He's Crazy! The media says so!


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015

I never imagined the left and media would become so unhinged........Jake Tapper got thumped today
Dangerous game they play. This sort of nonsense can erupt. This is DESPERATION. No good ideas. Just attack the Chief.

Many posters here went on HillaryCations after the election.....now some are returning. Some seem gone forever. Candy Porn? LL took a long time to recover (now back full of venom).
Issac (was running an underground railroad for Illegals or so it was posted, but back and bitter).
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It’s all they have left...no real high crime and misdemeanors, so they are trying for this nebulous “moron and insane” nonsense.

It’s amusing and entertaining, but mostly pathetic.

I get why HIllary is so upset that she didn’t win, she can’t continue her corruption...but for everyday Joe and Jane American, I have no idea why they are so upset that crooked Hillary lost.

I hope they send their tax savings into the treasury....they won’t.

The Leftist Maniac typical reaction to someone saying DONALD TRUMP is:


Quick someone give Trigglypuff some sticks and a drum kit:


^^^^ There that's a lot better :smoke:


^^^^ Trigglypuff's dayjob as a Professional SJW.
Actually it’s hundreds of people that work with Trump say he’s crazy.
Bat shit crazy.. and as dumb as a rock.
According to a Fraud who wrote a book with made up quotes....no wonder you idiots believed Clinton!
I know it’s your duty to attack anyone who tells the truth about your serial sex offender.
But now you’re attacking Trump’s own staff for telling the truth about him
#1 book on Amazon and millions more will read it while you cry fake. Ha!
Actually it’s hundreds of people that work with Trump say he’s crazy.
Bat shit crazy.. and as dumb as a rock.
According to a Fraud who wrote a book with made up quotes....no wonder you idiots believed Clinton!
I know it’s your duty to attack anyone who tells the truth about your serial sex offender.
But now you’re attacking Trump’s own staff for telling the truth about him
#1 book on Amazon and millions more will read it while you cry fake. Ha!
LOL millions of snowflakes crying over a lost election. As I said this idiot knew his audience well!

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