hey democrats ! is Americas capitalistic system a form of white supremacy ?

Well yes. You guys are making yourselves utterly repulsive to the American people. It's no wonder Trump won in 2016, and more and more it's looking like 2020 will equally be for Trump
What have you seen to make you believe Trump will win in November? Do you believe Covid-19 has disappeared?

June 24: Tracking COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations, and Fatalities

Yes, at this point I do.

What does Covid have to do with it? Nothing. Are you such a mindless idiot, that you think politicians in Washington, are in control of Covid?

Have you noticed how in China, is having a huge second wave? And that's a totalitarian dictatorship of the communists.

If they can't stop Covid in a country where personal freedom, and human rights don't exist, why would you be stupid enough to think Trump in a country where people have personal freedom, and there is no dictatorship, would be able to stop it?

I never once thought that the Federal government was my lord and savior, and was going to save us from Covid. Only stupid people think that way.

So yes, sure, I think Trump will win.

The only idiots who are dumb enough to blame Trump for Covid, are the people who wouldn't have voted for Trump anyway. I don't think Covid will have any impact on the election at all. If anything, I think it may even have a positive impact.

The people that are screwing over the public, are the left-wingers who want to shut down the entire planet, until the end of time, in some ridiculous hope Covid will magically disappear.

Trump is fighting against that, and I think tons of people support him for it.

Seriously, left-wingers were releasing criminals... and jailing salon shop owners. You think that isn't a massive campaign message in favor of Trump?

Screenshot_2020-06-24 r TheRightCantMeme - Yes because small business owners can’t design an a...png

You think that will play well for the election? You think anyone is going to forget you guys did this?
No one is getting rid of them. They have the power to screw up the world royally now
BlackRock is a prime example of how much power private wealth currently holds over the USA:

Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid - CounterPunch.org

"To most people, if they are familiar with it at all, BlackRock is an asset manager that helps pension funds and retirees manage their savings through 'passive' investments that track the stock market.

"But working behind the scenes, it is much more than that.

"BlackRock has been called 'the most powerful institution in the financial system,' 'the most powerful company in the world” and the “secret power.'

"It is the world’s largest asset manager and 'shadow bank,' larger than the world’s largest bank (which is in China), with over $7 trillion in assets under direct management and another $20 trillion managed through its Aladdin risk-monitoring software.

"BlackRock has also been called 'the fourth branch of government' and 'almost a shadow government', but no part of it actually belongs to the government."

The Fed tapped BlackRock to dispense tens of billion$ in bond purchases under the CARES Act under the watchful eyes of Don the Con and his Foreclosure King Treasury Secretary.

So specifically, what is the problem with BlackRock?

Being large is not 'evil'. Just because you have a large amount of investments, doesn't mean somehow they are doing something wrong.

So what is your specific complaint against Blackrock?
You have to be rioting to be angry? LOL
the rioting and looting makes us angry ....

As do blacks, Hispanics, the young, the old, the informed, the well, the rich, the poor, women, lgbt, latinas, Asians, immigrants, Etc...

As does heat, cold, sunlight, moonlight, damp conditions, dry conditions, global warming, the oceans, the plains, the air, the ground Etc...
the difference is in how the communist democrats like you express their anger ! stop trying to destroy our country with the violence and lawless anarchist .

So you guys mailing bombs to people was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys shooting up Wal*Marts and schools was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys running over political opponents in your car was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys making hit lists of democrats and liberals that you want to kill is an act of love and not anger?

Do us a favor, stop trying to love anyone if that was the case. Do what you always do and try to love yourself.

PS: It's not my fault your hand falls asleep.

"You guys"? When did we mail bombs, or shoot up WalMarts, or run anyone over, or make up hit lists of people we want to kill?

Do US a favor, and stop trying to collectively blame everyone who disagrees with you for acts committed by people you have arbitrarily decided are "just like us".

