Herschel Walker is about to get lynched by the DNC

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It shows you're engaged in the public square. The "leftist ideology" just means that Franken is a smart man.

Mueller, like the Senate detailed the meetings and sharing of information between the campaign and Russian intel. Spanky just decided to carry his boss's water on it.
1) Opening businesses shows you are engaged in the public square...writing books to sell to a limited demographic does not...it shows you are closed minded, and partisan....not really the qualities of a good Senator.
2) Not sure who Spanky is....Mueller certainly wasn't carrying his boss's water. The Mueller report, not report found there was any sort of conspiracy. Just stop already...you lack of acceptation is a powerful thing, it's time you learn to do it...you were fooled by your propagandist. But what makes you fool, is your lack of acceptance.
You are really uninformed. Did you not notice what was going in in the Gulf States when Trump was president?
Of course I did, we were ending Obama and Xiden's endless wars, We were helping build peace between Arab States and Israel. We beat back Obama's JV team. We put the leading state sponsor of terror back in check. Great things for those of us that love peace and freedom
Of course I did, we were ending Obama and Xiden's endless wars, We were helping build peace between Arab States and Israel. We beat back Obama's JV team. We put the leading state sponsor of terror back in check. Great things for those of us that love peace and freedom

LOL.. That is not what happened.

The Saudi Peace Initiative had been on the table since 2002.. Trump just gave away the US embassy and got nothing in return.

Jews have been selling financial plans in KSA for more than 2 decades. I met several of them when I was visiting Arabia.

Iran was already in check because of the nuclear agreement.
LOL.. That is not what happened.

The Saudi Peace Initiative had been on the table since 2002.. Trump just gave away the US embassy and got nothing in return.

Jews have been selling financial plans in KSA for more than 2 decades. I met several of them when I was visiting Arabia.

Iran was already in check because of the nuclear agreement.
Sure it's what happened.

Something on the table by the way...means it's not been done...

ahahaha Iran was not in check at all...during the Obama regime they had become the leading force in the region...helping invade other countries with their terrorist operations.

This is your idea of Iran in check: Controversy explodes over Iranian images of U.S. sailors

Just stop already...geez.
Sure it's what happened.

Something on the table by the way...means it's not been done...

ahahaha Iran was not in check at all...during the Obama regime they had become the leading force in the region...helping invade other countries with their terrorist operations.

This is your idea of Iran in check: Controversy explodes over Iranian images of U.S. sailors

Just stop already...geez.

The reason Iran was ascendant was because of the US invasion of Iraq.. Reversing that damage takes time. There is NO quick fix. .. and it certainly didn't help when Trump took oil shipments on the high seas.
The reason Iran was ascendant was because of the US invasion of Iraq.. Reversing that damage takes time. There is NO quick fix. .. and it certainly didn't help when Trump took oil shipments on the high seas.
Nope...because Obama and Xiden let them.

I agree there was no quick fix, but we were on the right path before the Obama/Xiden/Clinton blunder of the Arab Spring....geez...and I thought that would take time to right the course...but Trump was on the right path...

haha the US seizure of oil shipments from Iran (the largest state sponsor of terror) to the oppressive horrible Venezuluan Govt, did not cause damage to the ME...other then the state sponsor of terror, and the brutal regime in Venezuala....it also highlights the failure of leftist regimes...the fact Venezula needed oil...
Why did you call Hershel Walker a "black boy"? What is wrong with you?
Just portraying him the way democrats are.

It has been said that he is not qualified to represent the people of Georgia and a know nothing. That is akin to calling him a boy.

And you would agree, right?

In fact, there are no conservative blacks you respect, is there.
Hershel Walker doesn’t belong in the senate. He has no qualifications.

Looks qualified to me

The Constitution sets three qualifications for service in the U.S. Senate: age (at least thirty years of age); U.S. citizenship (at least nine years); and residency in the state a senator represents at time of election.

Just portraying him the way democrats are.

It has been said that he is not qualified to represent the people of Georgia and a know nothing. That is akin to calling him a boy.

And you would agree, right?

In fact, there are no conservative blacks you respect, is there.

What a vicious lie. Hershel Walker is adored in Georgia.. Always has been. He's a hero.

The issue is his long battle with mental illness and his relationship with Trump.
Why? Do you think the USA should be more like other countries?

No. I am just trying to figure out how you could be so ignorant and shrieking about "Communism"... I have traveled all over the world for decades and I have never been to a "Communist country".
No. I am just trying to figure out how you could be so ignorant and shrieking about "Communism"... I have traveled all over the world for decades and I have never been to a "Communist country".
You lie about communism all the time.

Who are you trying to kid?
No. I am just trying to figure out how you could be so ignorant and shrieking about "Communism"... I have traveled all over the world for decades and I have never been to a "Communist country".
So you don't think there are commies in the Democrat party?
He’s good at football. Nothing wrong with that.

But it’s not a qualification for the Senate.

The only reason Republicans would vote for him is that he’s famous and he supports Trump. That’s all they need.
It's a better qualification than most of those douchebag lawyers have.
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