Herschel Walker is about to get lynched by the DNC

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Hershel Walker struggles with mental illness.
he doesn’t seem to now that he’s been diagnosed , and has the proper treatment. He’s actually turned that into a postive as he is an out spoken advocate for it. Bringing it into the light, and highlighting that you can live a normal and even. very successful life with such an illness

meanwhile you all out Sleepy Joe, who’s mental illness appears greatly untreated and unmanageable. Has he told Walker he ain’t black yet?
he doesn’t seem to now that he’s been diagnosed , and has the proper treatment. He’s actually turned that into a postive as he is an out spoken advocate for it. Bringing it into the light, and highlighting that you can live a normal and even. very successful life with such an illness

meanwhile you all out Sleepy Joe, who’s mental illness appears greatly untreated and unmanageable. Has he told Walker he ain’t black yet?

Joe Biden has no history of mental illness.
Joe Biden has no history of mental illness.
some mental illness simply come on with age.

but others would argue that being a habitual liar is a mental illness and he clearly has a history of that
he has more then Al Frankenstein

and how do you know he doesn’t have a knowledge of the workings of Govt?

what relevant experience is needed? a pastor? a stand up comic? a film maker? they do?

He’s run numerous very successful businesses, including starting and operating the largest minority owned food processing plant in the country.

being a US Senator is about representing your state, knowing what people in your state may need and how those people can succeed.
People don’t realize that Al Franken was a fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
And the right is not like this? Wake up and quit posting shite.
Feel free to point out the right when they cross the line

In this case its the left that cannot or will not discuss Walkers position on the issues which is what elections should be about
People don’t realize that Al Franken was a fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
cool, he graduated in 1973…that makes him qualified to be a US Senator in 2008?

are you one people that think experience doesn’t matter but simply having a BA does?

Walker has a degree from UGA in criminal justice, has run a number of different very successful businesses…he seems way more rounded and experienced as the US Senate handles a lot of issues and topics…not just were the rest rooms are at Harvard in 1973
Habitual liar? You mean Trump?
we were discussing Xiden. You know the guy that got caught lying about his grades, repeatedly gets caught stealing speeches…in fact had to drop out of one election because he got caught and exposed
Where do you come up with these totally outrageous comments like.."being a habitual liar"???
Again who in the hell are YOU? You ever made a million dollars a year? Have you ever been on national TV? Are you even a college graduate? All of these questions because YOU declare Walker a "habitual liar" and we are suppose to believe YOU????
Give me links. Proof that Walker is a habitual liar or else by your very comment YOU are proving YOU ARE a habitual LIAR!
i didn’t say Walker was. i suggest you read the convo i was having
Pelosi had a career in politics for years before joining the House.

You guys really can’t see through your hatred.

And that’s not to mention that the House is the LOWER house.

Can you idiots just have some standards for once?
You can see she is unbalanced. Watching her always looking towards the Prog side during the State of the Union's is sickening. like it is some Children's Christmas show at the the Catholic School.
Sorry! I misread your comment. I apologize!
no worries. Senator to Be Walker will be a refreshing additional breath of honesty in Washington. The dems hate that…oh and they hate he’s black, successful and well a better athlete. dems aren’t a fan of winners
Hmmmm - Beats his wife, exaggerates his financial success, alarms business associates and mentally ill.
Herschel is the PERFECT Trumpublican! :D
Hershel Walker doesn’t belong in the senate. He has no qualifications.
Walker appears to have plenty of common sense

Thats an important quality that most swamp rats in congress do not have
cool, he graduated in 1973…that makes him qualified to be a US Senator in 2008?

are you one people that think experience doesn’t matter but simply having a BA does?

Walker has a degree from UGA in criminal justice, has run a number of different very successful businesses…he seems way more rounded and experienced as the US Senate handles a lot of issues and topics…not just were the rest rooms are at Harvard in 1973
Franken was a fellow at the Harvard School of Government starting in 2003.

What has Walker done?
Franken was a fellow at the Harvard School of Government starting in 2003.

What has Walker done?
he graduate in 1973 according to wikipedia

i just listed the things he has done. Created numerous successful businesses, hired numerous people and provided the jobs, healthcare and opportunities…

you know, real world stuff, stuff that actually impacted by what senators do.

how much teaching has Big Al done in Boston since 2003? considering he lives half way across the united states?
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