Hey! Wake up MSM! Are you truly that stupid?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Hatred of journalists turning to violence, watchdog warns
Hatred of journalists turning to violence, watchdog warns
The report linked President Donald Trump's 'notorious anti-press rhetoric' with 'terrifying harassment' aimed particularly at women and journalists of colour

Well maybe the "press" should remember what their job is... NOT to comment, (that's for the editorial and talking heads to do...share their opinion..) but so called "journalists" are to simply report. Not editorialize. Not withhold or elaborate their reporting but simple report!

Here for example is an editorialized, biased reporting by notoriously biased NYT.
Stossel: Deceitful Bias in <em>The New York Times</em>
I've shown this several times and I guess most of you don't comprehend the distinction.
96,500 results of a search on "Trump anti-immigrant"... again the bias of the MSM which is exemplified by their leaving out the adjective "ILLEGAL"!
Most people that repeat this diatribe seem to forget the following facts:
1) Trump married an immigrant!
2) His grandmother was an immigrant!
3) His son-in-law is Jewish as is his daughter a converted Jewish wife.

So tell me why doesn't the MSM report "Trump anti-illegal immigrants"? Do a search on "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" 610 results versus 96,500!
Now do you skeptics of biased MSM understand why more intelligent, rational people like me find the credibility of the MSM in question?
With nearly 93% of all news articles negative regarding Trump... seriously who should we believe based on this history?
Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study
Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily
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acosta claims he was attacked, and all the rest of 'em stoood up for him. becauae he got into it with trump

this may be more of the same,

the more "news" i hear, the less i believe
Hatred of journalists turning to violence, watchdog warns
Hatred of journalists turning to violence, watchdog warns
The report linked President Donald Trump's 'notorious anti-press rhetoric' with 'terrifying harassment' aimed particularly at women and journalists of colour

Well maybe the "press" should remember what their job is... NOT to comment, (that's for the editorial and talking heads to do...share their opinion..) but so called "journalists" are to simply report. Not editorialize. Not withhold or elaborate their reporting but simple report!

Here for example is an editorialized, biased reporting by notoriously biased NYT.
Stossel: Deceitful Bias in <em>The New York Times</em>
What are you BITCHING about now?!?!??
I've shown this several times and I guess most of you don't comprehend the distinction.
96,500 results of a search on "Trump anti-immigrant"... again the bias of the MSM which is exemplified by their leaving out the adjective "ILLEGAL"!
Most people that repeat this diatribe seem to forget the following facts:
1) Trump married an immigrant!
2) His grandmother was an immigrant!
3) His son-in-law is Jewish as is his daughter a converted Jewish wife.

So tell me why doesn't the MSM report "Trump anti-illegal immigrants"? Do a search on "Trump anti-illegal immigrant" 610 results versus 96,500!
Now do you skeptics of biased MSM understand why more intelligent, rational people like me find the credibility of the MSM in question?
With nearly 93% of all news articles negative regarding Trump... seriously who should we believe based on this history?
Media Trump Hatred Shows In 92% Negative Coverage Of His Presidency: Study
Anti-Trump Media? 92% Of Coverage Of His Presidency Is Negative: Study | Investor's Business Daily
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His grandfather was also an immigrant from Germany.

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