Here's your Groomers

The problem is the quality of your observations. The other problem are your ridiculous conclusions. Frankly, if I were you, I'd keep them to myself.

No, you're in a nutbar league of your own. One of us tries to win arguments on the internetz by posting images of mangled, bloody fetuses when bloody fetuses ain't even the fucken topic we were discussing.

And that one ain't me, so I guess that kind narrows it down a bit.

It is ok to fuck children
Yet you approve of murdering them.

but it isn't ok for teenagers to live their lives the way they wish?
You're not up to directing your own life yet as an adult, much less when you were 14. Instead of worrying about made up lies trying to gaslight people here, you ought to be wondering how Biden's intelligence agency is allowing top CIA documents fall into the hands of a 20 year old with no security clearance. But then, your own resident in the WH has important sensitive documents stuffed into a cardboard box in the back seat of his convertible Corvette in his garage.

Maybe you ought to be worrying about why the government hasn't released the manifesto from that lunatic trans-woman serial killer of Christians that so embarrassed the Biden Administration's efforts to advance psychopathic tyrannies.
Are you of the party that works towards that goal?

I was a registered Republican from the day I turned eighteen until baby Bush went into Iraq. I am currently registered to vote with no party affiliation. My views fall on both sides of the center line, but mostly right of center, but not far right. I do not support Trump nor did I vote for him, and I did not vote for Biden.

As to your question, when someone turns eighteen, as far as I'm concerned they are free to do with themselves as they choose as long as it does no harm to me or mine or anyone else.
Nah it's republitards who think it's okay to marry a 12 year-old
Yeah ... those evil Repubs. Oops! What's this? Demwit, Chuck Schumer kissing a little black girl? Looks to be a bit younger than 12 too. Sick bastard!

The rest of us call that "sanity."

I'm pretty sure most psychiatrists would think you're kinda fucken unbalanced for posting something like that.

Kinda sucks having to face the reality of the MURDER you support every day, huh?

I wouldn't have known that the fetus even existed had you not gone out of your way to post that sick shit in response to a completely different topic. So why the fuck would I have cared, much less "supported" it?

Seriously, do you have images of dead fetuses in a folder on your computer? You're saying that's not fucking sick? I'm pretty sure most people would find that...odd.
Nah it's republitards who think it's okay to marry a 12 year-old
Yet it was your side’s saint RBG who wanted the age of consent lowered to 12

Yet it was your side’s saint RBG who wanted the age of consent lowered to 12

That's just straight up partisan bullshit from bullshit sources. Here's the truth (if you have a reading level above 8th grade)

Yet it was your side’s saint RBG who wanted the age of consent lowered to 12

That's one hell of a stretch

Be careful. You could pull something
What do you consider "far right ". I don't believe that exists. Trump certainly isn't "far right."

Well, to borrow from Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart...

"...I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it..."

And the same holds true, for me, of the far left.
Must really be traumatic to finally see what it is you've been supporting for all these years.

Not at all. I know what I'm supporting. I'm supporting women's lives and reproductive health, and I don't need to share pictures of their bleeding uteruses or vaginas to prove a point. Unlike some psychos.

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