Hey Haiti,Indonesia. How Bout A Little Gratitude?


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
What has happened to graciousness and gratitude in our World? All you see on the News is people whining & complaining about Aid being too slowly delivered to these nations suffering from natural disasters. But what about all the generous $Billions in Aid that is being given to these nations? Who do people think pay for this Aid? It's the hard-working Taxpayers from many Nations all over the World who pay for these $Billions in Aid. These $Billions don't just magically appear. It's real people who are giving their money to help. I still haven't seen nations like Indonesia or North Korea ever give an official Thank You for all the Aid that has been given to them over the years. My God,all we get from North Korea is more missile tests and threats of Nuclear Annihilation.

So how did we come to this? Why so many ingrates? Everyone just wants to take take take but never express gratitude. Just a little Thank You once and awhile really would go a long way. All we seem to get is more whining & complaining though. I guess i do blame the Left Wingers for this. They have created and encouraged an attitude of 'Entitlement.' Most around the World now just assume they're entitled to their $Billions in Aid and therefore don't ever have to express gratitude for it. Real people pay for this Aid though and certainly deserve some respect & gratitude. Instead all they receive is a big slap in the face. I do believe the Left Wingers have encouraged this mentality. No one is entitled to anything. Good people give Aid to these people in need but no one is entitled to it. So for once i would like to see these nations publicly give thanks to those who have helped them in their time of need. More whining & complaining doesn't exactly encourage more people to help anyway. Just a little thanks would be nice. So how bout it North Korea,Africa,Haiti,and Indonesia?
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A simple Thank You really can go a long way. I just wish these Governments would express this once and awhile.
They did. Just not to you personally. Idiot.

Oh.... and giving of itself is enough. We don't do it so the world can say 'thanks'. Idiot.
They did. Just not to you personally. Idiot.

Oh.... and giving of itself is enough. We don't do it so the world can say 'thanks'. Idiot.

I haven't seen any official Government announcements of thanks especially from nations like North Korea and Indonesia. I hear a lot of whining & complaining but i hear very little thanks. No one is entitled to these $Billions in Aid. Good people give these $Billions to help. They deserve much more than constant whining & complaining. Just a little gratitude. That's all i'm asking.
They did. Just not to you personally. Idiot.

Oh.... and giving of itself is enough. We don't do it so the world can say 'thanks'. Idiot.

I haven't seen any official Government announcements of thanks especially from nations like North Korea and Indonesia. I hear a lot of whining & complaining but i hear very little thanks. No one is entitled to these $Billions in Aid. Good people give these $Billions to help. They deserve much more than constant whining & complaining. Just a little gratitude. That's all i'm asking.

Why would they be grateful to a wingnut like you who doesn't want the US to give them anything? That's like expecting black people to thank the South for freeing them
They did. Just not to you personally. Idiot.

Oh.... and giving of itself is enough. We don't do it so the world can say 'thanks'. Idiot.
He has a point...Especially in light of all this "civil discourse" we're all supposed to be engaging in.

Come to think of it, when has the American taxpayer been thanked for all the money they've had expropriated from them, for the funding of the socialistic welfare state?
They did. Just not to you personally. Idiot.

Oh.... and giving of itself is enough. We don't do it so the world can say 'thanks'. Idiot.

I haven't seen any official Government announcements of thanks especially from nations like North Korea and Indonesia. I hear a lot of whining & complaining but i hear very little thanks. No one is entitled to these $Billions in Aid. Good people give these $Billions to help. They deserve much more than constant whining & complaining. Just a little gratitude. That's all i'm asking.

Why would they be grateful to a wingnut like you who doesn't want the US to give them anything? That's like expecting black people to thank the South for freeing them
Americans giving freely from their pockets support more international relief efforts than the federal gubmint ever could, dickweed.
They did. Just not to you personally. Idiot.

Oh.... and giving of itself is enough. We don't do it so the world can say 'thanks'. Idiot.
He has a point...Especially in light of all this "civil discourse" we're all supposed to be engaging in.

Come to think of it, when has the American taxpayer been thanked for all the money they've had expropriated from them, for the funding of the socialistic welfare state?

There is usually a protocol that is followed. A government thanks another government. Given the amount of aid we give to other countries, I think it would get a tad tiresome for Obama to say "Hey America, XXXXX says thanks". He'd be doing it every day. And then LibNow would whine about who we're giving it to and why, and what they have done to 'deserve' it, blah blah blah.
They did. Just not to you personally. Idiot.

Oh.... and giving of itself is enough. We don't do it so the world can say 'thanks'. Idiot.
He has a point...Especially in light of all this "civil discourse" we're all supposed to be engaging in.

Come to think of it, when has the American taxpayer been thanked for all the money they've had expropriated from them, for the funding of the socialistic welfare state?

There is usually a protocol that is followed. A government thanks another government. Given the amount of aid we give to other countries, I think it would get a tad tiresome for Obama to say "Hey America, XXXXX says thanks". He'd be doing it every day. And then LibNow would whine about who we're giving it to and why, and what they have done to 'deserve' it, blah blah blah.
Yeah, well, Barry-O went on an international apology tour, so maybe we could get a little love in return?
He has a point...Especially in light of all this "civil discourse" we're all supposed to be engaging in.

Come to think of it, when has the American taxpayer been thanked for all the money they've had expropriated from them, for the funding of the socialistic welfare state?

There is usually a protocol that is followed. A government thanks another government. Given the amount of aid we give to other countries, I think it would get a tad tiresome for Obama to say "Hey America, XXXXX says thanks". He'd be doing it every day. And then LibNow would whine about who we're giving it to and why, and what they have done to 'deserve' it, blah blah blah.
Yeah, well, Barry-O went on an international apology tour, so maybe we could get a little love in return?

