Hezbollah joining cartels in Mexico’s wars


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The Mexican Drug War has killed an estimated 60,000 people since 2006, but the violence has stayed out of the minds of most US citizens. That is about to change as Islamic extremist groups setting up shop in Mexico.

The House Committee on Homeland Security released a November 2012 report that reveals Islamic terror organizations and networks are indeed exploiting profits from narcotics, and the ease of weapons attainment, and the vast technological abilities of Mexican and other southern cartels that are thriving in Mexico’s lawlessness, along with other southern regions. The report, titled A Line In The Sand: Countering Crime, Violence, and Terror at the Southwest Border, details the growing involvement of Iran and Hezbollah in Mexico and other countries south of the southern US border.

Read more @ Hezbollah Joining Cartels in Mexico's War

I have it from a very SAAVVY----mexican neighbor---that islamic terrorist
groups have been missionizing in Mexico for years------years ago I noticed
in my highly limited spanish----stuff that seemed to be islamic flirting in
the newspaper El Diario----- as to drug trade----heroin is a bit al queda revenue builder-----or so I have been told
Hezbollah is a real threat to the US, their extensive expertise on tunneling is similar to that running under the Gaza/Egypt border, which among other things brings weapons into Gaza.

In the case of the US/Mexico border there is a possibility for the potential not only of getting drugs into the country but more importantly to bring weapons of mass destruction such as sarin gas and other chemical agents

Another consequence of this infiltration by Hezbollah is the conversion of many uneducated Mexicans who feel oppressed, to Islam.

Hope American Intelligence and Homeland Security are taking this more seriously now.

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