Hey, Bibi! Pay back's a mutha, ain't it?

He's now running for his legacy, his status in the party, and his career afterwards. There is a life after the presidency, you know.

Unless he wants to be the next Jimmy Carter, come election time, Democrats act like he has leprosy.

Jimmy Carter is very respected by Democrats and Liberals.
Is that why he is never asked to speak at any conventions, and the camera hardly zooms at him? Please, Jimmy Carter reminds America of it's worst, not best days. Every Democrat politician knows that comparing himself to Carter is suicide. He was a massive failure domestically especially on the economy and in foreign policy.

Jimmy Carter gave a video speech at the 2012 Democratic Convention. You mean the days when a Man could afford to take care of his family while mom took care of the house and kids.owned a house two cars, had a saving account,the national debt was counted in billions...
What a shame that the leaders of so many countries act like petulant four years olds.

'Take that, Barack!'

'Right back atcha, Bibi'.


No, there's more going on here than just petty vindictiveness, though there's some of that too and Netanyahu started it early in Obama's administration when his government announced new settlements on the West Bank while VP Biden was enroute to Israel to talk about that very thing. It was a deliberate and calculated affront to the new President, which Obama responded to in kind when Bibl came to the White House and the President sent an underling to meet the PM...at the back door!

This time, though, the stakes are much higher. What Obama is essentially doing is going over the head of Likud and appealing to younger Israeli's in an effort to short-circuit Bibi's position on Iran. Had Likud won a majority of the Knesset, we wouldn't be having this conversation because the Iranian nuclear sites would likely be smoking by now. Their trigger for initiating military action is much more hair trigger than Obama's and our European allies. The LAST thing anybody but Netanyahu wants is dragging us all into a war before it's absolutely necessary.

But, they didn't win a clear majority and that gives Obama room to maneuver. That's what he's doing, not "paying back" anything. That's already been done.
Jimmy Carter is very respected by Democrats and Liberals.
Is that why he is never asked to speak at any conventions, and the camera hardly zooms at him? Please, Jimmy Carter reminds America of it's worst, not best days. Every Democrat politician knows that comparing himself to Carter is suicide. He was a massive failure domestically especially on the economy and in foreign policy.

Jimmy Carter gave a video speech at the 2012 Democratic Convention. You mean the days when a Man could afford to take care of his family while mom took care of the house and kids.owned a house two cars, had a saving account,the national debt was counted in billions...
Video Speech? Get real, Democrats run from Carter like he's carrying a contagious disease. And when a Republican wants to attack a Democrat, he uses the Carter comparison and tries to make it stick.
Remember how Bibi Netanyahu inserted himself into our recent presidential election by publicly criticizing Obama and favoring his good buddy Mitt Romney? For a foreign leader to try to influence an American election was almost unprecedented.

Now...it's payback time!

How do you like that, Bibi? How does the right here like that? It was OK for Netanyahu to attempt to influence voters here, is it alright if Obama now does the same thing there? Why not?

Good job, Mr. President!
You wanna' make an Avatar bet OldGuy?

This is all theater. Staged arguments to polarize people behind their leader of choice. Then when the time is right, a very public "get together" and "hashing out of differences" to make it appear as though they are "bestest buddies" again.

Then the US and Israel will Bomb Iran.

Oh you don't think it's possible? The US and Israel already collaborated with the Stuxnet Virus. Look it up.

The Avatar bet will be for a week. If they don't make up by say, June? Then you choose my Avatar, if they do then I choose yours.

You game?

No thanks. I don't gamble...and certainly not on such a sure bet on your part. Iran WILL likely be bombed at some point. The only question is when and under what circumstances.
He's now running for his legacy, his status in the party, and his career afterwards. There is a life after the presidency, you know.

Unless he wants to be the next Jimmy Carter, come election time, Democrats act like he has leprosy.

Jimmy Carter is very respected by Democrats and Liberals.
Is that why he is never asked to speak at any conventions, and the camera hardly zooms at him? Please, Jimmy Carter reminds America of it's worst, not best days. Every Democrat politician knows that comparing himself to Carter is suicide. He was a massive failure domestically especially on the economy and in foreign policy.

