

May 17, 2014
hello, i am a slightly past middle aged man, that truly is what my name implies. i have a number of problems, but nothing causes me more grief than the current state of politics in this nation. it makes me sick to think of all the men and women who have fought for this country, and paid the ultimate price. if they had known then, what was to come, would they have been so willing to do so? i think many would not have been so eager. there was a time, that their service, and sacrifice was honored, and remembered. some of us, still do. but the majority of the "in power", have forgotten their sacrifice and service. some could even care less. it is perfectly clear to me, that the current brood of political baboons, DO NOT HAVE THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY IN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS. i am not certain exactly where their loyalty falls, but it is NOT with the United States of America, The Constitution, or its people. it is my belief that they have either chosen to forget, or to totally ignore their pledge, of DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION that they SWORE TO DO when they took office. it is also my belief, that if a panel of patriots were assembled, and the members of congress, the senate, and the presidency were reviewed. there would be MANY indictments of everything from dereliction of duty, corruption, embezzlement, to downright treason handed down. if the strictest definition of treason were held, i think there would be more boots swinging, than sitting at desks.
Hello, Sick...


Welcome to the USMB..:)
Welcome to USMB sick.

I've been there, back again and I don't expect the third time to be a charm. :)
why just the current? i dont remember bush or clinton being any better to the vets......am i the only one in here who watched born on the 4th of july......seems we are all proud and bullshit to send young people off to war....but have no clue what to do when they come back...needing medical, psych and jobs....i did see where fayetteville is asking for a voluntary ptds rooster and then they will run silent sirens on that call.....but its too little way too late....
hello, i am a slightly past middle aged man, that truly is what my name implies. i have a number of problems, but nothing causes me more grief than the current state of politics in this nation. it makes me sick to think of all the men and women who have fought for this country, and paid the ultimate price. if they had known then, what was to come, would they have been so willing to do so? i think many would not have been so eager. there was a time, that their service, and sacrifice was honored, and remembered. some of us, still do. but the majority of the "in power", have forgotten their sacrifice and service. some could even care less. it is perfectly clear to me, that the current brood of political baboons, DO NOT HAVE THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY IN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS. i am not certain exactly where their loyalty falls, but it is NOT with the United States of America, The Constitution, or its people. it is my belief that they have either chosen to forget, or to totally ignore their pledge, of DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION that they SWORE TO DO when they took office. it is also my belief, that if a panel of patriots were assembled, and the members of congress, the senate, and the presidency were reviewed. there would be MANY indictments of everything from dereliction of duty, corruption, embezzlement, to downright treason handed down. if the strictest definition of treason were held, i think there would be more boots swinging, than sitting at desks.

I think you and i and a number of American Patriots here at USMB will look forward to the final Benghazi hearings led by trey Gowdy.

Can't wait for him to get them to tell the truth!

This following statement by Judge Pirro brought me to tears.

What do you think of it?
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hello, i am a slightly past middle aged man, that truly is what my name implies. i have a number of problems, but nothing causes me more grief than the current state of politics in this nation. it makes me sick to think of all the men and women who have fought for this country, and paid the ultimate price. if they had known then, what was to come, would they have been so willing to do so? i think many would not have been so eager. there was a time, that their service, and sacrifice was honored, and remembered. some of us, still do. but the majority of the "in power", have forgotten their sacrifice and service. some could even care less. it is perfectly clear to me, that the current brood of political baboons, DO NOT HAVE THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY IN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS. i am not certain exactly where their loyalty falls, but it is NOT with the United States of America, The Constitution, or its people. it is my belief that they have either chosen to forget, or to totally ignore their pledge, of DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION that they SWORE TO DO when they took office. it is also my belief, that if a panel of patriots were assembled, and the members of congress, the senate, and the presidency were reviewed. there would be MANY indictments of everything from dereliction of duty, corruption, embezzlement, to downright treason handed down. if the strictest definition of treason were held, i think there would be more boots swinging, than sitting at desks.

Don't you realize that to these people LOYALTY is form of mental illness?

They want YOU to be loyal to them, but that is a one way street.
hello, i am a slightly past middle aged man, that truly is what my name implies. i have a number of problems, but nothing causes me more grief than the current state of politics in this nation. it makes me sick to think of all the men and women who have fought for this country, and paid the ultimate price. if they had known then, what was to come, would they have been so willing to do so? i think many would not have been so eager. there was a time, that their service, and sacrifice was honored, and remembered. some of us, still do. but the majority of the "in power", have forgotten their sacrifice and service. some could even care less. it is perfectly clear to me, that the current brood of political baboons, DO NOT HAVE THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY IN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS. i am not certain exactly where their loyalty falls, but it is NOT with the United States of America, The Constitution, or its people. it is my belief that they have either chosen to forget, or to totally ignore their pledge, of DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION that they SWORE TO DO when they took office. it is also my belief, that if a panel of patriots were assembled, and the members of congress, the senate, and the presidency were reviewed. there would be MANY indictments of everything from dereliction of duty, corruption, embezzlement, to downright treason handed down. if the strictest definition of treason were held, i think there would be more boots swinging, than sitting at desks.
Hey. I'm brand new too. Agree with a lot of your worries, but what's left to do? Our politicritters are sociopaths and megalomaniacs. Always have been. Now they just ain't bashful about it no more. We should have kept them all in cages, because now all they want to do is cage us. Eff 'em all.

