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Hey cons: if your solution to the min wage issue is to tell those people...

Was the Enron scandal done by liberals or conservatives?

I honestly do not know what political affiliation the executives at Enron had. I couldn't even tell you their names, much less their political affiliation. Why?
Because you said liberals lack integrity but these guys were conservatives. However, like you said you are simply ignorant with which I agree.
It's been proven over and over. Look at the rate of teen unemployment. In the 1960s it tracked very closely with the general rate. Today it is three times the general rate. That isnt by accident.

It's never been proven that MW increases have any significant or long term affects on unemployment. Please post up the graph that shows the correlated increase in unemployment for every time the MW has been raised.

“The minimum wage in the city of Oakland played a factor, was one of the factors, they considered in closing the stores,” Oakland City Councilman Larry Reid told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out
You do realize that was Walmarts decision and not the results of a negative economic effect dont you? It was retaliation. From your link.

"“They wouldn’t go into any specific details in terms of their rationale for closing the store,” Reid told ABC 7 News. “But this store has been very successful for Wal-mart.”"
"Retaliation"? LOL!
  • Retaliation for what?
  • Who closes a successful business to "retaliate"? The would be cutting off their nose to spite their face
For Oakland city counsel considering raising the MW. Didnt you read your own link?

"Hundreds of Wal-Mart employees fasted this past November in protest for a $15 minimum wage, arguing that Wal-Mart employees do not make enough money to put food on the table.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat, has been leading statewide efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15."
And the point is......what? Why did they choose to work somewhere that they didn't make enough money to put food on their table? If everyone left, then Walmart would have no choice but to raise their pay rates to attract labor. That's the beauty of the free market. The people working their were clearly happy with their employment as they not only agreed to work for that much but chose to stay there.
Was the Enron scandal done by liberals or conservatives?

I honestly do not know what political affiliation the executives at Enron had. I couldn't even tell you their names, much less their political affiliation. Why?
Because you said liberals lack integrity but these guys were conservatives. However, like you said you are simply ignorant with which I agree.
Where did I say I was "ignorant"? You do realize that all posts are up there for everyone to see you are lying, don't you? It's stuff like that which is why you have zero credibility.

Now, unlike you, I'm honest. I admitted that I didn't know who the executives were. Without Googling it - can you tell me the names of the Enron executives and what their political affiliations were?
So increasing minimum wage is going to fix everything Obama / Liberals have done?

Here's a small part - the economic part - of the compilation of researched Obama '1sts':

1st President in U.S. History NOT to have 3% growth

Slowest Recovery Since the Great Depression

1st US Credit Rating Down-Grade
-- First President to Retaliate Against a Rating Agency for Downgrading the United States Debt (Source: Investor's Business Daily)

Set Records for 'Monthly', 'Annual', & 'Total' Deficit-Spending

Nearly $7 Trillion in new debt thanks to a near-Super Majority Controlled Congress that controlled the budget / spending / the economy from Bush's last 2 years in office to the end of Obama's 2nd year in office...

Added more debt that every President from Washington to Clinton COMBINED....

1st Economic Bill was the nearly $1 TRILLION FAILED 'Stimulus' Bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of Liberal-benefitting, liberal-ONLY pork that failed to keep unemployment from rising to 10.1 % (although it was promised to keep unemployment below 8%), and ended up costing tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama 'claimed' to have created / saved...
-- First President to Spend a Trillion Dollars on 'Shovel-Ready' Jobs -- and Later Admit There Was No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Jobs
-- Tax Payer-Funded studies like why the sex life of a homosexual Argentinian male was better than a heterosexual American male (IN the Stimulus bill) was more important that addressing the nation's crumbling infrastructure or the old / vulnerable electrical grid system...

First President to Move America Past the Dependency Tipping Point, In Which 51% of Households Now Pay No Income Taxes (Source: Center for Individual Freedom)

First President to Increase Food Stamp Spending By More Than 100% in Less Than Four Years

First President to Propose Budgets So Unreasonable That Not a Single Representative From Either Party (NOT EVEN HIS OWN) Would Cast a Vote in Favor (Sources: The Hill, Open Market)

First President Whose Economic Policies Have the Number of Americans on Disability Exceed the Population of New York (Source: CNS News)

First President to Sign a Law Requiring All Americans to Purchase a Product From a Third Party
- Based on LIES (including Lie of the Year), caused Americans to lose health care and jobs...