And spare us your frustrated sexual fantasies about us. Ewwww.
Most blob supporters crave violence. A grotesque bitch like yourself is the perfect mascot. You’re a profane idiot

Oooh, the dog shit I stepped over doesn't approve of me. I'll certainly get on caring about that.

As long as I'm not you, I'm good. I'm not part of a movement going down in history as the New Confederacy.

Your blob said your confederate heritage was under assault. I understand why you’re so angry all the time.

Well yes. You guys are making yourselves utterly repulsive to the American people. It's no wonder Trump won in 2016, and more and more it's looking like 2020 will equally be for Trump.. because you people are just evil terrible disgusting people, that are making everyone hate you.

You are the creators of hate and racism in this country. More people hate blacks now, than ever before.

BS: you’ve always hated blacks, gays, non Protestants, Hispanics, women, the educated, etc...

The blob just validated the latent hatred you’ve always had.

No, not true. Simply not true. You want that to be true, because then it makes you feel better that what you are doing isn't causing the hate you see.

I know people, right now who were never racists, until all this crap started up.

And especially on this forum, I've seen the change. Even conservatives who used to stand against Alt-right people, and tell them to stuff their racists statements... now... not so much.

They kind of see the point of the alt-rights hate of blacks, because look how conservatives like me who opposed racism have been treated?

Look at your post. Do you not get that? You treated me badly, and accusing me of all kinds of things, when for years I opposed alt-right loony racist people.

Why should I keep fighting against racists people, when bigots like you, attack me for it?

So when people accuse me now... yeah whatever candycorn... whatever you say. I'm all those evil things and billion more things you haven't had time to make up. Whatever you want to believe you bigoted b!tch. Whatever floats that half a life preserver excuse for a mind you have.

Whatever you say. I don't care what crap like you thinks about anything anymore. Go whip up more hate and evil and racism, and let more people die. That's all you turds are good for anyway.
“ I know people, right now who were never racists, until all this crap started up.”

Says it all right there.

Yeah it does. You created racists people, due to your hate spewing ideology.

Says it all, right there.
many in blm antifa and dem leaders like the gang of 4 headed by AOC claim that the capitalist system in America is a form of white supremacy and the ultimate goal of said leaders and groups is to do away with that system .... so the question for left voters is whether or not they believe capitalism is a form of white supremacy and what economic system do they believe would be better or more importantly to their ideology fairer ?
Not intrinsically.
When corporations hand over legislation to Congress, it is a form of Wealth Supremacy.
You have to be rioting to be angry? LOL
the rioting and looting makes us angry ....

As do blacks, Hispanics, the young, the old, the informed, the well, the rich, the poor, women, lgbt, latinas, Asians, immigrants, Etc...

As does heat, cold, sunlight, moonlight, damp conditions, dry conditions, global warming, the oceans, the plains, the air, the ground Etc...
the difference is in how the communist democrats like you express their anger ! stop trying to destroy our country with the violence and lawless anarchist .

So you guys mailing bombs to people was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys shooting up Wal*Marts and schools was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys running over political opponents in your car was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys making hit lists of democrats and liberals that you want to kill is an act of love and not anger?

Do us a favor, stop trying to love anyone if that was the case. Do what you always do and try to love yourself.

PS: It's not my fault your hand falls asleep.

"You guys"? When did we mail bombs, or shoot up WalMarts, or run anyone over, or make up hit lists of people we want to kill?

Do US a favor, and stop trying to collectively blame everyone who disagrees with you for acts committed by people you have arbitrarily decided are "just like us".

And spare us your frustrated sexual fantasies about us. Ewwww.
Most blob supporters crave violence. A grotesque bitch like yourself is the perfect mascot. You’re a profane idiot

Oooh, the dog shit I stepped over doesn't approve of me. I'll certainly get on caring about that.

As long as I'm not you, I'm good. I'm not part of a movement going down in history as the New Confederacy.

Your blob said your confederate heritage was under assault. I understand why you’re so angry all the time.

