He's Done Before Beginning: Martin O’Malley Sides With Illegal Immigrants In Lawsuit Against Texas


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Diplomats of children born here are not citizens. They are not awarded U.S. Citizenship at birth and their consulates or embassies are expected to issue the proper documentation for their citizens. Why should illegal invaders be given citizenship? Certainly they are even less deserving since they are not legally in the country to begin with .

The 14th amendment was designed for freed slaves, not illegal invaders to use as a way of securing government largess for themselves and their offspring. The 14th has been subverted and Trump will end it. Time to bring back Eisenhowers government program 'Operation Wetback' and purge this country of illegal lawbreakers........of all ages.

Martin O Malley sides with illegal immigrants in lawsuit against Texas - Washington Times
I actually disagree because the phrase born under might apply to people who happen to be born within the borders of the United States.

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