First President to Sue States For Enforcing Immigration Laws Passed by Congress (Source: The Arizona Republic newspaper)

First President to Attempt to Bully a Major Manufacturing Company Into Not Opening a Factory in a Right-to-Work State (Boeing's facility in South Carolina - Source: Wall Street Journal)
-- Attempted to prevent jobs from being created -- Sued States on Behalf of high-dollar donor Unions (SC) to prevent companies from relocating their businesses to Right To Work States

First President to redistribute $26.5 billion of the taxpayers' funds to his union supporters in the UAW (Source: Heritage Foundation)

First President to See America Lose Its Status as the World's Largest Economy (Source: Peterson Institute)

First President to Run a Record 5 Straight Years of Deficits for the Disability Trust Fund (Source: CNS News)

First President Since 1872 to See the U.S. Economy Sink From 1st to 2nd Largest in the World (Source: Financial Times)

First President to Conceal Food Stamp Data From Public Scrutiny (Source: Judicial Watch: "8th Circuit Says USDA Can’t Keep Hiding Food Stamp Data")
- Way to go 'Mr. Most Transparent President Evuh'!

First President to Leave the American Middle Class No Longer the World’s Richest (Source: The New York Times)

First President to Expand the Regulatory State to an Unprecedented Degree ("New record: Feds issued 56 regs for every new law, 3,659 in 2013", Source: Washington Examiner)
-- Massive govt regulation choking the 'life' (& jobs) out of businesses....

Obama's Rather Impressive List of "Accomplishments"
Doug Ross @ Journal: President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated]
When there's no minimum wage corporations like Apple or a meat packers plant will pay as little as they can get away with. Look at Africa, south Asia and even china to see what corporations do when they get away from our regulations and minimum wage laws. History backs this up too and is why we have such laws.

Oh my word....the next time a liberal displays even the most rudimentary understanding of basic economics will be the first time that it has ever happened. Minimum wage is necessary because of basic supply and demand. The amount of labor exceeds the amount of jobs available and always will. Thus, supply and demand will cause compensation to spiral downwards under normal competition (I'll work for a dollar per day, but you have no job so you'll offer to work for $0.50 per day, and so on and so on). However, once minimum wage is established, jacking it up constantly (as libtards have done) have caused massive inflation.

It's stupid and it's completely unavoidable. Actions do not occur in a vacuum. Business owners do not eat cost. When you raise minimum wage, the business owner raises the costs of their goods and services to cover that increased labor cost. Since every business raised their wages (including even those that don't have minimum wage workers - simply in response to the chain reaction), the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they were before their increase. But now you've f'ed over the economy royally with mass inflation. Morons.
Here agains we show the diffidence between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives just claim it wont work and never try anything. Liberals believe in implementing a solution and making it work through a process of refinement. Further proof you would still be grunting to communicate if not for liberals.

We can raise the minimum wage conditionally to see what happens. If its not a good thing then we can repeal the law or place a time limit on it.

Spot on.
Conservatives have been using the same talking points against MW for decades. If they held any water at all, they would have been easily proven already. It's just the usual noise.
It's been proven over and over. Look at the rate of teen unemployment. In the 1960s it tracked very closely with the general rate. Today it is three times the general rate. That isnt by accident.

It's never been proven that MW increases have any significant or long term affects on unemployment. Please post up the graph that shows the correlated increase in unemployment for every time the MW has been raised.
Of course not, as long as any increase is small enough to not make a whole lot of a difference.
It's never been proven that MW increases have any significant or long term affects on unemployment. Please post up the graph that shows the correlated increase in unemployment for every time the MW has been raised.

“The minimum wage in the city of Oakland played a factor, was one of the factors, they considered in closing the stores,” Oakland City Councilman Larry Reid told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out
You do realize that was Walmarts decision and not the results of a negative economic effect dont you? It was retaliation. From your link.

"“They wouldn’t go into any specific details in terms of their rationale for closing the store,” Reid told ABC 7 News. “But this store has been very successful for Wal-mart.”"
"Retaliation"? LOL!
  • Retaliation for what?
  • Who closes a successful business to "retaliate"? The would be cutting off their nose to spite their face
For Oakland city counsel considering raising the MW. Didnt you read your own link?