Well yes. You guys are making yourselves utterly repulsive to the American people. It's no wonder Trump won in 2016, and more and more it's looking like 2020 will equally be for Trump.. because you people are just evil terrible disgusting people, that are making everyone hate you.

You are the creators of hate and racism in this country. More people hate blacks now, than ever before.

BS: you’ve always hated blacks, gays, non Protestants, Hispanics, women, the educated, etc...

The blob just validated the latent hatred you’ve always had.

No, not true. Simply not true. You want that to be true, because then it makes you feel better that what you are doing isn't causing the hate you see.

I know people, right now who were never racists, until all this crap started up.

And especially on this forum, I've seen the change. Even conservatives who used to stand against Alt-right people, and tell them to stuff their racists statements... now... not so much.

They kind of see the point of the alt-rights hate of blacks, because look how conservatives like me who opposed racism have been treated?

Look at your post. Do you not get that? You treated me badly, and accusing me of all kinds of things, when for years I opposed alt-right loony racist people.

Why should I keep fighting against racists people, when bigots like you, attack me for it?

So when people accuse me now... yeah whatever candycorn... whatever you say. I'm all those evil things and billion more things you haven't had time to make up. Whatever you want to believe you bigoted b!tch. Whatever floats that half a life preserver excuse for a mind you have.

Whatever you say. I don't care what crap like you thinks about anything anymore. Go whip up more hate and evil and racism, and let more people die. That's all you turds are good for anyway.
“ I know people, right now who were never racists, until all this crap started up.”

Says it all right there.

Yeah it does. You created racists people, due to your hate spewing ideology.

Says it all, right there.
Even though many of the protesters, rioters, and demonstrators were white?

Can we presume that you, personally, also think Islam is a religion of violence even though very few of its billion plus followers take part in terrorism?

Liberals tend to blame the actors instead of condemning everyone who looks like the actor or happens to share the same faith as the actor.
You have to be rioting to be angry? LOL
the rioting and looting makes us angry ....

As do blacks, Hispanics, the young, the old, the informed, the well, the rich, the poor, women, lgbt, latinas, Asians, immigrants, Etc...

As does heat, cold, sunlight, moonlight, damp conditions, dry conditions, global warming, the oceans, the plains, the air, the ground Etc...
the difference is in how the communist democrats like you express their anger ! stop trying to destroy our country with the violence and lawless anarchist .

So you guys mailing bombs to people was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys shooting up Wal*Marts and schools was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys running over political opponents in your car was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys making hit lists of democrats and liberals that you want to kill is an act of love and not anger?

Do us a favor, stop trying to love anyone if that was the case. Do what you always do and try to love yourself.

PS: It's not my fault your hand falls asleep.

"You guys"? When did we mail bombs, or shoot up WalMarts, or run anyone over, or make up hit lists of people we want to kill?

Do US a favor, and stop trying to collectively blame everyone who disagrees with you for acts committed by people you have arbitrarily decided are "just like us".

And spare us your frustrated sexual fantasies about us. Ewwww.
Most blob supporters crave violence. A grotesque bitch like yourself is the perfect mascot. You’re a profane idiot

Oooh, the dog shit I stepped over doesn't approve of me. I'll certainly get on caring about that.

As long as I'm not you, I'm good. I'm not part of a movement going down in history as the New Confederacy.

Your blob said your confederate heritage was under assault. I understand why you’re so angry all the time.

Well yes. You guys are making yourselves utterly repulsive to the American people. It's no wonder Trump won in 2016, and more and more it's looking like 2020 will equally be for Trump.. because you people are just evil terrible disgusting people, that are making everyone hate you.

You are the creators of hate and racism in this country. More people hate blacks now, than ever before.

BS: you’ve always hated blacks, gays, non Protestants, Hispanics, women, the educated, etc...

The blob just validated the latent hatred you’ve always had.

No, not true. Simply not true. You want that to be true, because then it makes you feel better that what you are doing isn't causing the hate you see.

