Here’s what’s gone ‘right’ after six months of Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Devine: Here’s what’s gone ‘right’ after six months of Biden

22 Jul 2021 ~~ By Miranda Devine
With President Biden celebrating six months in office this week, it may seem as if Jane Fonda was prophetic when she declared last year that “COVID is God’s gift to the left.”

But never despair. As the dust settles from the pandemic and we grimly survey the gains made by Hanoi Jane’s comrades, it’s time for some good news.

Pride comes before a fall, and the left is way over their skis, too big for their boots, counting their chickens before they’re hatched and about to be shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods, just to mix a few metaphors that add up to one thing.

It’s not going so well for them.

So, let’s count our blessings:

1. Ben & Jerry’s gets a chilly reception after taking sides against Israel in the Mideast conflict.​

The Vermont ice cream maker has long served heaping scoops of choking woke with their overpriced sugary confections. But when even Mayor Bill de Blasio says he “won’t be eating Cherry Garcia for a while,” you know they’ve finally gone too far.

2. The “flee”-bag insurrectionists of Texas become a superspreader event that reaches Nancy Pelosi’s office.​

This story drips with schadenfreude. “Texas Democrats came to DC with a case of Miller Lite and left with 6 cases of Corona,” quipped one Twitter wag. Unfortunately, they haven’t left DC yet but, when they do, Gov. Greg Abbott says he’ll arrest them. Stock up on popcorn.

3. Will the last person to leave Woketopia please turn out the lights?​

Corporations are voting with their feet in California. They can’t get out fast enough as the upward trajectory of taxes vies with soaring crime and sidewalk poop. Disney is the latest company to flee the Democratic hellhole that is Pelosi’s home state for Ron DeSantis’ Republican stronghold of Florida. The same goes for New York, and it’s not just Wall Street and the Trumps decamping for the Sunshine State. Even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s mom, Blanca Ocasio-Cortez, was forced to leave the Big Apple and move to Florida to escape the sky-high property taxes.

4. Despite all their pandering to Democrats, Facebook gets branded killers by the president.​

After the nation missed his July 4 vaccination target, Joe Biden lashed out at the social media giant for inadequate censorship. “They’re killing people.” What an ingrate. Facebook bent over backwards to get him elected. They censored The Post’s stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Mark Zuckerberg gave $400 million to progressive groups to sway election outcomes in battleground states and they’ve been obediently de-platforming miscreants as instructed by the Jen Psaki Ministry of Truth. What more can they do? Facebook is the perfect example of Winston Churchill’s line about appeasement — feeding the crocodile in the hope it eats you last.

9. Our cast of villains is not complete without Nancy Pelosi.​

She still has a way to go before she is found out, although her bloody handprints are on most atrocities in Washington. But playing proxy in the downfall stakes is her golden boy Eric Swalwell, of Fang Fang fame, who is dying the death of a thousand cuts through his own ridiculousness, from audible flatulence on live TV to topless photos on a camel in Qatar. The good news is that we will never again be fooled by media darlings.

10. Biden celebrates six months in the Oval Office this week with a series of rolling events to trumpet his magnificent work.​

To mark the occasion, the stock market plummeted, COVID sneaked into the White House and the southern border erupted into a super spreader event that can no longer be ignored.
Now none of that is good news. But it does mean that, for a growing number of voters, November 2022 can’t come fast enough.

Decline is not “right.” Nothing has gone right with Biden. The nation will not recover in my lifetime, if ever. We will become a corrupt third world s hole like any other third world s hole. Unless the white Christian conservatives out-breed the imported American hating third worlders' there is no reversing it.

Its only been 6 months? Seems like you guys have been angry beyond belief for much longer. Oh yeah, you have! There is no cure for right wing victimization.

Biden has returned some sanity to the Oval office. Stimulus was done. Infrastructure is on the way to being done. We're finally leaving Afghanistan (something Obama failed to do).

On the downside...despite there being this crisis Biden has just become another politician who is playing politics with the crisis. It would seem that if he believed there was a crisis, there would be a mad push to get SOMETHING done.

. . . that babylon piece this links is gold.

Debate Erupts Between Trusted Medical Doctor And Dr. Fauci

"You are a LIAR!" said Rand Paul, pointing gravely at Dr. Fauci. "You are a LYING LIAR who LIES!"

Fauci, who was initially taken aback by the accusation, immediately recovered and said: "NO! It is YOU who is the LIAR, you LIAR!" Fauci then bobbed his head back and forth in a very sassy way and snapped his fingers in a zig-zag pattern.

"OOOOooo! Rand Paul got OWNED!" said CNN.

"OOOOooo! Fauci got DESTROYED!" said Fox News.

The C-SPAN segment immediately went viral, leading to more requests for the two men to face off in another confrontation. C-SPAN then announced they would be organizing a pay-per-view rematch, in which the trusted medical doctor and Dr. Fauci would call each other liars in an octagon-shaped cage. . . . "

Devine: Here’s what’s gone ‘right’ after six months of Biden

22 Jul 2021 ~~ By Miranda Devine
With President Biden celebrating six months in office this week, it may seem as if Jane Fonda was prophetic when she declared last year that “COVID is God’s gift to the left.”