"Hundreds of Wal-Mart employees fasted this past November in protest for a $15 minimum wage, arguing that Wal-Mart employees do not make enough money to put food on the table.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat, has been leading statewide efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15."
And the point is......what? Why did they choose to work somewhere that they didn't make enough money to put food on their table? If everyone left, then Walmart would have no choice but to raise their pay rates to attract labor. That's the beauty of the free market. The people working their were clearly happy with their employment as they not only agreed to work for that much but chose to stay there.
The point is that they retaliated like I pointed out from your own link. How did you lose sight of my point?
Was the Enron scandal done by liberals or conservatives?

I honestly do not know what political affiliation the executives at Enron had. I couldn't even tell you their names, much less their political affiliation. Why?
Because you said liberals lack integrity but these guys were conservatives. However, like you said you are simply ignorant with which I agree.
Where did I say I was "ignorant"? You do realize that all posts are up there for everyone to see you are lying, don't you? It's stuff like that which is why you have zero credibility.

Now, unlike you, I'm honest. I admitted that I didn't know who the executives were. Without Googling it - can you tell me the names of the Enron executives and what their political affiliations were?
Where you said you "didnt know". I keep forgetting you are one of the dullest of dull when it comes to vocabulary. My bad.
It's never been proven that MW increases have any significant or long term affects on unemployment. Please post up the graph that shows the correlated increase in unemployment for every time the MW has been raised.


Your chart seems to show unemployment dropping when MW is higher and rising when in decline.

I suppose it could seem like that if you're dyslexic.

So you're going to post a graph and then try and lie about what it shows?
Look at 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and right before the crash. All showing low unemployment when the value of MW is higher. Conversely the declines in value correspond to increasing unemployment.
It's never been proven that MW increases have any significant or long term affects on unemployment. Please post up the graph that shows the correlated increase in unemployment for every time the MW has been raised.


Your chart seems to show unemployment dropping when MW is higher and rising when in decline.

I suppose it could seem like that if you're dyslexic.

So you're going to post a graph and then try and lie about what it shows?
Look at 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and right before the crash. All showing low unemployment when the value of MW is higher. Conversely the declines in value correspond to increasing unemployment.
I already posted the right graph. Since min wage jobs are a small percentage of overall jobs the increase wont show up in the general market. Look at populations that largely have min wage jobs and you'll find their UE rates have skyrocketed.
Oh my word....the next time a liberal displays even the most rudimentary understanding of basic economics will be the first time that it has ever happened. Minimum wage is necessary because of basic supply and demand. The amount of labor exceeds the amount of jobs available and always will. Thus, supply and demand will cause compensation to spiral downwards under normal competition (I'll work for a dollar per day, but you have no job so you'll offer to work for $0.50 per day, and so on and so on). However, once minimum wage is established, jacking it up constantly (as libtards have done) have caused massive inflation.

It's stupid and it's completely unavoidable. Actions do not occur in a vacuum. Business owners do not eat cost. When you raise minimum wage, the business owner raises the costs of their goods and services to cover that increased labor cost. Since every business raised their wages (including even those that don't have minimum wage workers - simply in response to the chain reaction), the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they were before their increase. But now you've f'ed over the economy royally with mass inflation. Morons.
Here agains we show the diffidence between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives just claim it wont work and never try anything. Liberals believe in implementing a solution and making it work through a process of refinement. Further proof you would still be grunting to communicate if not for liberals.

We can raise the minimum wage conditionally to see what happens. If its not a good thing then we can repeal the law or place a time limit on it.

Spot on.
Conservatives have been using the same talking points against MW for decades. If they held any water at all, they would have been easily proven already. It's just the usual noise.
It's been proven over and over. Look at the rate of teen unemployment. In the 1960s it tracked very closely with the general rate. Today it is three times the general rate. That isnt by accident.

It's never been proven that MW increases have any significant or long term affects on unemployment. Please post up the graph that shows the correlated increase in unemployment for every time the MW has been raised.

OK what do I win?
Thats a meme. Can we have a link?
Oh my word....the next time a liberal displays even the most rudimentary understanding of basic economics will be the first time that it has ever happened. Minimum wage is necessary because of basic supply and demand. The amount of labor exceeds the amount of jobs available and always will. Thus, supply and demand will cause compensation to spiral downwards under normal competition (I'll work for a dollar per day, but you have no job so you'll offer to work for $0.50 per day, and so on and so on). However, once minimum wage is established, jacking it up constantly (as libtards have done) have caused massive inflation.