I know people, right now who were never racists, until all this crap started up.

And especially on this forum, I've seen the change. Even conservatives who used to stand against Alt-right people, and tell them to stuff their racists statements... now... not so much.

They kind of see the point of the alt-rights hate of blacks, because look how conservatives like me who opposed racism have been treated?

Look at your post. Do you not get that? You treated me badly, and accusing me of all kinds of things, when for years I opposed alt-right loony racist people.

Why should I keep fighting against racists people, when bigots like you, attack me for it?

So when people accuse me now... yeah whatever candycorn... whatever you say. I'm all those evil things and billion more things you haven't had time to make up. Whatever you want to believe you bigoted b!tch. Whatever floats that half a life preserver excuse for a mind you have.

Whatever you say. I don't care what crap like you thinks about anything anymore. Go whip up more hate and evil and racism, and let more people die. That's all you turds are good for anyway.
“ I know people, right now who were never racists, until all this crap started up.”

Says it all right there.

Yeah it does. You created racists people, due to your hate spewing ideology.

Says it all, right there.
Even though many of the protesters, rioters, and demonstrators were white?

Can we presume that you, personally, also think Islam is a religion of violence even though very few of its billion plus followers take part in terrorism?

Liberals tend to blame the actors instead of condemning everyone who looks like the actor or happens to share the same faith as the actor.

As opposed to leftists, who just blame anyone who doesn't agree with them?
I thought it was the GOP who was for telling companies where they could build their products, how they can run their social media platforms, and the like. Don't pretend your Orangface Minstrel isn't more command and control than any Democrat.

That's what you get for trying to think when you're clearly not equipped for it.

Don't pretend that pointing fingers at others for your own crimes fools anyone.

Y'all maybe missed those stories on your far-right media, huh?

No, I just missed where leftists have any standing to condemn anyone for "command and control" and "telling companies" whatever.

Let's just establish at the outset that your dishonesty and hypocrisy disqualify you from being listened to and answered seriously as if you were a real person, so you're very lucky for the favor I'm granting you at this moment.

Moving on, Trump has done nothing that is not common and standard for the federal government, despite the fact that you didn't know about it, and presumably think like all leftists that reality is defined by your thoughts. Have you noticed a lot of American companies building factories in Cuba? Restrictions on business with certain countries for the purposes of national security have been considered an essential power of the federal government since the beginning of the federal government, Einstein.

By contrast, leftists have proudly made it standard practice in our culture for companies to be forced to tailor literally every aspect of their business practices to the demands of the boycott mobs. Not just what country you can open factories in - based not on national security or foreign relations concerns, but on leftist approval - but what state, county, city, and neighborhood. And that's just where it starts. What you can make, how you can make it, who you can and can't hire, what you have to pay, what benefits you have to offer, what charities your company can support, what your management staff is allowed to do and say in their private lives . . . if there's any decision a company is allowed to make without genuflecting to the left, I'm not aware of it. I expect to hear anytime now about a boycott based on whether some CEO wears boxers or briefs.

Furthermore, "how they can run their social media platforms" is ALSO something that was already a matter of federal regulation before Trump was ever elected. And Trump isn't telling them "how they can run" anything; they're perfectly welcome to continue censoring people if they want. What Trump IS telling them is the requirements that have to be met for government protection from lawsuits. And apparently I need to remind you that the problem started with the left's insatiable need to tell individual people what they can say and what opinions they can express, a "command and control" far beyond anything Trump has considered.

Because I disagree with you, I must be in favor of a planned economy. Ok, bootlicker. :rolleyes:
What does Covid have to do with it? Nothing. Are you such a mindless idiot, that you think politicians in Washington, are in control of Covid?
You think Trump's denial is a sound strategy?

"The number of daily hospitalizations and confirmed cases in Texas has doubled when compared with last month, according to the governor. But he said he was hopeful that the trend could be reversed if people wore face masks, washed hands and abided by social distancing."