But never despair. As the dust settles from the pandemic and we grimly survey the gains made by Hanoi Jane’s comrades, it’s time for some good news.

Pride comes before a fall, and the left is way over their skis, too big for their boots, counting their chickens before they’re hatched and about to be shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods, just to mix a few metaphors that add up to one thing.

It’s not going so well for them.

So, let’s count our blessings:

1. Ben & Jerry’s gets a chilly reception after taking sides against Israel in the Mideast conflict.​

The Vermont ice cream maker has long served heaping scoops of choking woke with their overpriced sugary confections. But when even Mayor Bill de Blasio says he “won’t be eating Cherry Garcia for a while,” you know they’ve finally gone too far.

2. The “flee”-bag insurrectionists of Texas become a superspreader event that reaches Nancy Pelosi’s office.​

This story drips with schadenfreude. “Texas Democrats came to DC with a case of Miller Lite and left with 6 cases of Corona,” quipped one Twitter wag. Unfortunately, they haven’t left DC yet but, when they do, Gov. Greg Abbott says he’ll arrest them. Stock up on popcorn.

3. Will the last person to leave Woketopia please turn out the lights?​

Corporations are voting with their feet in California. They can’t get out fast enough as the upward trajectory of taxes vies with soaring crime and sidewalk poop. Disney is the latest company to flee the Democratic hellhole that is Pelosi’s home state for Ron DeSantis’ Republican stronghold of Florida. The same goes for New York, and it’s not just Wall Street and the Trumps decamping for the Sunshine State. Even Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s mom, Blanca Ocasio-Cortez, was forced to leave the Big Apple and move to Florida to escape the sky-high property taxes.

4. Despite all their pandering to Democrats, Facebook gets branded killers by the president.​

After the nation missed his July 4 vaccination target, Joe Biden lashed out at the social media giant for inadequate censorship. “They’re killing people.” What an ingrate. Facebook bent over backwards to get him elected. They censored The Post’s stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Mark Zuckerberg gave $400 million to progressive groups to sway election outcomes in battleground states and they’ve been obediently de-platforming miscreants as instructed by the Jen Psaki Ministry of Truth. What more can they do? Facebook is the perfect example of Winston Churchill’s line about appeasement — feeding the crocodile in the hope it eats you last.

9. Our cast of villains is not complete without Nancy Pelosi.​

She still has a way to go before she is found out, although her bloody handprints are on most atrocities in Washington. But playing proxy in the downfall stakes is her golden boy Eric Swalwell, of Fang Fang fame, who is dying the death of a thousand cuts through his own ridiculousness, from audible flatulence on live TV to topless photos on a camel in Qatar. The good news is that we will never again be fooled by media darlings.

10. Biden celebrates six months in the Oval Office this week with a series of rolling events to trumpet his magnificent work.​

To mark the occasion, the stock market plummeted, COVID sneaked into the White House and the southern border erupted into a super spreader event that can no longer be ignored.
Now none of that is good news. But it does mean that, for a growing number of voters, November 2022 can’t come fast enough.

Decline is not “right.” Nothing has gone right with Biden. The nation will not recover in my lifetime, if ever. We will become a corrupt third world s hole like any other third world s hole. Unless the white Christian conservatives out-breed the imported American hating third worlders' there is no reversing it.

His incoherent empty “town hall” was a great highlight.
And you will continue to parade this Big Lie, for what, another 42 months?
And when the (r) lose AGAIN, the Big Lie will continue.

What a pathetic LIE.
Or when the "R" wins, there will suddenly be no fraud. But somehow, when a "D" wins in the future...fraud will magically occur once more.

There is no end to the victimization of republicans don'tchaknow.
Biden has returned some sanity to the Oval office. Stimulus was done. Infrastructure is on the way to being done. We're finally leaving Afghanistan (something Obama failed to do).

The only REAL good thing Biden has done, was to stay off of Twitter. Trumps constant crying, bitching and moaning was a bore in like the first week. And I didn't even follow him on Twitter (or anything else)
Infrastructure? I think the republicrats who voted on that haven't driving a car more than 10 miles in either direction. Because one can't hardly go 20 miles without running into some construction zone.
Leaving Afghanistan. Betcha $1 to a hole in a donut, our troops aren't actually leaving. And will never actually leave.
The only REAL good thing Biden has done, was to stay off of Twitter. Trumps constant crying, bitching and moaning was a bore in like the first week. And I didn't even follow him on Twitter (or anything else)
Infrastructure? I think the republicrats who voted on that haven't driving a car more than 10 miles in either direction. Because one can't hardly go 20 miles without running into some construction zone.
Leaving Afghanistan. Betcha $1 to a hole in a donut, our troops aren't actually leaving. And will never actually leave.
We'll always have security troops there but there won't be operations being conducted. So that much is true.

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