Herschel Walker is about to get lynched by the DNC

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You might have a point with AOC. But Omar was involved in local politics for some time before going to the House.

Both have degrees in relevant areas.
Have you heard some of the shit that comes out of AOC's mouth, she must have gotten that economics degree out of a crackerjacks box. Omar is a raging antisemitic.
Your question is irrelevant. Voters set their own qualifications. Voters used to require actual experience and knowledge for high offices.

Now Republicans are just happy to vote for the famous person that gets on Fox News a lot and says the right slogans.

Voters still "set their own qualifications".........example...........you.

But, he is qualified and that's the reason you will not answer.

Funny that the left is constantly saying that Repubs. have no new ideas....But support someone who has been in office for 50 years.

Why not some new faces?
Have you heard some of the shit that comes out of AOC's mouth, she must have gotten that economics degree out of a crackerjacks box. Omar is a raging antisemitic.
AOC discussed economics better than most Republicans. Especially Trump.

Voters still "set their own qualifications".........example...........you.

But, he is qualified and that's the reason you will not answer.

Funny that the left is constantly saying that Repubs. have no new ideas....But support someone who has been in office for 50 years.

Why not some new faces?
Electing people who are unqualified is dangerous. People need to know what they’re doing.
She represents everything wrong with American politics.
The ultimate DC swamp critter.
A virtual poster girl for term limits.

That makes NO sense when you look at Pelosi's track record.
That makes NO sense when you look at Pelosi's track record.
It makes perfect sense when you look at the reality of the district she supposedly represents while she plays political theater in Washington.
But I wouldn't expect an idolizing fan such as yourself to see that.
Time for the old bat to retire.
It makes perfect sense when you look at the reality of the district she supposedly represents while she plays political theater in Washington.
But I wouldn't expect an idolizing fan such as yourself to see that.
Time for the old bat to retire.

I don't idolize Pelosi but I do like intelligence and integrity in leadership.
Republicans seem to elect more and more “famous people” rather than people actually know how government works.
We know exactly how the government works, and we don't like it; it's organized crime.

So we support outsiders, as any thinking person would.
Electing people who are unqualified is dangerous. People need to know what they’re doing.
*Biden knows what he's doing? Right?!?

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I guess we should cut him some slack, he's only got 50 years of political experience. :dunno:
You know adults do change their minds when they get more information.

Someone who's been in politics for 50 years should have all the information before commenting right. I thought experience mattered? Does *biden not know this? LOL
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