Herschel Walker is about to get lynched by the DNC

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When bigots are so bigoted that they can't defend themselves , then it's the people who point out the fact that they are bigots that they claim are bigots. Could there be a weaker argument. 3RD grade at the most.
You win this week's word salad award, but yes - Democrats are monstrous bigots; their fondest creation the KKK.
She's pretty creepy, isn't she? But ok with trump being Epstein's BFF and walking in on young girls' dressing rooms.
Poor little fuckwad. Sorry asswipe, Trump aided Epstein’s prosecution in Florida while your pal Bill Clinton went to the the island over 20 times. Now desperate to deflect to Trump. Cry some more.
And? Sad to hear that you never had affectionate grand parents in your life. Explains a lot.

But I'm sure you are totally cool with this: View attachment 519388 View attachment 519389 View attachment 519390 View attachment 519391

All those kids aren’t his grandchildren. What a pathetic loser you are. Father with daughter. Oh that’s right, fags like you don’t know that dads are involved.
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