University of Michigan to Drop Out as Presidential Debate Host

Why do you think Trump refuses to wear a mask in public?

Daily US infections have returned to early April levels, so what does that say about Don the Con's leadership on this deadly issue of national security?
Being large is not 'evil'. Just because you have a large amount of investments, doesn't mean somehow they are doing something wrong.

So what is your specific complaint against Blackrock?
ESGs maybe?


"Why the concern? Because BlackRock has been aggressively leading the charge for 'ESG'—environmental and social governance—which essentially translates to pressuring public corporations to adopt the political agenda of a small but influential group of environmental and social justice activists.

"The senators are justifiably concerned that BlackRock will use these taxpayer dollars the same way it pledges to carry out all of its investment and shareholder decisions—demanding that companies they invest in implement policies related to climate change, social justice, sustainability and other political agendas."

Personally, I believe giving rich people more money during another breakdown of capitalism makes less sense than being too stupid to wear a mask in public during the MAGA virus. I'm sure things look different in your reality.:rolleyes:
You have to be rioting to be angry? LOL
the rioting and looting makes us angry ....

As do blacks, Hispanics, the young, the old, the informed, the well, the rich, the poor, women, lgbt, latinas, Asians, immigrants, Etc...

As does heat, cold, sunlight, moonlight, damp conditions, dry conditions, global warming, the oceans, the plains, the air, the ground Etc...
the difference is in how the communist democrats like you express their anger ! stop trying to destroy our country with the violence and lawless anarchist .

So you guys mailing bombs to people was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys shooting up Wal*Marts and schools was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys running over political opponents in your car was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys making hit lists of democrats and liberals that you want to kill is an act of love and not anger?

Do us a favor, stop trying to love anyone if that was the case. Do what you always do and try to love yourself.

PS: It's not my fault your hand falls asleep.

"You guys"? When did we mail bombs, or shoot up WalMarts, or run anyone over, or make up hit lists of people we want to kill?

Do US a favor, and stop trying to collectively blame everyone who disagrees with you for acts committed by people you have arbitrarily decided are "just like us".

And spare us your frustrated sexual fantasies about us. Ewwww.
Most blob supporters crave violence. A grotesque bitch like yourself is the perfect mascot. You’re a profane idiot

Oooh, the dog shit I stepped over doesn't approve of me. I'll certainly get on caring about that.

As long as I'm not you, I'm good. I'm not part of a movement going down in history as the New Confederacy.

Your blob said your confederate heritage was under assault. I understand why you’re so angry all the time.

Well yes. You guys are making yourselves utterly repulsive to the American people. It's no wonder Trump won in 2016, and more and more it's looking like 2020 will equally be for Trump.. because you people are just evil terrible disgusting people, that are making everyone hate you.

You are the creators of hate and racism in this country. More people hate blacks now, than ever before.

BS: you’ve always hated blacks, gays, non Protestants, Hispanics, women, the educated, etc...

The blob just validated the latent hatred you’ve always had.

No, not true. Simply not true. You want that to be true, because then it makes you feel better that what you are doing isn't causing the hate you see.

I know people, right now who were never racists, until all this crap started up.

And especially on this forum, I've seen the change. Even conservatives who used to stand against Alt-right people, and tell them to stuff their racists statements... now... not so much.

They kind of see the point of the alt-rights hate of blacks, because look how conservatives like me who opposed racism have been treated?

Look at your post. Do you not get that? You treated me badly, and accusing me of all kinds of things, when for years I opposed alt-right loony racist people.

Why should I keep fighting against racists people, when bigots like you, attack me for it?

So when people accuse me now... yeah whatever candycorn... whatever you say. I'm all those evil things and billion more things you haven't had time to make up. Whatever you want to believe you bigoted b!tch. Whatever floats that half a life preserver excuse for a mind you have.