It's stupid and it's completely unavoidable. Actions do not occur in a vacuum. Business owners do not eat cost. When you raise minimum wage, the business owner raises the costs of their goods and services to cover that increased labor cost. Since every business raised their wages (including even those that don't have minimum wage workers - simply in response to the chain reaction), the minimum wage worker is no further ahead than they were before their increase. But now you've f'ed over the economy royally with mass inflation. Morons.
Here agains we show the diffidence between liberals and conservatives. Conservatives just claim it wont work and never try anything. Liberals believe in implementing a solution and making it work through a process of refinement. Further proof you would still be grunting to communicate if not for liberals.

We can raise the minimum wage conditionally to see what happens. If its not a good thing then we can repeal the law or place a time limit on it.

Spot on.
Conservatives have been using the same talking points against MW for decades. If they held any water at all, they would have been easily proven already. It's just the usual noise.
It's been proven over and over. Look at the rate of teen unemployment. In the 1960s it tracked very closely with the general rate. Today it is three times the general rate. That isnt by accident.

It's never been proven that MW increases have any significant or long term affects on unemployment. Please post up the graph that shows the correlated increase in unemployment for every time the MW has been raised.

OK what do I win?

Hardly cause and effect. The rate is all over the place. What factors contribute to teenage unemployment? Only MW?
It's never been proven that MW increases have any significant or long term affects on unemployment. Please post up the graph that shows the correlated increase in unemployment for every time the MW has been raised.

Did this happen in a vacuum or were there other factors?
Exactly! Liberals like to believe that their policies occur in a vacuum. They can't seem to comprehend that business owners do not eat cost. They will pass the cost on to the consumer by raising prices (which means the minimum wage worker is no farther ahead than before their increase), or they will cut hours (which means the minimum wage worker is no farther ahead than before their increase), or they will eliminate jobs (which means the minimum wage worker is much worse off than before the increase).
Which is kinda shitty considering they can write off their wages as a tax deduction.

Once again, you're lack of understanding on economics, finance, business, etc. is remarkable. The tax deductions do not cover the full cost of the salary. It's a very small percentage. If the tax deduction covered the entire salary, then business owners would have no labor costs. The federal government would be providing labor for them. That's simply not how it works.
It's never been proven that MW increases have any significant or long term affects on unemployment. Please post up the graph that shows the correlated increase in unemployment for every time the MW has been raised.


Your chart seems to show unemployment dropping when MW is higher and rising when in decline.

I suppose it could seem like that if you're dyslexic.

So you're going to post a graph and then try and lie about what it shows?
Look at 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and right before the crash. All showing low unemployment when the value of MW is higher. Conversely the declines in value correspond to increasing unemployment.
I already posted the right graph. Since min wage jobs are a small percentage of overall jobs the increase wont show up in the general market. Look at populations that largely have min wage jobs and you'll find their UE rates have skyrocketed.

The right graph? No, you posted a graph only showing teens who don't need to work at all.

Carpe diem blog?
At least Taz had the BLS stats.
It's never been proven that MW increases have any significant or long term affects on unemployment. Please post up the graph that shows the correlated increase in unemployment for every time the MW has been raised.

Did this happen in a vacuum or were there other factors?
Exactly! Liberals like to believe that their policies occur in a vacuum. They can't seem to comprehend that business owners do not eat cost. They will pass the cost on to the consumer by raising prices (which means the minimum wage worker is no farther ahead than before their increase), or they will cut hours (which means the minimum wage worker is no farther ahead than before their increase), or they will eliminate jobs (which means the minimum wage worker is much worse off than before the increase).
Which is kinda shitty considering they can write off their wages as a tax deduction.

Once again, you're lack of understanding on economics, finance, business, etc. is remarkable. The tax deductions do not cover the full cost of the salary. It's a very small percentage. If the tax deduction covered the entire salary, then business owners would have no labor costs. The federal government would be providing labor for them. That's simply not how it works.
Youre too dumb for words son. It doesnt say you can write off "very little". Can you tell us what this means to you?

