Herschel Walker is about to get lynched by the DNC

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In Georgia Walker being more liked is like someone being more liked by the Nazi party don't you think? It'd like who cares. Wouldn't change the demographics of the hate party, all of them being bigots, haters, stupid as hell , cruel, criminal, Mentally unstable women abusers. Yup he is one of yours.
My god you’re ignorant. Comparing Walker to a Nazi? Say that in Georgia and prepare to be the main attraction at a closed casket funeral. Woman abusers? That’s your side. Paging Keith Ellison. You are attacking a black man with vile lies. Meaning YOU are a bigot, hater, stupid as hell, criminal, racist......
I'll do better than that. I'll provide a member of Congress that was Obama's physician. You're such an ignorant arrogant boob. You really should do your homework first. You might look as smart as you think you are.
Jackson?.....Beahahaha! Reported for drunken abuse of his medical associates.
The fact that most people havent heard yet is why there are no examples of libs sneering at Walker - yet
Interesting logic there. :heehee:
I made no claim about the USFL at all....are you drunk or on drugs today?
You laughed at a post stating the USFL wouldn’t have lasted much longer anyway. YOU have to show proof of your idiotic claim asshole. Put down the crack pipe.
He is from your hate party stupid , they don't even count, He represents the 5th district in texas, what a fucking clown\


Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), the controversial former White House physician, said on Thursday that he believed President Biden would resign because of his limited cognitive abilities.
During an episode of Fox’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity criticized responses Biden gave during a CNN town hall the day before, calling some “completely incomprehensible.”
Remember when he stated that trump was in excellent health and not obese? :heehee:

This is why the South remains the South.... He has probably as much "qualifications" as Tommy Tubberville--none.

Yeah, that's what you said about Al Franken, LOL. Wow, you're hypocrisy stinks. You need to go outside before you fire one of those off.

But wow, the professional politicians have done such an amazing job I see why you wouldn't want to risk anyone else giving it a try. You're such a moron
Ohhhhhh....I "laughed at a post".....you poor thing. But honestly, why aren't you used to being laughed at by now. I'm sure people have been laughing at you your whole life. :heehee:
No you stupid fuck, I don’t get laughed at. I’m pretty popular. Unlike you who is known for being an uneducated racist pervert. Who thinks it FUNNY that one of your fellow assholes called Walker a Nazi. Now show your proof of the USFL being financially viable and stop deflecting asswipe.

So? Biden is a child molester and groper with dementia, and you voted for him. What's your point?
That is correct. I do not believe that President Biden has dementia. What member of Congress that works with him has made the claim he does?
Anyone that has watched Biden over his career can plainly see he has dementia. You're a liar.
So? Biden is a child molester and groper with dementia, and you voted for him. What's your point?
He is not a child molester. He is not a groper. He does not have dementia. But you've been well groomed by your orange cult to repeat those lies.
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