Heroes of J6 in New Documentary

The videos of police waving protestors into the Capitol are quite compelling.
Just anothe
No, as in a man can't become a woman, or no as in "I totally understand how ridiculous the trans thing is, but like a good little prog I can't go against the groupthink"

Which one?
Yea, I guess it is better to deflect the 1/6 thread, than, you know, discuss it.
This s excellent. Thank you.

QUOTE lennypartiv:

Finally the real truth will be told.

---For over a year now the left has tried to set the narrative on what happened on January 6th, 2021.---

---Everything that we are being told by the media about that day is a lie and there are few who are willing to stand up and tell the story of what really happened. ---

FUCK YOU! They murdered a innocent unarmed woman who was protesting like a patriot.

The heroes are the protestors, standing up against an illegal regime.
Her and the MAGA mob were trying to break down a door and attack the police and hang Mike Pence and pelosi. She needed shot. She is not nor was a patriot, she was a criminal.
January 6 was just another ordinary tourist visit...

Should be interesting to see what the Republican position on Jan 6 is by the time we get to the Presidential debates.

I’m guessing they’ll drop this dumb narrative and try to distance themselves as much as possible from Jan 6.
Her and the MAGA mob . . . .

Like all Marxist extremists, rather than address the content of the OP the go straight for the character assassination of good Americans. Thats why good people hate Democrats.

Ashley Babbitt was a great American who served her country in the military. From what I can see, all you are is a worthless sack of shit.
Ashli Babbitt was just minding her own business, trying to buy a copy of the Constitution in the Capitol gift shop, when she was shot for no damn reason by a deranged, black-as-the-ace-of-spades, Democrat pig.

Another "hero" was trampled to death by her fellow tard herd rioters, but we won't mention her murder by the mob. The Trumptards don't even know about that, not to mention her name.
Should be interesting to see what the Republican position on Jan 6 is by the time we get to the Presidential debates.

I’m guessing they’ll drop this dumb narrative and try to distance themselves as much as possible from Jan 6.

All politicians discuss things or ignore things during elections as is politically expedient. That does not change the truth of our position, thats just politics.
Ashli Babbitt was just minding her own business, trying to buy a copy of the Constitution in the Capitol gift shop, when she was shot for no damn reason by a deranged, black-as-the-ace-of-spades, Democrat pig.

Another "hero" was trampled to death by her fellow tard herd rioters, but we won't mention her murder by the mob. The Trumptards don't even know about that, not to mention her name.
I mean the video is available. At least in the real world, I am not sure about the alternate reality.
A bunch of piss drinking retards came from all around the country, taken in by the most corrupt US president in history, bleeving in the Big Lie. They stormed the Capitol, attempting to overthrow the duly elected government, and wounded over 140 police and killing one of their own in the process while shouting, "Hang Mike Pence!" and "Kill Pelosi!"

The dumb shits didn't even think ahead to learn the lay of the land. They wandered aimlessly, easily led astray by a brave, lone hero cop away from the Senate. As they bumbled their way around the Capitol, pausing occasionally to smear their shit on the walls, they eventually made their way to the last barricade between themselves and the House chamber.

As they attempted to storm that last barricade, the first tard to breach the barricade was shot after being warned repeatedly to stop by a hero cop pointing a gun at her. The dumb tard decided to keep going and was killed for her stupidity. We can only wonder if she died with a surprised look on her retarded face.

But this finally turned the tide and the mob retreated from the barricade.

The revisionists went to work almost immediately, calling this a normal tourist visit, and claiming the mob did nothing more egregious than some mild trespassing. At least 140 wounded cops beg to differ.

Then, even more hilariously, the tard herd began parroting the idea that the tard mob was somehow coaxed into rioting by the FBI and Antifa and not their Orange God who incited them for MONTHS to fight.

Sadly, these rubes have sunk ever deeper into their delusions and are beyond reach. They live in Bizarro World now.

But the whole world was watching that day, and out here in reality they know the truth.

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