Here's why the GOP is against Moore.......especially Mitch the B****


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Mitch McConnell Tells Roy Moore To Leave Senate Race, Says ‘I Believe The Women’
Multiple women have accused Moore of sexual misconduct toward them when he was in his 30s and they were teens.

The last thing this GOP congress needs is another out of control, shoot from the mouth, redneck from the south......with Trump as their leader. Mitch along with most of these Trump bi*** are way over their heads with Trump and the last thing they need Trump jr.

sure As A GENERAL COMMENT i agree , Roy Moore would help to drain the republican rino , gop swamp that is as a big an enemy to the USA as mrobama , hilary and the dems TRed .
i didn't look at link but are these more MERE allegations eh Ace ??

Gloria Allred's involved now, so you know it's all crap.
Thats for you to come to terms with. Personally I am thoroughly convinced this guy is probably a pedophile in addition to having erectile dysfunction issues unless he is with a little girl....and conservatives are ok with this.

I have seen no proof presented by the accusers. Ergo, we remain on square one.

Gloria Allred's involved now, so you know it's all crap.
Thats for you to come to terms with. Personally I am thoroughly convinced this guy is probably a pedophile in addition to having erectile dysfunction issues unless he is with a little girl....and conservatives are ok with this.

I have seen no proof presented by the accusers. Ergo, we remain on square one.
I'm not particularly concerned with what you have seen or not. I think the women are telling the truth so I am pretty much done with my investigation.
Moore will win because Trump's base and especially Alabama are completely fine with child rape and pedophilia. He'll be forced to resign in disgrace over it though, and the GOP will install Luther Strange to finish his term.

Well, you may be correct, we did let Biden stay as VP

Gloria Allred's involved now, so you know it's all crap.
Thats for you to come to terms with. Personally I am thoroughly convinced this guy is probably a pedophile in addition to having erectile dysfunction issues unless he is with a little girl....and conservatives are ok with this.

I have seen no proof presented by the accusers. Ergo, we remain on square one.
I'm not particularly concerned with what you have seen or not. I think the women are telling the truth so I am pretty much done with my investigation.

One woman. The one with the financial issues. Even the big Democrat who dated Moore said there was no misconduct.

Gloria Allred's involved now, so you know it's all crap.
Thats for you to come to terms with. Personally I am thoroughly convinced this guy is probably a pedophile in addition to having erectile dysfunction issues unless he is with a little girl....and conservatives are ok with this.

I have seen no proof presented by the accusers. Ergo, we remain on square one.
I'm not particularly concerned with what you have seen or not. I think the women are telling the truth so I am pretty much done with my investigation.

One woman. The one with the financial issues. Even the big Democrat who dated Moore said there was no misconduct.
Trying to convince me by saying one woman when there are 5 is having the opposite effect.

Gloria Allred's involved now, so you know it's all crap.
Thats for you to come to terms with. Personally I am thoroughly convinced this guy is probably a pedophile in addition to having erectile dysfunction issues unless he is with a little girl....and conservatives are ok with this.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBABLY thoroughly convinced eh Ace !!

Gloria Allred's involved now, so you know it's all crap.
Thats for you to come to terms with. Personally I am thoroughly convinced this guy is probably a pedophile in addition to having erectile dysfunction issues unless he is with a little girl....and conservatives are ok with this.

I have seen no proof presented by the accusers. Ergo, we remain on square one.
I'm not particularly concerned with what you have seen or not. I think the women are telling the truth so I am pretty much done with my investigation.

I bet if it were Keith Ellison you'd still be investigating. ;)

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