Whatever you say. I don't care what crap like you thinks about anything anymore. Go whip up more hate and evil and racism, and let more people die. That's all you turds are good for anyway.
“ I know people, right now who were never racists, until all this crap started up.”

Says it all right there.

Yeah it does. You created racists people, due to your hate spewing ideology.

Says it all, right there.
Even though many of the protesters, rioters, and demonstrators were white?

Can we presume that you, personally, also think Islam is a religion of violence even though very few of its billion plus followers take part in terrorism?

Liberals tend to blame the actors instead of condemning everyone who looks like the actor or happens to share the same faith as the actor.

Which changes what? I don't even know what color you are. Doesn't matter. If you scream at people and accuse them of all sorts of evil things, they are going to hate you.

If you, if you are white, scream at people the same way you attacked me when you know absolutely nothing about me, and accused me of all sorts of terrible things.... doesn't matter if you are white and protesting, rioting or demonstrating.... people are going to hate you.

You are the cause of racism in America.

Just because you are a bigot, doesn't mean that you being white, isn't going to cause people to hate you when you attack them.

If you do to others, what you did to me.... there's the cause of racism. Look in your mirror. That disgusting hag bigot you see in the mirror, is the cause of racism.

I didn't do it. You did.
Being large is not 'evil'. Just because you have a large amount of investments, doesn't mean somehow they are doing something wrong.

So what is your specific complaint against Blackrock?
ESGs maybe?


"Why the concern? Because BlackRock has been aggressively leading the charge for 'ESG'—environmental and social governance—which essentially translates to pressuring public corporations to adopt the political agenda of a small but influential group of environmental and social justice activists.

"The senators are justifiably concerned that BlackRock will use these taxpayer dollars the same way it pledges to carry out all of its investment and shareholder decisions—demanding that companies they invest in implement policies related to climate change, social justice, sustainability and other political agendas."

Personally, I believe giving rich people more money during another breakdown of capitalism makes less sense than being too stupid to wear a mask in public during the MAGA virus. I'm sure things look different in your reality.:rolleyes:

Right, I'm against all giving money to anyone.

See the problem with you people, is that you want to have it both ways. You want to give out money to people.... you say so all the time. You want government to give money for this, and government to give money for that.

You support government giveaways constantly. Conservatives are almost entirely against giveaways.

So between the two of us... you are the one supporting giving money to the rich, not me.

And here's why... you claim that you only want to give money to certain people. But the moment you let your politicians that you support say they can give money away.... they are going to give that money to political supporters... which include the rich.

When government passed the Stimulus bill in 2009, I voted against every single politicians that supported the bill. Did you?

When the bailouts was passed, I voted against every single politician of either party that supported the bill. Did you?

You know who controls spending, right? House of representatives. Have you voted against all those big spenders? I have.

But none of this has to do with BlackRock.

ESG is not a creation of BlackRock. ESG is a creation of the Federal Government, going back to the 1970s if not before.

You can't sit there and look at something government created and then scream about a private company doing it. Blame the government.
What does Covid have to do with it? Nothing. Are you such a mindless idiot, that you think politicians in Washington, are in control of Covid?
You think Trump's denial is a sound strategy?

"The number of daily hospitalizations and confirmed cases in Texas has doubled when compared with last month, according to the governor. But he said he was hopeful that the trend could be reversed if people wore face masks, washed hands and abided by social distancing."

University of Michigan to Drop Out as Presidential Debate Host

Why do you think Trump refuses to wear a mask in public?

Daily US infections have returned to early April levels, so what does that say about Don the Con's leadership on this deadly issue of national security?

Lie. Trump never denied Corona existed.
You have to be rioting to be angry? LOL
the rioting and looting makes us angry ....

As do blacks, Hispanics, the young, the old, the informed, the well, the rich, the poor, women, lgbt, latinas, Asians, immigrants, Etc...

As does heat, cold, sunlight, moonlight, damp conditions, dry conditions, global warming, the oceans, the plains, the air, the ground Etc...
the difference is in how the communist democrats like you express their anger ! stop trying to destroy our country with the violence and lawless anarchist .