Yep. Carter gets treated by the Democratic party just like George Bush gets treated by the GOP and for the same reasons: "Please stay away!"
What a shame that the leaders of so many countries act like petulant four years olds.

'Take that, Barack!'

'Right back atcha, Bibi'.


No, there's more going on here than just petty vindictiveness, though there's some of that too and Netanyahu started it early in Obama's administration when his government announced new settlements on the West Bank while VP Biden was enroute to Israel to talk about that very thing. It was a deliberate and calculated affront to the new President, which Obama responded to in kind when Bibl came to the White House and the President sent an underling to meet the PM...at the back door!

This time, though, the stakes are much higher. What Obama is essentially doing is going over the head of Likud and appealing to younger Israeli's in an effort to short-circuit Bibi's position on Iran. Had Likud won a majority of the Knesset, we wouldn't be having this conversation because the Iranian nuclear sites would likely be smoking by now. Their trigger for initiating military action is much more hair trigger than Obama's and our European allies. The LAST thing anybody but Netanyahu wants is dragging us all into a war before it's absolutely necessary.

But, they didn't win a clear majority and that gives Obama room to maneuver. That's what he's doing, not "paying back" anything. That's already been done.
That shit only works here in the US. While it's true that some of the young Israelis are liberals, like in the US, delusional self haters, there aren't that many that want to create national suicide. The realities on the ground and existential threats are a constant reminder of that. Which is why, even in a custom made handpicked liberal crowd of students, Obama STILL got heckled. LOL
Jimmy Carter is very respected by Democrats and Liberals.
Is that why he is never asked to speak at any conventions, and the camera hardly zooms at him? Please, Jimmy Carter reminds America of it's worst, not best days. Every Democrat politician knows that comparing himself to Carter is suicide. He was a massive failure domestically especially on the economy and in foreign policy.

Yep. Carter gets treated by the Democratic party just like George Bush gets treated by the GOP and for the same reasons: "Please stay away!"
I will have to agree with you on that. Although George Bush's legacy is still being written, and in some cases, revised.
Why? is Obama running for a third term?
He's now running for his legacy, his status in the party, and his career afterwards. There is a life after the presidency, you know.

Unless he wants to be the next Jimmy Carter, come election time, Democrats act like he has leprosy.

Jimmy Carter is very respected by Democrats and Liberals.

Isn't he the only president who worked after leaving office?
He's now running for his legacy, his status in the party, and his career afterwards. There is a life after the presidency, you know.

Unless he wants to be the next Jimmy Carter, come election time, Democrats act like he has leprosy.

Jimmy Carter is very respected by Democrats and Liberals.

Isn't he the only president who worked after leaving office?

No. John Adams served in the House of Representatives after the presidency for the rest of his life, Andrew Johnson served the remainder of his life in the Senate and William Howard Taft later became Chief Justice of the United States.

But, I think the all-time winner is Grover Cleveland, who ran for the presidency again 4 years later and won!
What a shame that the leaders of so many countries act like petulant four years olds.

'Take that, Barack!'

'Right back atcha, Bibi'.


No, there's more going on here than just petty vindictiveness, though there's some of that too and Netanyahu started it early in Obama's administration when his government announced new settlements on the West Bank while VP Biden was enroute to Israel to talk about that very thing. It was a deliberate and calculated affront to the new President, which Obama responded to in kind when Bibl came to the White House and the President sent an underling to meet the PM...at the back door!

This time, though, the stakes are much higher. What Obama is essentially doing is going over the head of Likud and appealing to younger Israeli's in an effort to short-circuit Bibi's position on Iran. Had Likud won a majority of the Knesset, we wouldn't be having this conversation because the Iranian nuclear sites would likely be smoking by now. Their trigger for initiating military action is much more hair trigger than Obama's and our European allies. The LAST thing anybody but Netanyahu wants is dragging us all into a war before it's absolutely necessary.