Don't think adding patriots into the mix will do much good either. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
hello, i am a slightly past middle aged man, that truly is what my name implies. i have a number of problems, but nothing causes me more grief than the current state of politics in this nation. it makes me sick to think of all the men and women who have fought for this country, and paid the ultimate price. if they had known then, what was to come, would they have been so willing to do so? i think many would not have been so eager. there was a time, that their service, and sacrifice was honored, and remembered. some of us, still do. but the majority of the "in power", have forgotten their sacrifice and service. some could even care less. it is perfectly clear to me, that the current brood of political baboons, DO NOT HAVE THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY IN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS. i am not certain exactly where their loyalty falls, but it is NOT with the United States of America, The Constitution, or its people. it is my belief that they have either chosen to forget, or to totally ignore their pledge, of DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION that they SWORE TO DO when they took office. it is also my belief, that if a panel of patriots were assembled, and the members of congress, the senate, and the presidency were reviewed. there would be MANY indictments of everything from dereliction of duty, corruption, embezzlement, to downright treason handed down. if the strictest definition of treason were held, i think there would be more boots swinging, than sitting at desks.

Hello sick,

I understand your frustrations, but don't wish to get into them, in your introduction. I would rather offer you a sincere greeting and I know you will find some good forums and interesting posters with whom to share your feelings, at USMB. If you would like to checkout the Rules and Regulations, I would be happy to post a link to them here, for you, and others who are joining. :) Just let me know, please.

Hey. I'm brand new too. Agree with a lot of your worries, but what's left to do? Our politicritters are sociopaths and megalomaniacs. Always have been. Now they just ain't bashful about it no more. We should have kept them all in cages, because now all they want to do is cage us. Eff 'em all.

Don't think adding patriots into the mix will do much good either. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Welcome, AltamontRules.

Another interesting intro post. There are lots of forums where you'll feel right at home. The intro threads aren't so good for discussing politics.
hello, i am a slightly past middle aged man, that truly is what my name implies. i have a number of problems, but nothing causes me more grief than the current state of politics in this nation. it makes me sick to think of all the men and women who have fought for this country, and paid the ultimate price. if they had known then, what was to come, would they have been so willing to do so? i think many would not have been so eager. there was a time, that their service, and sacrifice was honored, and remembered. some of us, still do. but the majority of the "in power", have forgotten their sacrifice and service. some could even care less. it is perfectly clear to me, that the current brood of political baboons, DO NOT HAVE THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY IN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS. i am not certain exactly where their loyalty falls, but it is NOT with the United States of America, The Constitution, or its people. it is my belief that they have either chosen to forget, or to totally ignore their pledge, of DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION that they SWORE TO DO when they took office. it is also my belief, that if a panel of patriots were assembled, and the members of congress, the senate, and the presidency were reviewed. there would be MANY indictments of everything from dereliction of duty, corruption, embezzlement, to downright treason handed down. if the strictest definition of treason were held, i think there would be more boots swinging, than sitting at desks.
we have to realize we are the only ones who can change it. and we can't change it divided. the only way we can ever regain control of our government it to put aside our differences and work together. Focus has to be put back on the real issues. One of the key isssues is government works for us, we do not serve them. That is the first dynamic we have to reground. Then we nned to focus on jobs and the economy, real education reform. it is not acceptable that any student leaves school uneducated or untrained. True healthcare reform, reaafirmation of idividuals rights as stated by the constitution, not what some modern day politicican has legislated through an agenda. We have to accept the fact that we can not force our way on others whether it is speech, religion, sexual preference, abortion, gun rights, civil rights or any rights. partisanship doesn't work. Compromise is necessary. still there is no reason any of our rights should be compromised.
hello, i am a slightly past middle aged man, that truly is what my name implies. i have a number of problems, but nothing causes me more grief than the current state of politics in this nation. it makes me sick to think of all the men and women who have fought for this country, and paid the ultimate price. if they had known then, what was to come, would they have been so willing to do so? i think many would not have been so eager. there was a time, that their service, and sacrifice was honored, and remembered. some of us, still do. but the majority of the "in power", have forgotten their sacrifice and service. some could even care less. it is perfectly clear to me, that the current brood of political baboons, DO NOT HAVE THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY IN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS. i am not certain exactly where their loyalty falls, but it is NOT with the United States of America, The Constitution, or its people. it is my belief that they have either chosen to forget, or to totally ignore their pledge, of DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION that they SWORE TO DO when they took office. it is also my belief, that if a panel of patriots were assembled, and the members of congress, the senate, and the presidency were reviewed. there would be MANY indictments of everything from dereliction of duty, corruption, embezzlement, to downright treason handed down. if the strictest definition of treason were held, i think there would be more boots swinging, than sitting at desks.

nice rant
hello, i am a slightly past middle aged man, that truly is what my name implies. i have a number of problems, but nothing causes me more grief than the current state of politics in this nation. it makes me sick to think of all the men and women who have fought for this country, and paid the ultimate price. if they had known then, what was to come, would they have been so willing to do so? i think many would not have been so eager. there was a time, that their service, and sacrifice was honored, and remembered. some of us, still do. but the majority of the "in power", have forgotten their sacrifice and service. some could even care less. it is perfectly clear to me, that the current brood of political baboons, DO NOT HAVE THE WELL BEING OF THIS COUNTRY IN THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS. i am not certain exactly where their loyalty falls, but it is NOT with the United States of America, The Constitution, or its people. it is my belief that they have either chosen to forget, or to totally ignore their pledge, of DEFENDING THE CONSTITUTION that they SWORE TO DO when they took office. it is also my belief, that if a panel of patriots were assembled, and the members of congress, the senate, and the presidency were reviewed. there would be MANY indictments of everything from dereliction of duty, corruption, embezzlement, to downright treason handed down. if the strictest definition of treason were held, i think there would be more boots swinging, than sitting at desks.

nice rant


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