So you guys mailing bombs to people was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys shooting up Wal*Marts and schools was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys running over political opponents in your car was an act of love and not anger?
So you guys making hit lists of democrats and liberals that you want to kill is an act of love and not anger?

Do us a favor, stop trying to love anyone if that was the case. Do what you always do and try to love yourself.

PS: It's not my fault your hand falls asleep.

"You guys"? When did we mail bombs, or shoot up WalMarts, or run anyone over, or make up hit lists of people we want to kill?

Do US a favor, and stop trying to collectively blame everyone who disagrees with you for acts committed by people you have arbitrarily decided are "just like us".

And spare us your frustrated sexual fantasies about us. Ewwww.
Most blob supporters crave violence. A grotesque bitch like yourself is the perfect mascot. You’re a profane idiot

Oooh, the dog shit I stepped over doesn't approve of me. I'll certainly get on caring about that.

As long as I'm not you, I'm good. I'm not part of a movement going down in history as the New Confederacy.

Your blob said your confederate heritage was under assault. I understand why you’re so angry all the time.

Well yes. You guys are making yourselves utterly repulsive to the American people. It's no wonder Trump won in 2016, and more and more it's looking like 2020 will equally be for Trump.. because you people are just evil terrible disgusting people, that are making everyone hate you.

You are the creators of hate and racism in this country. More people hate blacks now, than ever before.

BS: you’ve always hated blacks, gays, non Protestants, Hispanics, women, the educated, etc...

The blob just validated the latent hatred you’ve always had.

No, not true. Simply not true. You want that to be true, because then it makes you feel better that what you are doing isn't causing the hate you see.

I know people, right now who were never racists, until all this crap started up.

And especially on this forum, I've seen the change. Even conservatives who used to stand against Alt-right people, and tell them to stuff their racists statements... now... not so much.

They kind of see the point of the alt-rights hate of blacks, because look how conservatives like me who opposed racism have been treated?

Look at your post. Do you not get that? You treated me badly, and accusing me of all kinds of things, when for years I opposed alt-right loony racist people.

Why should I keep fighting against racists people, when bigots like you, attack me for it?

So when people accuse me now... yeah whatever candycorn... whatever you say. I'm all those evil things and billion more things you haven't had time to make up. Whatever you want to believe you bigoted b!tch. Whatever floats that half a life preserver excuse for a mind you have.

Whatever you say. I don't care what crap like you thinks about anything anymore. Go whip up more hate and evil and racism, and let more people die. That's all you turds are good for anyway.
“ I know people, right now who were never racists, until all this crap started up.”

Says it all right there.

Yeah it does. You created racists people, due to your hate spewing ideology.

Says it all, right there.
Even though many of the protesters, rioters, and demonstrators were white?

Can we presume that you, personally, also think Islam is a religion of violence even though very few of its billion plus followers take part in terrorism?

Liberals tend to blame the actors instead of condemning everyone who looks like the actor or happens to share the same faith as the actor.

Which changes what? I don't even know what color you are. Doesn't matter. If you scream at people and accuse them of all sorts of evil things, they are going to hate you.

If you, if you are white, scream at people the same way you attacked me when you know absolutely nothing about me, and accused me of all sorts of terrible things.... doesn't matter if you are white and protesting, rioting or demonstrating.... people are going to hate you.

You are the cause of racism in America.

Just because you are a bigot, doesn't mean that you being white, isn't going to cause people to hate you when you attack them.

If you do to others, what you did to me.... there's the cause of racism. Look in your mirror. That disgusting hag bigot you see in the mirror, is the cause of racism.

I didn't do it. You did.


