Herschel Walker is about to get lynched by the DNC

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So now facts are deflection for the tardherd? Not surprised, ewe got nothing else.
deflection is deflection. Like I said, if you believe that, i’m not sure why it’s a problem given the fact…Xiden is a repeatedly habitual liar.

Heck the Dems rejected him once before for it…just more evidence the dems have gone so far out there they are now willingly and openly accepting known liars
Walker has a history of struggling with some sort of mental disorder. Democrats will use that in an attempt to not only beat him in the election, but to destroy his life.

They might even try to portray him as a racist.
well he is a racist and he is like your God and leader mentally incapable to do the job. He has made it totally clear in his book what he would do when he suffers from his mental problems. That choice by everyone is their own on their opinion whether he is qualified or not. Him being a racist will help him get elected in your party.
Well then, show us a member of Congress that says he has dementia. Should be easy for you to prove I lied about that.
I'll do better than that. I'll provide a member of Congress that was Obama's physician. You're such an ignorant arrogant boob. You really should do your homework first. You might look as smart as you think you are.
well he is a racist and he is like your God and leader mentally incapable to do the job. He has made it totally clear in his book what he would do when he suffers from his mental problems. That choice by everyone is their own on their opinion whether he is qualified or not. Him being a racist will help him get elected in your party.
I'll do better than that. I'll provide a member of Congress that was Obama's physician. You're such an ignorant arrogant boob. You really should do your homework first. You might look as smart as you think you are.
He is from your hate party stupid , they don't even count, He represents the 5th district in texas, what a fucking clown\


Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), the controversial former White House physician, said on Thursday that he believed President Biden would resign because of his limited cognitive abilities.
During an episode of Fox’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity criticized responses Biden gave during a CNN town hall the day before, calling some “completely incomprehensible.”
Democrats DO love to hate gays...

...while pretending they don't.

I've never met a more homophobic bunch.

So add that to the list of reasons they be hayin' on Herschel!
When bigots are so bigoted that they can't defend themselves , then it's the people who point out the fact that they are bigots that they claim are bigots. Could there be a weaker argument. 3RD grade at the most.
When bigots are so bigoted that they can't defend themselves , then it's the people who point out the fact that they are bigots that they claim are bigots. Could there be a weaker argument. 3RD grade at the most.
deflection is deflection. Like I said, if you believe that, i’m not sure why it’s a problem given the fact…Xiden is a repeatedly habitual liar.

Heck the Dems rejected him once before for it…just more evidence the dems have gone so far out there they are now willingly and openly accepting known liars
If you can't respond why try? I can say anything also, Trumps loves golden showers. Except there is supportable information to my comment but I wouldn't say it as a fact.
Really? Got some examples of that for us? You telling us is the first I've heard of this "big whoop" news item.
The fact that most people havent heard yet is why there are no examples of libs sneering at Walker - yet
Anybody who runs for any office, or it seems aspires to the Sup Ct, opens their life story to scrutiny. I doubt Walker has done anything to really be ashamed about or that he's seriously tried to hurt another person, but some of his actions seem a bit ill thought out. It's not a partisan thought to hope he doesn't open his life up.

And, I'm against the permanent expansion of the child tax credits as well as other "human infrastructure."
If you can't respond why try? I can say anything also, Trumps loves golden showers. Except there is supportable information to my comment but I wouldn't say it as a fact.
the only support for that comment is the debunked Clinton paid for foreign dossier...

the support for my comments about Xiden is the very public fact he had to withdraw from a Presidential election after his lying was disclosed....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmuAB5MqP0Y

and he did it in 2019: Joe Biden's Campaign Gets Caught Plagiarizing Again
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