Herschel Walker is about to get lynched by the DNC

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Ewe rail about Joe's lies and believe that tRumps over 30,000 lies are not lies at all. Oh and those lies are only from 2015 until the end of his Presidency. And while speaking in public.
Ewe rail about Joe's lies and believe that tRumps over 30,000 lies are not lies at all. Oh and those lies are only from 2015 until the end of his Presidency. And while speaking in public.
i didn’t say i believed everything trump has said…stop lying

but don’t pretend you have an issue with it, when you clearly don’t…when you support xiden…that’s hypocrisy
You overt bias stains your argument. I could make similar claims about the Dems. The party of slavery. The party of the Dixiecrat. The party of Strom Thurmond, and Robert Byrd. The current party of slander against those who wish to leave the Dem plantation.
Foul, vile, corrupt, evil.
The Democrats WERE the party of slavery and Jim Crow....but this is the 21st century.....look who supports the New Jim Crow...................it isn't the Dems.
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