They know they are liars. That, is all fully understood that needs to happen. It is all about the marxist revolution and that agenda is the only thing that matters. Everything and anyone else matters not.

Is trump spying on his political opponents?
I have a paid monthly subscription to OAN. BUT, Have you independantly researched what THEY report. I bet not. LOL It's just what they all do, make claims mostly impossible to check on, unless you were there. Better remain skeptical of even them.

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