Publication 535 (2015), Business Expenses

"You can generally deduct the amount you pay your employees for the services they perform. The pay may be in cash, property, or services. It may include wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, or other non-cash compensation such as vacation allowances and fringe benefits. For information about deducting employment taxes, see chapter 5."
“The minimum wage in the city of Oakland played a factor, was one of the factors, they considered in closing the stores,” Oakland City Councilman Larry Reid told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Oakland’s Minimum Wage Is Up, Wal-Mart Is Out
You do realize that was Walmarts decision and not the results of a negative economic effect dont you? It was retaliation. From your link.

"“They wouldn’t go into any specific details in terms of their rationale for closing the store,” Reid told ABC 7 News. “But this store has been very successful for Wal-mart.”"
"Retaliation"? LOL!
  • Retaliation for what?
  • Who closes a successful business to "retaliate"? The would be cutting off their nose to spite their face
For Oakland city counsel considering raising the MW. Didnt you read your own link?

"Hundreds of Wal-Mart employees fasted this past November in protest for a $15 minimum wage, arguing that Wal-Mart employees do not make enough money to put food on the table.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat, has been leading statewide efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15."
And the point is......what? Why did they choose to work somewhere that they didn't make enough money to put food on their table? If everyone left, then Walmart would have no choice but to raise their pay rates to attract labor. That's the beauty of the free market. The people working their were clearly happy with their employment as they not only agreed to work for that much but chose to stay there.
The point is that they retaliated like I pointed out from your own link. How did you lose sight of my point?

People don't cut off their nose to spite their face when it comes to money and successful businesses. You view everything like an immature 6th grader. Walmart shut down their business because the minimum wage made it unsustainable. How is it "retaliation" to close the doors of a successful business?
Did this happen in a vacuum or were there other factors?
Exactly! Liberals like to believe that their policies occur in a vacuum. They can't seem to comprehend that business owners do not eat cost. They will pass the cost on to the consumer by raising prices (which means the minimum wage worker is no farther ahead than before their increase), or they will cut hours (which means the minimum wage worker is no farther ahead than before their increase), or they will eliminate jobs (which means the minimum wage worker is much worse off than before the increase).
Which is kinda shitty considering they can write off their wages as a tax deduction.

Once again, you're lack of understanding on economics, finance, business, etc. is remarkable. The tax deductions do not cover the full cost of the salary. It's a very small percentage. If the tax deduction covered the entire salary, then business owners would have no labor costs. The federal government would be providing labor for them. That's simply not how it works.
Youre too dumb for words son. It doesnt say you can write off "very little". Can you tell us what this means to you?

Publication 535 (2015), Business Expenses

"You can generally deduct the amount you pay your employees for the services they perform. The pay may be in cash, property, or services. It may include wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, or other non-cash compensation such as vacation allowances and fringe benefits. For information about deducting employment taxes, see chapter 5."
Yes...you can deduct from the taxes. The result of that doesn't cover the labor costs. :bang3:

In all seriousness - at what grade did you drop out of school?
You do realize that was Walmarts decision and not the results of a negative economic effect dont you? It was retaliation. From your link.

"“They wouldn’t go into any specific details in terms of their rationale for closing the store,” Reid told ABC 7 News. “But this store has been very successful for Wal-mart.”"
"Retaliation"? LOL!
  • Retaliation for what?
  • Who closes a successful business to "retaliate"? The would be cutting off their nose to spite their face
For Oakland city counsel considering raising the MW. Didnt you read your own link?

"Hundreds of Wal-Mart employees fasted this past November in protest for a $15 minimum wage, arguing that Wal-Mart employees do not make enough money to put food on the table.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat, has been leading statewide efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15."
And the point is......what? Why did they choose to work somewhere that they didn't make enough money to put food on their table? If everyone left, then Walmart would have no choice but to raise their pay rates to attract labor. That's the beauty of the free market. The people working their were clearly happy with their employment as they not only agreed to work for that much but chose to stay there.
The point is that they retaliated like I pointed out from your own link. How did you lose sight of my point?