Obama is loved - around the world. They smile (or is it laugh) at him regularly.
They did. Just not to you personally. Idiot.

Oh.... and giving of itself is enough. We don't do it so the world can say 'thanks'. Idiot.

I haven't seen any official Government announcements of thanks especially from nations like North Korea and Indonesia. I hear a lot of whining & complaining but i hear very little thanks. No one is entitled to these $Billions in Aid. Good people give these $Billions to help. They deserve much more than constant whining & complaining. Just a little gratitude. That's all i'm asking.

Why would they be grateful to a wingnut like you who doesn't want the US to give them anything? That's like expecting black people to thank the South for freeing them

There were no Southerners who did not fight and die for the freedom of slaves? None who left the South to fight for the North?
There is usually a protocol that is followed. A government thanks another government. Given the amount of aid we give to other countries, I think it would get a tad tiresome for Obama to say "Hey America, XXXXX says thanks". He'd be doing it every day. And then LibNow would whine about who we're giving it to and why, and what they have done to 'deserve' it, blah blah blah.
Yeah, well, Barry-O went on an international apology tour, so maybe we could get a little love in return?

Obama is loved - around the world. They smile (or is it laugh) at him regularly.
Yyyyyaah....Now, how about a little love for the American taxpayer?
They did. Just not to you personally. Idiot.

Oh.... and giving of itself is enough. We don't do it so the world can say 'thanks'. Idiot.
He has a point...Especially in light of all this "civil discourse" we're all supposed to be engaging in.

Come to think of it, when has the American taxpayer been thanked for all the money they've had expropriated from them, for the funding of the socialistic welfare state?

Yea that's why i say i blame the Left Wingers for the 'Entitlement' mentality. Most people around the World just expect the $Billions in Aid to pour in without even a thought to say Thank You. Real people give these $Billions and do deserve some gratitude. All they seem to get is constant whining & complaining though. It is very comparable to Welfare recipients in the U.S. They never think to actually say Thank You. It's just take take take for them. The Left does promote and encourage this Entitlement attitude.
What has happened to graciousness and gratitude in our World? All you see on the News is people whining & complaining about Aid being too slowly delivered to these nations suffering from natural disasters. But what about all the generous $Billions in Aid that is being given to these nations? Who do people think pay for this Aid? It's the hard-working Taxpayers from many Nations all over the World who pay for these $Billions in Aid. These $Billions don't just magically appear. It's real people who are giving their money to help. I still haven't seen nations like Indonesia or North Korea ever give an official Thank You for all the Aid that has been given to them over the years. My God,all we get from North Korea is more missile tests and threats of Nuclear Annihilation.

So how did we come to this? Why so many ingrates? Everyone just wants to take take take but never express gratitude. Just a little Thank You once and awhile really would go a long way. All we seem to get is more whining & complaining though. I guess i do blame the Left Wingers for this. They have created and encouraged an attitude of 'Entitlement.' Most around the World now just assume they're entitled to their $Billions in Aid and therefore don't ever have to express gratitude for it. Real people pay for this Aid though and certainly deserve some respect & gratitude. Instead all they receive is a big slap in the face. I do believe the Left Wingers have encouraged this mentality. No one is entitled to anything. Good people give Aid to these people in need but no one is entitled to it. So for once i would like to see these nations publicly give thanks to those who have helped them in their time of need. More whining & complaining doesn't exactly encourage more people to help anyway. Just a little thanks would be nice. So how bout it North Korea,Africa,Haiti,and Indonesia?

Haiti to USA: 'Thank you, thank you': The Swamp

Obama spoke for about 30y minutes with President Rene Preval this morning, according to the White House, and told the Haitian leader that "the world has been devastated by the loss and suffering in Haiti.'' Obama pledged full U.S. support.

Preval said "the needs are great, that relief is now flowing in to the people of Haiti'' and noted that support that has come from both the U.S. and many other nations.

Preval closed with a message to the American people, according to the White House: "From the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the Haitian people, thank you, thank you, thank you."

The Haitian Government would have written their thank you as an official proclamation, however their laser printer was destroyed during the earthquake and all of their elegant stationary was saturated with water.
America gives billions to Egypt, Pakistan and Yemen each year and their citizens hate us with a passion.

Bingo! :clap2: Yea don't hold your breath waiting for a Thank You from those assholes. Like so many in the World,it's just take take take for them.
America gives billions to Egypt, Pakistan and Yemen each year and their citizens hate us with a passion.

Bingo! :clap2: Yea don't hold your breath waiting for a Thank You from those assholes. Like so many in the World,it's just take take take for them.

I think wer the only country in the world that gives billions to countries that wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire.
The Left Wingers have created this sense of Entitlement. Welfare recipients in the U.S. never thank Taxpayers for paying for their Welfare. All you hear from them is just more whining & complaining. Just once i would like to see someone collecting Food Stamps & Welfare Checks to simply say Thank You. You wont see that though because these people now have an expectation of receiving their handouts. They're completely oblivious to the fact that hard working Taxpayers pay for their handouts. Nothing is for Free. And it is the Left who have encouraged their ignorance.

I also blame the Media. All they show on the News is people constantly complaining about Aid not getting to people fast enough. These huge relief efforts are actually mind-boggling in their difficulty. Yet the Media seems to only want to focus on the negatives and how Aid isn't getting to people fast enough. So they are also contributing to this sense of Entitlement. They certainly help in creating more ingrates. People want to help and do try incredibly hard to help. The Media should focus on that rather than whining & complaining all the time. I know this isn't a PC discussion but i do think it has to be talked about more. People do try to help and they do deserve a little gratitude once and awhile. They certainly don't deserve the constant slaps in the face. No one is entitled to anything in this World. So they should be grateful when they do receive help from others. They should express their thanks much more.

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