Hey New York, get a load of your new governor - LOL!

Exactly where are these kids going to school because the "good" schools are already overcrowded in many cases?

When Florida had school choice (vouchers as they were incorrectly called) for kids attending "bad" schools (state grade of D or F), they were allowed to attend any school with a grade higher than theirs (grades A-C). The only problem was that all the A-C graded schools were at or exceeded capacity.

The idiots who developed the grading system did such an excellent job, that 2 high schools that US News and World Report ranked as some of the best schools in the country received grades "F".

Dude you ever hear of free enterprise? Eliminate the Department of Education, hand parents of school age children a voucher. End of story
Dude you ever hear of free enterprise? Eliminate the Department of Education, hand parents of school age children a voucher. End of story

You still didn't address the issue. Where are they going to school?

In my city in Florida, there was one high school. When the waiting list equaled the current enrollment, they decided on building another school. It took 10 years to open the doors, and it was filled to overflowing on day one! This is the Catholic Church, not some podunk group of high school drop out Mom's that decide to start a school.
those aren't representative of mandates. fk dude

So if the governor mandates the ending of mask from the government prospective. Yet a business can force employees to wear masks. The hospital can force people who enter the building to wear masks.

Sorry all the governor can do is end mask mandates issued by the state.

Well you can say that it is not an official mandate but a mandate is an order to do something or not to do something. All he said is that the state is not going to require masks. Just like they did before but everyone was not wearing masks.

Business can still require that employees wear masks or hospitals can refuse admission if not wearing a mask.

So what is the Texas governor going to do order business not to force employees to wear masks. Or business cannot make people who enter the business wear masks.
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You still didn't address the issue. Where are they going to school?

In my city in Florida, there was one high school. When the waiting list equaled the current enrollment, they decided on building another school. It took 10 years to open the doors, and it was filled to overflowing on day one! This is the Catholic Church, not some podunk group of high school drop out Mom's that decide to start a school.

Because it's all under the Federal government. Demolish the Fed Dept of Education and let the State manage their own education programs!
Because it's all under the Federal government. Demolish the Fed Dept of Education and let the State manage their own education programs!
Frank, can’t control the kids then! by the way, spent the weekend with my 17 year old grandson and six of his friends, they don’t fall for the fed gov crap! I was very encouraged I must say!
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When will you learn to stop electing democrats?

"Incoming New York Governor Kathy Hochul will mandate masks in schools and might even shut classrooms down again if Delta 'spirals out of control'.

Hochul was speaking on the Today show on Thursday morning when she was asked if she'd enforce masks in schools for kids - a rule that is being debated hotly across the country.

Hochul said she would enforce masks because she thinks it's the only way to ensure schools can open full-time safely, and she wants to end remote learning.

However she couldn't promise that they'd be open for good and said she may make decisions now that 'won't hold in a couple of weeks.'

It raises the question of whether she may also lockdown businesses across the state, as her predecessor did last year before finally lifting all restrictions in the summer as more adults got COVID-19 vaccines."

In other words she is taking common sense in a attempt to at least slow the coronavirus spread. Republicans don'[t care if children get the coronavirus.
When will you learn to stop electing democrats?

"Incoming New York Governor Kathy Hochul will mandate masks in schools and might even shut classrooms down again if Delta 'spirals out of control'.

Hochul was speaking on the Today show on Thursday morning when she was asked if she'd enforce masks in schools for kids - a rule that is being debated hotly across the country.

Hochul said she would enforce masks because she thinks it's the only way to ensure schools can open full-time safely, and she wants to end remote learning.

However she couldn't promise that they'd be open for good and said she may make decisions now that 'won't hold in a couple of weeks.'

It raises the question of whether she may also lockdown businesses across the state, as her predecessor did last year before finally lifting all restrictions in the summer as more adults got COVID-19 vaccines."

yeah, could elect a Republican instead.....

What difference does it make? Rubbish politicians on both sides because the system of electing these people is ancient and not fit for use in the 20th century, let alone the 21st.
Yet Presidential contenders republican governors are quick to say "read my lips" no mask mandate required (from the governors office). Thus drawing a line in that sand which may or may not work out. Time will tell but should a governor choose sides in a health issue. If it goes deep south then they will have to retract that statement or stick with that statement. Or the dreaded "change positions on the topic."

When will they learn, the less said means you can call an audible when needed.
Speak softly and carry a large stick…

Another saying is you say more in silence…
finish your people off yeppers. humanity never did mean much to you all.

You are the one who opposes simple steps to slow the spread of the coronavirus. You are the one who has no regards for others and you want to put our children in danger. Trump and his supporters are the biggest killers in modern US history.
LOL, so now you commie clowns are back to claiming you care about kids. Sure wasn't the case over the last 12-14 months.

You keep accusing others of what you yourself do. You have no regards for kids. Republicans opposed the raising of the childcare tax credit. They oppose helping women with getting childcare givers.

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