Hey France! Hey World! "We are all Charlie!"

Hassen Chalghoumi, imam of the Drancy mosque in Paris's Seine-Saint-Denis northern suburb, said, "I am extremely angry. These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this."

Chalghoumi, who also went to the site of the attack, said of the gunmen: “We must be firm with them, because they want terror, they want racism, they want to pit people against each other.”

French Police Identify Gunmen in Magazine Massacre
Blah blah blah.....these types will piss and moan on Facebook for a few days and then go back to blaming BOOOSH for the rise of psychotic islam....they're all cowards.
Blah blah blah.....these types will piss and moan on Facebook for a few days and then go back to blaming BOOOSH for the rise of psychotic islam....they're all cowards.

no they'll all join in the fight like conservatives did during the Iraq war. Oh wait -- not enough people joined up and bush had to extend tours?

never mind
Im gonna buy a Quran. And a slab of pork bacon.

Im gonna cook that bacon. And pour the fatty swine grease on the Quaran.

Or whatever that twisted pornographic religious book is called.
Blah blah blah.....these types will piss and moan on Facebook for a few days and then go back to blaming BOOOSH for the rise of psychotic islam....they're all cowards.

no they'll all join in the fight like conservatives did during the Iraq war. Oh wait -- not enough people joined up and bush had to extend tours?

never mind

And who do you think was doing all the fighting and dying in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and anywhere else on the planet our idiot politicians decide to engage in a tryst with international violence? The pansie left? Ha! No, I think the fighters are 90% conservative Republicans. In fact, I know they are.
Blah blah blah.....these types will piss and moan on Facebook for a few days and then go back to blaming BOOOSH for the rise of psychotic islam....they're all cowards.

no they'll all join in the fight like conservatives did during the Iraq war. Oh wait -- not enough people joined up and bush had to extend tours?

never mind

And who do you think was doing all the fighting and dying in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and anywhere else on the planet our idiot politicians decide to engage in a tryst with international violence? The pansie left? Ha! No, I think the fighters are 90% conservative Republicans. In fact, I know they are.
The U.S. Army lowers recruitment standards … again.
By Fred Kaplan


Army soldiers in Iraq
The Army is lowering recruitment standards to levels not seen in at least two decades, and the implications are severe—not only for the future of the Army, but also for the direction of U.S. foreign policy.

The U.S. Army lowers recruitment standards hellip again.

(November 2005) Since virtually the beginning of the all-volunteer U.S. military in 1973, African Americans have enlisted for service in the armed forces at much higher levels than their percentage of the total U.S. population. After reaching a high of 28 percent in 1979, black enlistment levels hovered around 20 percent until 2000.

But the past five years have seen a drop in overall African American enlistment levels that has reduced black participation in the armed forces to percentages not seen since 1973. Black enlistment rates in the Army (see Figure 1) and the Marines have declined precipitously since 2000. These trends may spell trouble for the Army, which has depended on blacks to meet its recruiting goals and reenlistment targets.

Blacks Enlisted in Surprisingly High Numbers at Beginning of All-Volunteer Era
Army Recruitment Goals Endangered as Percent of African American Enlistees Declines
Enlistments rose in the months after the attacks, but only modestly. Over the next year, and over the next decade, the work of war fell to a relative few, with less than 1 percent of the nation deploying in Iraq or Afghanistan between 2001 and 2011.

Who, then, were those volunteers — the first to enlist, the first to taste battle, the first to die?

Studies show that starting in 2002, Army recruits scored higher on qualification tests, had high school diplomas more often and came from higher-income areas than in previous years — indications that military service was attracting a broader cross-section of Americans, experts say.

But that wave of interest — spurred by a weak economy in 2002 as well as patriotism — did not last, said Beth Asch, an economist with the RAND Corporation who has studied military recruitment.

In 2005, when civil war raged in Iraq and American casualty rates were hitting new highs, the Army, the largest armed service, missed its recruiting goal by nearly 7,000 soldiers. The quality of recruits fell as well. It took the collapse of the stock and housing markets in 2008 to fuel a new tide of enlistments.

I'm in.

At an event in Paris' Place de la Republique, demonstrators held up pens in honor of the slain cartoonists and chanted, "We are Charlie!" Pictures posted online showed similar demonstrations in other cities, including Rome, Berlin and Barcelona.

Go right on a head there Dante. Fight Islamist assholes with candels and protesting. I'm sure you'll win.
I'm in.

At an event in Paris' Place de la Republique, demonstrators held up pens in honor of the slain cartoonists and chanted, "We are Charlie!" Pictures posted online showed similar demonstrations in other cities, including Rome, Berlin and Barcelona.

Go right on a head there Dante. Fight Islamist assholes with candels and protesting. I'm sure you'll win.

Islamist assholes are like Christian assholes, no better, no worse. Fight? We pay taxes to fight assholes, taxes that people like you want to cut. It's like hating everything French, but not below you folks to use their national tragedy to sell your hatred that is no different than the Islamists' hatred

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