Here's why they cannot indict Trump, no matter how many classified documents that he failed to return they find

FBI: No evidence Clinton ordered deletion of subpoenaed email archive​

It was nonetheless deleted...from your own link:
According to the FBI’s report of its investigation, Combetta deleted an archive of emails from the server in March 2015, after the House Select Committee on Benghazi issued a subpoena for records relating to the 2012 attacks on the U.S. outpost in Libya.

According to the FBI’s notes, longtime Clinton aide Cheryl Mills instructed Combetta’s company, Platte River Networks, to delete a set of archived emails in December 2014. The Denver-based company maintained Clinton’s server.

Mills told investigators Clinton had decided she no longer needed access to emails more than 60 days old.

But Combetta apparently forgot the request and didn’t immediately comply. He told investigators that sometime between March 25 and March 31, 2015, he “had an ‘oh s—‘ moment and … deleted the Clinton archive mailbox from the [Platte River Networks] server.”

Combetta used a software known as BleachBit, which is designed to prevent the recovery of deleted files.
No one cares. People know she did it. That was decided by public opinion not internet lies.
Clearly MAGAnuts still care. They have decided what the truth is despite their beliefs being based on internet lies.
If you're a lemming.

Trump never had any security clearance. .. and he has no executive privilege once he leaves office.
Complete horse shit.

As you can see, you assholes were already trying to rig this shit, and use propaganda clear back in November 2020 to justify what Biden ordered Garland to do at Maro Lago this year. Just like you used lies to set up Fake Russian Collusion harassment of The President in your little COUP you plotted with Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

Pure Propaganda. Former Presidents have security classifications because they have to be trusted with classified information, and they retain some of that in their memory and Presidential Notes and Personal documents.

You are a liar like your Father Satan who was a liar and murderer from the beginning.

The so called Garland Panty Raid was being plotted from the moment Joe Biden was considered the next President. That is what this article (Propaganda) a piece of circular reasoning is trying to set up. They used the exact same tactics with the media to set up The Russian Collusion attempted COUP.

Obviously you think we are stupid, and cannot discern what you have been doing the past 6 years when President Trump put a stop to your march towards Globalism and selling America out to China, Russia, Iran, and whomever had the deepest pockets. I assure you, those who know what you are doing, and what you did are not stupid. We actively work to oppose you and counter your PsyOps Propaganda.

Your friends in The Deep State puts out lies through their contacts in The Media, and then uses the Media Articles for Justification for attacks on President Trump. Circular Reasoning set up to frame a president simply via baseless accusations and they use The Media to make the accusations seem credible. That's some real treasonous skullduggery you all are involved in.

Though the dummies who wrote this article were stupid enough to include some truth in the article when they state that Former Presidents are not subject to security clearance investigations and can disclose classified information at their own discretion to anyone at any time.

Nov. 27, 2020, 6:00 AM EST / Updated Nov. 27, 2020, 9:03 AM EST
By Ken Dilanian

WASHINGTON — When David Priess was a CIA officer, he traveled to Houston, he recalls, to brief former President George H.W. Bush on classified developments in the Middle East.

It was part of a long tradition of former presidents being consulted about, and granted access to, some of the nation's secrets.

Priess and other former intelligence officials say Joe Biden would be wise not to let that tradition continue in the case of Donald Trump.

They argue soon-to-be-former President Trump already poses a danger because of the secrets he currently possesses, and they say it would be foolish to trust him with more sensitive information. With Trump's real estate empire under financial pressure and his brand suffering, they worry he will see American secrets as a profit center.

"This is not something that one could have ever imagined with other presidents, but it's easy to imagine with this one," said Jack Goldsmith, who worked as a senior Justice Department official in the George W. Bush administration.

"He's shown as president that he doesn't take secret-keeping terribly seriously," Goldsmith said in an interview. "He has a known tendency to disrespect rules related to national security. And he has a known tendency to like to sell things that are valuable to him."

Goldsmith and other experts noted that Trump has a history of carelessly revealing classified information. He told the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in 2017 about extremely sensitive terrorism threat information the U.S. had received from an ally. Last year he tweeted what experts said was a secret satellite photo of an Iranian nuclear installation.

The president also may be vulnerable to foreign influence. His tax records, as reported by The New York Times, reveal that Trump appears to face financial challenges, having personally guaranteed more than $400 million of his companies' debt at a time when the pandemic has put pressure on the hotel industry, in which Trump is a major player.

"Is that a risk?" said Priess, who wrote "The President's Book of Secrets," about presidents and intelligence. "If it were someone applying for a security clearance, damn right it would be a risk."

The White House did not respond to requests for comment. The Biden transition declined to comment.

Trump has said his finances are sound, and that the debts are a small percentage of his assets. Generally, though, large debts to foreign banks — Trump's biggest creditor is reported to be Deutsche Bank, a German institution with links to Russia — would exclude a person from a top secret clearance.

Presidents, however, are not investigated and polygraphed for security clearances as all other government officials are.

By virtue of being elected, they assume control over all the nation's secret intelligence, and are allowed by law to disclose any of it, at any time, to anyone.

Former presidents aren't subject to security clearance investigations, either. They are provided access to secrets as a courtesy, with the permission of the current president.

Typically, former presidents are given briefings before they travel overseas, or in connection with an issue about which the current president wishes to consult them, Priess and other experts say.

When President Bill Clinton sent former President Jimmy Carter to diffuse a tense stand off in Haiti, for example, Carter likely received classified briefings on the situation ahead of his trip.

And when George H.W. Bush visited his son in the White House, he sat in on on the President's Daily Brief, the highly classified compendium of secrets that is presented each morning to the occupant of the Oval Office, according to Priess, who interviewed both men for his book.

It's unclear whether former President Barack Obama has received intelligence briefings after he left office, but Trump said in March that he hasn't consulted his predecessors about the coronavirus or anything else.

Former presidents have long made money after leaving office by writing books and giving speeches, but no former president has ever had the kind of international business entanglements Trump does. Trump has business interests or connections in China, Russia and other U.S. adversary countries that covet even tiny portions of what he knows about the American national security state.

Essentially this is just another horse shit argument for "TRUMP IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY" most likely came from people like Brennan or Clapper or Comey or some other pathological liar working for The DemNazi party.
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Really? No one has proved TOP SECRET Documents were on HRC Computer - NO ONE. It's one more of dozens of BIG LIES posted on social media.

This is Evidence and no one knows if classified documents were sold to Putin, XI or Kim? View attachment 694803

These two are worthless and are not following the rules of the Politics Forum. Given their hatful rhetoric is not offensive to me do to the sources above who posted by Trumpanzees, to wit:

"an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon."

by Eppypotamus June 19, 2019
No one sold any documents or classified intel to anyone except for when Bill Clinton sold Missile Technology to China so they could freaking actually hit the broad side of a barn with their Nukes, and then go on to help Evil Nations like Iran and North Korea do the same.

Biden is helping Iran develop their Nuclear Missile program through Russia, China and North Korea. He also has given Terrorists over $85 Billion in US weapons and military technology.

Biden is an Evil Man and so are the people pulling his puppet strings.

Let's Make The Middle East Glass Again should be Biden's 2024 Campaign Slogan
The fat old drunk is irrelevant. Is she above the law? You fucking bet she is.

Awe, you still mad the Keystone GOP can't catch her.

She is not above the law, She, as the world most emanate criminal mastermind, is beyond the GOP's limited capacity.

Awe, you still mad the Keystone GOP can't catch her.

She is not above the law, She, as the world most emanate criminal mastermind, is beyond the GOP's limited capacity.

Glad you admit she is a criminal. I think we are done now.

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