People don't cut off their nose to spite their face when it comes to money and successful businesses. You view everything like an immature 6th grader. Walmart shut down their business because the minimum wage made it unsustainable. How is it "retaliation" to close the doors of a successful business?
How can the specific store being doing great but the wage was unsustainable? Its retaliation because it takes that tax revenue out of the city that raised the minimum wage. Why dont you have someone explain to you how cities get their revenue in regards to businesses.
Did this happen in a vacuum or were there other factors?
Exactly! Liberals like to believe that their policies occur in a vacuum. They can't seem to comprehend that business owners do not eat cost. They will pass the cost on to the consumer by raising prices (which means the minimum wage worker is no farther ahead than before their increase), or they will cut hours (which means the minimum wage worker is no farther ahead than before their increase), or they will eliminate jobs (which means the minimum wage worker is much worse off than before the increase).
Which is kinda shitty considering they can write off their wages as a tax deduction.

Once again, you're lack of understanding on economics, finance, business, etc. is remarkable. The tax deductions do not cover the full cost of the salary. It's a very small percentage. If the tax deduction covered the entire salary, then business owners would have no labor costs. The federal government would be providing labor for them. That's simply not how it works.
Youre too dumb for words son. It doesnt say you can write off "very little". Can you tell us what this means to you?

Publication 535 (2015), Business Expenses

"You can generally deduct the amount you pay your employees for the services they perform. The pay may be in cash, property, or services. It may include wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, or other non-cash compensation such as vacation allowances and fringe benefits. For information about deducting employment taxes, see chapter 5."
Yes...you can deduct from the taxes. The result of that doesn't cover the labor costs. :bang3:

In all seriousness - at what grade did you drop out of school?

Doesnt matter where you deduct it from son. The point is you can deduct it.
"Retaliation"? LOL!
  • Retaliation for what?
  • Who closes a successful business to "retaliate"? The would be cutting off their nose to spite their face
For Oakland city counsel considering raising the MW. Didnt you read your own link?

"Hundreds of Wal-Mart employees fasted this past November in protest for a $15 minimum wage, arguing that Wal-Mart employees do not make enough money to put food on the table.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Democrat, has been leading statewide efforts to raise the minimum wage to $15."
And the point is......what? Why did they choose to work somewhere that they didn't make enough money to put food on their table? If everyone left, then Walmart would have no choice but to raise their pay rates to attract labor. That's the beauty of the free market. The people working their were clearly happy with their employment as they not only agreed to work for that much but chose to stay there.
The point is that they retaliated like I pointed out from your own link. How did you lose sight of my point?

People don't cut off their nose to spite their face when it comes to money and successful businesses. You view everything like an immature 6th grader. Walmart shut down their business because the minimum wage made it unsustainable. How is it "retaliation" to close the doors of a successful business?
How can the specific store being doing great but the wage was unsustainable? Its retaliation because it takes that tax revenue out of the city that raised the minimum wage. Why dont you have someone explain how cities get their revenue in regards to businesses.
It was doing great and then they announced that there would be a wage increase. Walmart crunched the numbers, realized it was unsustainable, and closed their doors.
Exactly! Liberals like to believe that their policies occur in a vacuum. They can't seem to comprehend that business owners do not eat cost. They will pass the cost on to the consumer by raising prices (which means the minimum wage worker is no farther ahead than before their increase), or they will cut hours (which means the minimum wage worker is no farther ahead than before their increase), or they will eliminate jobs (which means the minimum wage worker is much worse off than before the increase).
Which is kinda shitty considering they can write off their wages as a tax deduction.

Once again, you're lack of understanding on economics, finance, business, etc. is remarkable. The tax deductions do not cover the full cost of the salary. It's a very small percentage. If the tax deduction covered the entire salary, then business owners would have no labor costs. The federal government would be providing labor for them. That's simply not how it works.
Youre too dumb for words son. It doesnt say you can write off "very little". Can you tell us what this means to you?

Publication 535 (2015), Business Expenses

"You can generally deduct the amount you pay your employees for the services they perform. The pay may be in cash, property, or services. It may include wages, salaries, bonuses, commissions, or other non-cash compensation such as vacation allowances and fringe benefits. For information about deducting employment taxes, see chapter 5."
Yes...you can deduct from the taxes. The result of that doesn't cover the labor costs. :bang3:

In all seriousness - at what grade did you drop out of school?

Doesnt matter where you deduct it from son. The point is you can deduct it.
So??? A deduction means less taxes to pay. It still doesn't cover the labor costs. You want to pretend like having deductions means it eliminates labor costs.. :lmao:

Are you going to tell us what grade you dropped out of school or not?

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