First you assert that a group forced others to become racists (a comical premise beyond compare) now you’re upset about what exactly...having been forced into it?
Capitalism existed when the first man owned a plot of land, and cultivated it for food, and sold that food for a profit.
When do you believe that occurred?
Human economies existed for thousands of years before money came into existence; capitalism did not.
trading eggs for milk is capitalism ...taking eggs by force and then giving them to who you think should get them is not .
Capitalism existed when the first man owned a plot of land, and cultivated it for food, and sold that food for a profit.
When do you believe that occurred?
Human economies existed for thousands of years before money came into existence; capitalism did not.
People bartered.
they traded for something of equal or greater value to them a an individual ...i would say that is the purest form of capitalism .
But none of this has to do with BlackRock.

ESG is not a creation of BlackRock. ESG is a creation of the Federal Government, going back to the 1970s if not before.
BlackRock is one more example of what kind of government you get when the richest one percent of voters decide fiscal and monetary policy for the vast majority of their countrymen and women:

Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid - CounterPunch.org

"BlackRock’s strategic importance and political weight were evident when four BlackRock executives, led by former Swiss National Bank head Philipp Hildebrand, presented a proposal at the annual meeting of central bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, in August 2019 for an economic reset that was actually put into effect in March 2020.

"Acknowledging that central bankers were running out of ammunition for controlling the money supply and the economy, the BlackRock group argued that it was time for the central bank to abandon its long-vaunted independence and join monetary policy (the usual province of the central bank) with fiscal policy (the usual province of the legislature).

"They proposed that the central bank maintain a 'Standing Emergency Fiscal Facility' that would be activated when interest rate manipulation was no longer working to avoid deflation. The Facility would be deployed by an 'independent expert' appointed by the central bank."

The richest individuals and corporations have been looting this country for a hundred years, yet conservatives continue blaming "government" that is owned by the rich.

Too much winning or MAGA?
I thought it was the GOP who was for telling companies where they could build their products, how they can run their social media platforms, and the like. Don't pretend your Orangface Minstrel isn't more command and control than any Democrat.

That's what you get for trying to think when you're clearly not equipped for it.

Don't pretend that pointing fingers at others for your own crimes fools anyone.

Y'all maybe missed those stories on your far-right media, huh?

No, I just missed where leftists have any standing to condemn anyone for "command and control" and "telling companies" whatever.

Let's just establish at the outset that your dishonesty and hypocrisy disqualify you from being listened to and answered seriously as if you were a real person, so you're very lucky for the favor I'm granting you at this moment.

Moving on, Trump has done nothing that is not common and standard for the federal government, despite the fact that you didn't know about it, and presumably think like all leftists that reality is defined by your thoughts. Have you noticed a lot of American companies building factories in Cuba? Restrictions on business with certain countries for the purposes of national security have been considered an essential power of the federal government since the beginning of the federal government, Einstein.

By contrast, leftists have proudly made it standard practice in our culture for companies to be forced to tailor literally every aspect of their business practices to the demands of the boycott mobs. Not just what country you can open factories in - based not on national security or foreign relations concerns, but on leftist approval - but what state, county, city, and neighborhood. And that's just where it starts. What you can make, how you can make it, who you can and can't hire, what you have to pay, what benefits you have to offer, what charities your company can support, what your management staff is allowed to do and say in their private lives . . . if there's any decision a company is allowed to make without genuflecting to the left, I'm not aware of it. I expect to hear anytime now about a boycott based on whether some CEO wears boxers or briefs.

Furthermore, "how they can run their social media platforms" is ALSO something that was already a matter of federal regulation before Trump was ever elected. And Trump isn't telling them "how they can run" anything; they're perfectly welcome to continue censoring people if they want. What Trump IS telling them is the requirements that have to be met for government protection from lawsuits. And apparently I need to remind you that the problem started with the left's insatiable need to tell individual people what they can say and what opinions they can express, a "command and control" far beyond anything Trump has considered.

Because I disagree with you, I must be in favor of a planned economy. Ok, bootlicker. :rolleyes:

Well, that was certainly random and apropos of nothing whatsoever. Okay, babbler.

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