But, they didn't win a clear majority and that gives Obama room to maneuver. That's what he's doing, not "paying back" anything. That's already been done.
That shit only works here in the US. While it's true that some of the young Israelis are liberals, like in the US, delusional self haters, there aren't that many that want to create national suicide. The realities on the ground and existential threats are a constant reminder of that. Which is why, even in a custom made handpicked liberal crowd of students, Obama STILL got heckled. LOL

You should really try to see things in some light other than liberal/conservative, and especially in regards to other peoples. Not every issue or position can be defined by that dichotomy.
Remember how Bibi Netanyahu inserted himself into our recent presidential election by publicly criticizing Obama and favoring his good buddy Mitt Romney? For a foreign leader to try to influence an American election was almost unprecedented.

Now...it's payback time!

"…..President Obama, appealing to very disparate audiences to solve one of the world’s thorniest problems, moved closer on Thursday to the Israeli government’s position on resuming long-stalled peace talks with the Palestinians, even as he passionately implored young Israelis to get ahead of their own leaders in the push for peace….

…..“Speaking as a politician, I can promise you this: political leaders will not take risks if the people do not demand that they do,” Mr. Obama said, in tones reminiscent of his own political campaigns at home. “You must create the change that you want to see.”….

Obama is in Israel now, urging younger Israeli's to force their leaders to work for their vision of the future. That's an almost direct slap in the face to Netanyahu and his Likud party, which only won a narrow victory in their recent elections. In fact, the hard line Likud lost about a quarter of the seats they held in the Knesset and now find themselves having to negotiate with other, less hard line parties, to form a government at all. Support for Likud's radical policies is waning fast and Obama is trying to take advantage of that by inserting himself into domestic, Israeli politics.

How do you like that, Bibi? How does the right here like that? It was OK for Netanyahu to attempt to influence voters here, is it alright if Obama now does the same thing there? Why not?

Good job, Mr. President!

Mr. Obama has practically stated the U.S. will stay out of the " peace talks" lol it is between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Obama did not say anything about Israel returning to the 67 Borders that were never accepted or respected in the first place, having no rights in E. Jerusalem, or accepting " Right of Return".

Obama's urging to younger Israelis to " work for their vision in the future" not mean giving in to all of Abbas demands regardless of your interpretation.

I don't have any problem with what Obama did. Neither does anyone else including Netanyahu. That's because YOUNG ISRAELIS are not for going to go back to the 67 Borders , give up E. Jerusulem , or accept " Right of Return"

GOOD JOB, MR. PRESIDENT ! lol :cuckoo:
He's now running for his legacy, his status in the party, and his career afterwards. There is a life after the presidency, you know.

Unless he wants to be the next Jimmy Carter, come election time, Democrats act like he has leprosy.

Jimmy Carter is very respected by Democrats and Liberals.

Isn't he the only president who worked after leaving office?
Bill Clinton worked and accomplished much more. Whike Carter got on the payroll of Islamists. If you call that work....

But then again, they are the only people who could use his "services".
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Remember how Bibi Netanyahu inserted himself into our recent presidential election by publicly criticizing Obama and favoring his good buddy Mitt Romney? For a foreign leader to try to influence an American election was almost unprecedented. Now...it's payback time! "…..President Obama, appealing to very disparate audiences to solve one of the world’s thorniest problems, moved closer on Thursday to the Israeli government’s position on resuming long-stalled peace talks with the Palestinians, even as he passionately implored young Israelis to get ahead of their own leaders in the push for peace….…..“Speaking as a politician, I can promise you this: political leaders will not take risks if the people do not demand that they do,” Mr. Obama said, in tones reminiscent of his own political campaigns at home. “You must create the change that you want to see.”….
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/22/w...?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20130322&_r=0 Obama is in Israel now, urging younger Israeli's to force their leaders to work for their vision of the future. That's an almost direct slap in the face to Netanyahu and his Likud party, which only won a narrow victory in their recent elections. In fact, the hard line Likud lost about a quarter of the seats they held in the Knesset and now find themselves having to negotiate with other, less hard line parties, to form a government at all. Support for Likud's radical policies is waning fast and Obama is trying to take advantage of that by inserting himself into domestic, Israeli politics. How do you like that, Bibi? How does the right here like that? It was OK for Netanyahu to attempt to influence voters here, is it alright if Obama now does the same thing there? Why not? Good job, Mr. President!
Funny drivel.

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